The Misinformed Who Kneel On Our Flag

Editor’s Note: I wish to make a distinction that is in this article. I believe in the ideal that Black Lives Matter “Too”. We are all the same in Gods’ eyes and we all matter and should all treat each other accordingly. However, I DO NOT agree with Black Lives Matter the “Organization” as they are not what they claim to be as you  will learn from reading this  article and therefore I will be distinct in referring to this group as The Organization of Black Lives Matter.       

With the mess that is going on in Our Nation right now it upsets me that people are expressing such hate and violence all while being defended in the name of Social Justice by our mainstream media. This is wrong and needs to stop at all levels. Personally, I have always displayed the American Flag and the Thin Blue Line Flag that honors our fallen Police Officers. Three times I have had my flags taken down, most notably this past Memorial Day when they were taken down and thrown in the mud. Unfortunately, we are stuck in a nation right now where if you disagree you deserve the violence and hate that is directed to you from the left. You must conform or you will be ostracized from your community, sometimes by your co-workers and sadly sometimes by family and friends.

Earlier this month I read what NFL Quarterback Drew Brees said in an interview and I was so happy to see someone stand up and express his feelings. He said “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country, when the anthem is played, I think about the risks both of my grandfather’s took while serving in the military during World War II. I think about all that has been sacrificed, not just those in the military, but for that matter, those throughout the Civil Rights Movement of the ’60s and all that has been endured by so many people until this point. Is everything right with our country right now? No, it’s not. We still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart, is it shows unity. It shows that we are all in this together, we can all do better, and we are all part of the solution.” 

It was well spoken, and I was glad he said it because it is how I feel. Sadly, his teammates, fellow NFL Players and the leftist populace pressured him into recanting and apologize for his feelings. Apologize for your own feelings? I have always believed that feelings are sacred to a person and are unique and are not be questioned as those deep thought feelings are based on our own personal experiences and how we perceive things.  Drew Brees is a class act on and off the field, he was sharing how the National Anthem makes him feel and the respect he has for those who fought for it, which happened to be people that were close to him. Somehow that was wrong? Maybe in a world where everyone must conform and not be able to think for themselves or maybe in today’s Social Justice Society of seeing things from the ultra-lefts’ point of view or no way at all.

Colin Kaepernick started this whole movement of kneeling on and disrespecting Our Flag claiming it was for Police Brutality. That is completely and utterly false, either that or he is completely and utterly ignorant and here is why.

Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of The Organization of Black Lives Matter proudly admitted during one of her blogs on 6/19/20 that she is a radical, anti-white Marxist. She Said “We actually do have an ideological frame, myself and Alicia Garza (Co-founders of Black Lives Matter) are particularly trained organizers — we are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories…”

On the Organization of Black Lives Matters’ website, they have a goal to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement” Say Again? A family that has a stable Father and Mother as its core nucleus is something they wish to disrupt? It is a fact that children do better when they have not only a Father figure but have a sense of family.  Even MSNBC Host – Ultra- liberal Don Lemon was quoted in 2013 that, “Black people, if you really want to fix the problem of violence within the black community … More than 72 percent of children in the African American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues.” The BLM Organization treats it as if Black Fathers Don’t Matter.

Their goals are also to defund the police which is exactly what you must do to put the anti-white Marxist system in place. I find that the words that Cullors said in her blog is an antithesis of what is written on the BLM Organizations website where it states “We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people. We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.”

Action speaks louder than words and that is not what the Organization of Black Lives Matter is about as they have joined forces with Antifa. We have all seen the news. The violence, the burning of businesses, the throwing of bricks the looting and even cold-blooded murder of cops and innocent bystanders. But that is what The Organization of Black Lives Matter embraces. According to Cullors as seen in her YouTube Video telling her audience that they do a chant at the end of “all of their meetings…. Being it shutting down a mall or closing a freeway…. This is from our Beloved Assata Shakur who is #1 on the FBI’s America’s Most Wanted List, who is a powerful leader that has inspired us.”

Who is their Beloved Assata Shakur? She was once part of the Black Panther movement in the 1970’s and later joined the Black Liberation Army. In May 1973, Shakur was arrested after being wounded in a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike as a suspect to an armed robbery of a bank. During the shootout she murdered New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster age 34. She was found guilty for First Degree murder, but in 1979 The BLA helped her escape from prison. She then fled to Cuba where Fidel Castro granted her asylum and now, we have the Organization of Black Lives Matter idolizing a cop killer at every meeting they have.

Don’t be fooled -The Organization of Black Live Matter IS NOT a peaceful movement. But it is a very political if not an anarchist movement.

On June 19th, 2020, Cullors appeared on CNN and admitted to Jake Tapper that “Trump needs to be out of office. He is not fit for office. And so, what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out. While we’re also going to continue to push and pressure Vice President Joe Biden around his policies and relationship to policing and criminalization. That’s going to be important. But our goal is to get Trump out.

