I read many, many articles a day to try to keep up to speed with what is going on in Our Nation. Occasionally, I see an article that has me shaking my head in agreement, and this is one of them. I will share this article in its’ entirety from “FreedomWire”

Written by Sean Robertson | original post on Aug 11, 2020

Here’s the truth…

Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with saving actual black lives, but it has everything to do with pushing a Leftist political agenda—end of story.

Their explanation is that BLM is about police brutality, not about violence in black communities.

Well, if that’s the case, then they need to change the name of their movement—because if they’re going to run with what they’ve got now, they should probably be more specific about the black lives that matter to them.

It’s obvious that ALL black lives don’t matter to BLM…

If they did, the organization would be doing EVERYTHING it could to combat the increasing violence that’s been surging in Chicago, a city in which more young black men die every two weeks than are killed by police in a year.

Now, we get it…

Even one death is too many when it comes to the institution tasked with protecting our society – but life, like people, isn’t perfect. Accidents do happen, and yes, that includes the accident of hiring BAD people to do the job of community policing.

However, that does NOT excuse the movement’s utter disregard for the number of black lives lost to street violence in Chicago, including those of toddlers and children.

Which Black Lives Matter?

Last weekend, 40 people were shot in Chicago…


Four of them were fatal. But with all that violence going on, where was BLM? Nowhere to be seen…

That is, until the police were involved in a shooting with an armed suspect who fired his weapon at them first…

He was shot, sustaining non-fatal wounds, and was then arrested.

However, even though gun violence is running rampant through the city, BLM didn’t show up until this one JUSTIFIED incident of the police doing their job.

After the rumors spread of the police shooting a child instead of an armed suspect—rumors that were completely unfounded—Chicago exploded in riots and looting

That’s when BLM showed up—but they weren’t there to stop the violent and ILLEGAL protesting but rather to JUSTIFY the actions of the looters. All told, 13 police officers were injured and an estimated $65 million in property damage was committed.

How did BLM justify it?

By trying desperately to explain that looting was a form of “reparations” for slavery and systemic racism.

Don’t worry: if you’re scratching your head and trying to do the mental gymnastics see how that “logic” makes sense, you’re not alone. Nobody else seems to be able to make that connection either…

But again, don’t worry: BLM organizer Ariel Atkins is going to give it the old college try.

“Looting Is Reparations!”

She said, “I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats… that makes sure that person has clothes.”

In summary: Theft = reparations.

Well, on that, at least, we agree. The Left continues to push this ridiculous idea of reparations in order to secure (or BUY) the black vote, and the Right can FULLY agree that reparations are theft.

None of my family members owned slaves…

In fact, my family didn’t even get here till the 1900s—so why should MY tax dollars go to reparations when my bloodline didn’t even begin in America till the 1920s?

Atkins continued, “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”


The businesses have insurance, but each claim they have to make drives up the cost of that insurance. For some businesses, that price is unaffordable and could force them to shut their doors forever.

But we can go further…

Many homeowners have insurance too. Does that insurance mean that people can walk in and rob them with impunity?

Where does it stop?

I have life insurance…

Does that mean somebody can kill me because my family will be compensated monetarily?

It’s ridiculous and disgusting…

And goes to show that the protests aren’t about black lives at all, but rather about greed and opportunity.

But hey…

Chicago just voted to defund their police department and get rid of 100 law enforcement officers, so that should help tremendously, right?

By the way, to any Leftist or Liberal reading this, that’s called “sarcasm”… you probably wouldn’t get it.