Finally! A Sports Athlete Speaks the Truth!

I have always admired retired Defensive Tackle Marcellus Wiley and NFL Pro Bowl player who was mostly known for his playing time with the Buffalo Bills and San Diego Chargers. He has just gained a ton of respect from me. He speaks the truth and he actually does his homework! He is a retired sports athlete that actually took the time to read about the Mission Statement of the Organization of Black Lives Matter, and – to put it lightly – he called their bluff. I have written about the same points he makes in an earlier post of mine, “The Misinformed Who Kneel On Our Flag”.

Thank you, Mr. Wiley if only people had the cojones to educate themselves, make up their own minds for themselves and speak their mind without fear of retribution. Check out Marcellus when did a segment on this on his show “Speak For Yourself” And speak for himself he did!