Quote of the Month – Donald Trump

“The worst things in history have happened when people stop thinking for themselves, especially when they allow themselves to be influenced by negative people. That’s what gives rise to dictators. Avoid that at all costs. Stop it first on a personal level, and you will have contributed to world sanity as well as your own.” – Donald Trump

Propaganda or “Fake News” as President Trump referred to it is so pervasive in our culture; we have trouble discerning what information is real and what is not. It has become increasingly difficult to tell the truth from the lies.

Why is that?

Psychologist Tom Stafford wrote about the “illusion of truth” A method by which propagandists can get people to believe in lies. He explains a “typical experiment” that tests this theory. It involves telling participants true and untrue things in one session and repeating it an hour or even weeks later. It found that participants were more likely to believe what they have been told the second time. Repetition is a shortcut people use in order to quickly process information and evaluate it. However, if someone has absolute knowledge that something is a fact or fiction, repetition will not necessarily work to make that person believe the lie.

We need to stand up a question the things we hear, do our research, and think for ourselves.

Quote of the Month – Albert Einstein

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein

This past week New York Mayor Bill de Blasio came out condemning New York Governor Andrew Cuomo after seven women have come out with sexual misconduct allegations as well as the infamous COVID 19 Death Cover Up where his policies sent infected patients into Senior Centers to be housed. Thousands died because of his policies.

What took you so long Mayor de Blasio?

Were you reveling in the fact that Governor Cuomo received an Emmy for the way he handled the Pandemic? Were you relishing in the myth that the media pushed upon us that Governor Cuomo was handling everything perfectly and President Trump was screwing everything up? Or maybe you were reading Cuomo’s self-congratulatory New York Times best seller book “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID 19 Pandemic”?

What took the media so long?

The news came out on March 25th 2020 about Governor Cuomo ordering people with COVID 19 into rest homes. The webpage that once contained the March orders from the governor’s office about nursing homes being required to take in recent COVID patients has mysteriously vanished.! On March 30, as COVID-19 cases and deaths piled up across the Empire State, and the USS Comfort sat in the New York Harbor with less than 20 % capacity. This is old news if you were actually paying attention and not listening to the Mainstream Media.

This was almost one year ago.

It is simple, the Democrats and Mainstream Media were willing to do anything to say they were right, and President Trump was wrong. Even partaking in covering up the actual numbers of COVID 19 deaths in order to make Governor Cuomo look good. It makes me wonder of the thousands of people that he sent to the senior home and how it proportionally increased the spread of the virus from person to person to person – How many deaths is he responsible for? Now almost a year later he is being criticized.

This is shameful. Mayor de Blasio is gunning for his job and nothing more. He is not trying to do the morally right thing, otherwise he would have been criticizing him a year ago. He looks at it as an opportunity for self-promotion and the media is right there with him.

These are truly evil people.

Quote of the Month – President Trump

In President Trump’s heartfelt Farewell Speech, he stated, “A Nation is only as strong as it’s Spirit.”

We need to remember that as we are all feeling dejected and somewhat hopeless in the way that our nation was stolen from us: it was calculated, well planned and unfortunately, successful. Now we are having our hands tied behind our back, as our free speech is being stripped away for simply disagreeing with the leftist mentality.

We need to remember our Spirit and remember how 75 million people came together to “Make America Great Again” We need to keep working to take back our freedom.

“The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance”, John Philpot Curran

Quote of the Month – George Orwell

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices.” – George Orwell

This months’ quote is very fitting with the election still in contention. The Mainstream Media is ignoring the mass amounts of voter fraud that took place and along with the Democrats they are acting like the election was won fair and square. In reality, it was the most corrupt election in American History with hundreds of affidavits signed with penalty of perjury calling out thousands upon thousands of instances of voter fraud.

On election day, the majority the of people who voted for Joe Biden in the presidential election were casting a vote against President Donald Trump rather than supporting the Democratic candidate. 54% of Biden voters didn’t like their candidate.

These 54% of the people who voted for Joe Biden because of their hatred for President Trump, they are the accomplices that George Orwell is talking about.

For more information on voter fraud please see my previous articles, “Stealing Our Nation” and “Our Corrupt Election”

Quote of the Month – Winston Churchill

“All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words : Freedom, Justice, Honor, Duty, Mercy, Hope.”

This month’s quote is very fitting with the upcoming election. These are the things we are fighting for. If the Democrats win, we will lose freedom in many ways: higher taxes, our second amendment and the freedom to choose our healthcare to name a few. Justice is already being lost with the rioting and looting being conducted on a daily basis and the people doing these heinous acts have more rights than the honest citizen trying to defend their own property. Honor? Where is the honor in defending the rioters and looters and the “Peaceful Protests?” Mercy? Was retired Police Officer David Dorn shown mercy when rioters executed him live on Facebook?

Hope – That is why we are voting Conservative – so we can have all those great things back!

Quote of the Month – John F. Kennedy

 “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.”

This month’s quote is very fitting with the turmoil we are witnessing on a daily basis. The Democratic Convention was filled with nothing but blame and hatred for our President. Here is a simple life lesson – You will NEVER fix a problem by blaming someone else. Problems are fixed by finding a solution and working diligently to fix it.

Martin Luther King Quote

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate…Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

The people who support the rioting and the looting of The Organization of Black Lives Matter and Antifa need to take a lesson from Martin Luther King. We will never achieve “Social Justice” in the way they are destroying our cities one by one.