Universal Basic Income and Social Loafing

I saw a disturbing poll the other day. It was a poll performed by VOCA that was taken among Californians regarding Universal Basic Income. The following definition was given as part of VOCA’s poll:

Universal basic income (UBI) is a form of government assistance where recipients get money directly from the government each month with no rules about how they spend it. Last week Gov. Newsom proposed $35 million that would fund a 5-year initiative to pilot local UBI programs across CA. If approved, selected low-income Californians would receive monthly checks (usually $500-$1000) from their participating city or county government. The State would then study the impacts of UBI on health, employment and other elements of well-being and societal impact to determine if UBI programs should be modified, expanded, or discontinued.

The question in the poll was asked as such:

What is your opinion of a Universal Basic Income pilot program for low-income Californians?

At the time of this post there were 9,454 responses that were broken down as follows:

53,434 strongly support (36.3%)

41,331 support (14.1%)

3654 neutral (6.9%)

2737 oppose (7.8%)

13,298 strongly oppose (34.9%)

This is disturbing that more people support UBI rather than oppose it. We have already seen the impact of the higher unemployment numbers we have had on our workforce. People want to stay home rather than work as we have a 6.1% unemployment rate and over 8 million job openings. The government is instigating a mass form of the psychological term known as “Social Loafing” which is a tendency of one to put in less effort to be in a mindset of thinking, “Why should I put in all my energy when I can manage with lesser?”

This follows the Democrat plan to further divide our country. They want to take away from those who are willing to work hard and to work with integrity and give to those who wish to not put in the effort and while falling into the entitlement trap. This is a typical socialist tactic, make one envious of what others have to instigate hatred.

Matthew McConaughey said it best in one of his motivational speeches “Why Don’t They Teach This In Every School”

Life is not easy. It is not. Don’t try to make it that way. Life is not fair. It never was. It isn’t now and it won’t ever be… Don’t fall into the entitlement trap of feeling like you are a victim. You are not. Get over it. Get on with it… There is a responsibility to freedom and there is freedom in responsibility and to earn your way there. We remember what we learn rather than what we get for free.”

We must always remember; we are the land of equal opportunity not equal outcome.