If you don’t believe that the Organization of Black Lives Matter is political all you have to do is go to their website and click on the “Donate” button and you will be directed to ActBlue. ActBlue is a 501c Charity that is “managing” the expenditures of the Black Lives Matter Organization. However, the largest part of their funds goes toward Democratic Presidential campaigns and the DNC specifically, in essence they are illegally laundering money internationally to fund the DNC and Democrats to the tune of three quarters of a billion dollars to the past Democratic Primary hopeful candidates with Bernie Sanders receiving 186 million and Joe Biden nearly 120 million dollars.

Chaziel Sunz also has input of the money being exchanged in the Black Lives Matters Organization. Chaziel Sunz was a former member of the Organization of Black Lives Matter who was involved in organizing the Ferguson protests of 2014. In 2017, Sunz posted a video explaining how he discovered that his movement was infiltrated by people who sought to push the Organization of OBLM  members towards a specific, extremist ideology. He states “If you have any kind of brain you know that OBLM has been endorsed by the Soros and the Clinton family. If you have any kind of brain you know that those same people don’t give a damn about you, don’t give a damn about black people. They are exploiting the black plight to make money off you. They’re using your emotions and based off what has happened to you and they’re using that against you so you can join these evil demonic people to help fight people on the far Right… I want to make this simple. The Left is going against the Right. It’s a huge civil war that is being planned out. I want to make this simple. It’s happening right now and what they want is for everybody to choose a side, consciously or subconsciously.

Chaziel Sunz cannot be taken lightly because Patrisse Cullors, was trained by her personal mentor, Eric Mann. Some may recall that Eric Mann was a member of radical-left militant groups: Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground, which bombed government buildings and Police Stations in the 1960s and 1970s with the goal of overthrowing the government. She spent years training in political organizing and absorbing the radical Marxist-Leninist ideology which shaped her worldview and helped her grow as a leader.

And now back to Colin Kaepernick and kneeling on the flag. It is not about Social Justice. It is about the same violence the Organization of Black Lives Matter is preaching. After 5 Police were brutally murdered in Dallas by Micah Johnson in July 2016, rioters in the area were heard chanting “Pigs in a blanket! Fry-em’ like bacon!” Not much compassion was shown by Kaepernick either as a few days later he chose to wear Pig Socks during football practice that depicted a cartoon pig wearing a police hat which ESPN did a whole segment on. The NFL Commissioner was also just as classless as the Dallas Cowboys were denied the right to honor the fallen Police Officers and Kaepernick was not reprimanded for act of callous behavior.  Later that week in a press conference trying to explain what he called the “systematic oppression” of minorities in the United States and saying he wanted “freedom for all people,” this now ex-NFL player put on a T-shirt that featured a supportive image of one of the 20th century’s most enduring oppressors – Fidel Castro, a the dictator of Cuba who has committed more human rights violations in his life than any other living person in North or South America. A man responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people of all races and the one that also gave political asylum to the “beloved” Assata Shakur.

The Organization of Black Lives Matter is a sham. They are telling you one thing but acting another way. If they really cared about their own race as they claim, then where is the outrage in Chicago or other Democrat controlled Cities? This past Father’s Day Weekend the shooting totals in Chicago eclipsed the century mark at 102 shootings, including 14 fatalities, five children were among the dead—the youngest victim was 3. The Mainstream Media chose not to cover this exceptional high rate of violence nor do they seem to cover the high rate of Black on Black murders that occur. In 2019 there were over 7,400 Black on Black Murders and 19 killings of unarmed white men by cops versus 9 unarmed Black men killed by cops. What about the exceptional amount of money that people, and major corporations are donating for “Social Justice” when it is going to the Democrat Party? If they truly cared, then it should be going to help Black Families.

The Organization of Black Lives Matter is seeking to transform America by defunding the police, dismantling capitalism, destroying the patriarchy, breaking down the nuclear family unit, emptying prisons, redistributing wealth in the form of reparations among other far left objectives. The Organization of Black Lives Matter has joined efforts with Antifa rioters and have destroyed small businesses, targeted churches and burned buildings to the ground. Their goal is to bring chaos where there is order, fan the flames of class warfare and demonize Christians and Conservatives. They are trying to do what Eric Mann could not do with the Weather Underground and overthrow the government and now his Protégé is leading the charge.

I agree with Vice President Mike Pence when on June 19th he said, “And in this nation, especially on Juneteenth, we celebrate the fact that from the founding of this nation we’ve cherished the ideal that all, all of us are created equal, and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. And so, all lives matter in a very real sense.”

For all those people and now various Sport leagues who wish to kneel on and dis-respect Our Flag, Shame on you. You have not looked at the facts but have fallen in line with the hype of the mainstream media and what Democratic leaders are pushing for their narrative. You are not only kneeling on this flag, but you are supporting the anarchy, the riots and the goal of The Organization of Black Lives Matter to destroy our freedoms and turn this into a Marxist country all in the ruse of “equality”.

A True American sees 3 colors – Red, White and Blue. ALL LIVES MATTER! Blacks, Whites, Asians and Hispanics have all fought for our country and defended Our Flag over the centuries. We need to keep fighting for it and not to destroy it.

In closing I will repeat what Drew Brees said earlier “We still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart, is it shows unity. It shows that we are all in this together, we can all do better, and we are all part of the solution.”

Unity = Freedom