Ignoring US Citizens

What a fiasco the first 60 days of the Biden era it has been. Constant Executive orders to undo “everything Trump” all the while stealing the credit for the vaccine. Joe Biden is a disgrace; all you have to do is watch about 3 minutes of his Press Conference held on Thursday to see him using flash cards for statistics and calling on reporters that submitted pre-screened questions. He could not even answer those questions coherently.

He is making “America Last” with his policies.

The United States is a country with a serious homelessness problem. We fail miserably when it comes to caring for those who cannot care for themselves. According to HUD there are about 553,000 homeless people in the U.S. in which case over 40,000 of the homeless are US Veterans.

With over 6,000 illegal immigrants coming in a day, thanks to Biden’s policy to make America last, we have to wonder: Where do these people go? How are they going to be taken care of?

Remember the COVID Relief bill that got passed? Yes, the one that gave a measly 9% of the 1.9 trillion dollars to actual US citizens to help in the form of stimulus checks. It also gives $86 million to the Texas nonprofit outfit Endeavors, to house 1,200 migrants in hotel rooms for 6 months. If my math is correct, that’s OVER 70k per migrant in just 6 months! But remember, Biden’s $1400 stimulus checks were ‘generous’.

Why not use that money to shelter Americans who are homeless and to our veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice and now have no place to live?

Maybe Biden would if he actually cared about the American people instead of the power he has in building the Leftist voter base by 6,000 illegal immigrants a day.

The Biden administration must do something, as now there are leaked photos emerging of how bad the living conditions are in the – dare I say cages?

But Biden falsely blames President Trump because he failed to build facilities to house the illegal immigrants. Say what? Oh, that’s right President Trump was too busy fulfilling his promise to the American people – to build a wall, secure the border and put America FIRST! Not expand facilities for illegal immigrants!

Border Patrol agents on the front lines are getting so frustrated that they are now risking their livelihoods to reveal what is really going on at the holding areas.

The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant. There are up to 80 individuals that are squeezed into each 24- by 30-foot cell, and there are not enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms.

“Any diseases that are in there, it’s being kept in there, like a petri dish. The smell is overwhelming,” a Border Patrol agent said, describing the conditions in a facility in south Texas.

Shame on you Mr. Biden. The American people deserve so much better.

One thought on “Ignoring US Citizens”

  1. What is happening at the border is a disgrace! Every one of those democrats in office should be held responsible for what is happening!

    I strongly agree with you on all points, but if I remember correctly President Trump did expand the facility but not big enough to house Biden’s fiasco.

    I’m sharing this on FB, we will see if it gets taken down.

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