A Dangerous Path

The Constitution is key to upholding the values of our Country. Some people do not realize that our Country is a Republic, nor do they understand what the difference between a Democracy and a Republic truly is. To confuse matters, one only needs to tune in to CNN or MSNBC to hear the commentators refer to our country as a Democracy, but that is the narrative to coerce people to believe we are a Democracy. We are not – We are a Republic- Just like it states in our “Pledge of Allegiance”.

But what is the difference between a Democracy and a Republic? 

In a Democratic or Republican system, there is a form of majority rule. By definition, a Democracy provides arbitrary power to governments, giving them the prerogative to do anything as long as “it’s what the people want”. The 51% rules over the 49% and has total control. In a Democracy there are no structures or laws that are in place to protect individual rights and the freedoms of their citizens. For instance, if you have 10 people who decide to have a vote on whether to take someone’s car, you only have to have 6 of 10 people agree to take it. It does not matter that this is stealing because Democracies are based on majority or “Mob Rule”. Despite that this is morally wrong to steal this car, it is what the majority wanted. This behavior will eventually lead to chaos. In a free society, this is unacceptable because there is no law that is followed to designate what is right from wrong.

Republican governments operate by electing officers who represent the interests of the people who are supposed to have more knowledge about politics than the average person. For example, when we hire an Attorney or an Accountant, we do so because they have experience in their fields, and we are trusting that they are looking out for us. The ‘intent’ is that politicians are trustees of the citizenry and looking out for our best interest as well.

Unfortunately, we are witnessing our country being run like a Democracy with the stream of Executive Orders from Joe Biden along with the Senate being split 50/50. Put simply, an Executive Order is a type of written instruction that presidents use to work their will through the Executive Branch of government. It essentially has the same effect as federal laws, but with the ability of bypassing Congress. Its’ original purpose was to assert Presidential War Powers and uphold laws and the Constitution, not to undo policies already put in place by previous Presidents like we are seeing it being abused today. A great example for how it is supposed to be used is when President George W. Bush issued an Executive Order combining over 40 federal law enforcement agencies and creating the Department of Homeland Security soon after the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Joe Biden is not doing what he promised to do during his election. He claimed to be a moderate, but he lied to the American People. His actions within 60 days of being in office were the direct opposite of his promises that he made during his campaign. He is abusing his power to undo many of the policies that gave us financial independence, lower taxes, free trade, and a secure border in order to implement and fund his own radical policies. For example, his Executive Order that halted the work on the Keystone Pipeline has caused gasoline prices to increase 18% and rising . This is key to further the agenda of the Left with the “Green New Deal” in order to force Americans into using electric cars.

There is a way around the Executive Order with the use of checks and balances that were implemented into the Constitution. Congress cannot challenge an Executive Order, but it can pass a new law to override any Executive Order. Another option is that they can push through legislation that would deny any funding necessary to implement an Executive Order being that Congress has the “power of the purse”. Unfortunately, that will not happen as our current make up of Congress has a slim Democrat majority. We are stuck with Joe Biden abusing his constant use of Executive Orders until the mid-term elections in 2022.

The only tool that Republicans can use given the slim margins in both the Congress and the Senate is the Filibuster. The Filibuster is a tactic used in the US Senate to block or delay action on a bill or other measure. Once the Filibuster is enacted Senator(s) may endlessly debate an issue and essentially force conversation about the issue at hand. The key is that it also forces Cloture which requires a three fifths vote (60 of 100) of the Senate in order to end the Filibuster.

As one can only imagine the Democrats are using racism to try and eliminate the Filibuster calling it “racist” and a “Jim Crow Relic”. The mainstream media shows no shame as they parrot what the Democrats are pushing instead of stating the fact that Democrats used the Filibuster 327 times in 2020 alone in comparison to the one time it was used by Republicans last year.

With the Senate being an even split at 50/50 the Filibuster is key to stopping the Democrat agenda of forcing their will onto the people and forcing us into being a Democracy. Currently Democrats are trying to pass the infamous HR1 Bill. If passed, HR1 will throw away the States Right to control their own elections and basically wipe out Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which guarantees a Republican form of government in each state that is individually controlled by their own governments.  

We need to pay attention to what is going on in our country today. We need to heed the words of our founders like John Adams, as he once said “A Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes itself, exhaust, and murders itself, because there never was a Democracy that didn’t commit suicide.”

This is a dangerous path that Democrats are determined to lead us down.

It’s Only A Matter Of Time…

The left has always wanted Kamala Harris to be the President of the United states. In the Democrat Presidential Race, she dropped out before the Primaries took place as her support declined to just 3% of support in December 2019 and she was not projected to win any Delegates. She became one of the first candidates to drop out. The American voters saw right through her corruption and her over-zealous quest for power. She disenfranchised the Black vote when she gloated about how she locked up Blacks on the three strikes clause for smoking marijuana, a petty crime in which to earn life in prison. It was all about her and her conviction rate as a San Francisco District Attorney. The Black community fell victim to her, but as a Presidential hopeful she was claiming that she was all for the Black community. She proved that she would do anything to get to the top in her quest for power, just ask the former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, as he had an open affair with her as she used him to climb her way to the top when she was a San Francisco DA, earning her much deserved nick-name of #HeelsUpHarris on Twitter.

During the Kavanaugh Hearings Kamala Harris prided herself about being a spokeswoman for women and that all women deserve to be heard when it came to sexual harassment and abuse. She quickly threw that aside to become the Vice President Candidate under Joe Biden as they tried to hide the Tara Reid scandal in which Joe Biden was accused of sexually molesting her. The media was also helpful in covering up this scandal as it received no national coverage whatsoever during the elections. 60 Minutes did a piece on how Tara Reid was sexually molested while being pinned to a wall by Joe Biden. But this wasn’t 60 Minutes in the United States, to see her story you have to see what was broadcasted on 60 Minutes Australia. Harris has been silent about the dozen women who have come forward against Governor Andrew Cuomo. However, she did host a sit down with Bill Clinton of all people, for “empowering women and girls”. I am surprised she did not invite Matt Lauer, Bill Cosby, and Woody Allen while she was at it.

What we are seeing right now is very scary. It’s only a matter of time when they will enact the 25th Amendment to oust Joe Biden and insert Kamala Harris into the White House. It is quite obvious that Joe Biden is completely inept. He had to resort to using a cheat sheet with photos to identify a handful of reporters that submitted questions ahead of time. Printed next to their photos was a number written with a bold Sharpie so he would know which order to call upon them. His answers were rehearsed, but it did not help in the least as you only need to watch his video showing how lost he is. It is shameful and embarrassing.

Retired White House doctor, Ronny Jackson, is concerned about the mental status of Joe Biden. “I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right!”, Jackson said. Between falling up the stairs on Air Force One and then constantly losing his train of thought during an hour-long and heavily rehearsed “pseudo press conference” at the White House many Americans are thinking the same thing.

Kamala Harris had a reputation of being one of the most ultra-Leftist in the United States Senate. I believe that Kamala Harris has always been the Democrat Partys’ first choice but they knew there was no way that Americans would vote for her. Joe Biden is paving the road for her along with the Democrat evildoers.

He is being used as a scapegoat as he signs Executive Orders like they are going out of style in order to change the way our country has been constructed. They completely destroyed the voter rolls in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Georgia this past election in order to cheat their way to the top and get Joe Biden elected. Now we have HR 1 trying to get passed that would change the voting laws so that states will become federally run obliterating any of the states’ rights to hold their own voting laws. What it is intended to do is to destroy the security of the election process allowing them to remove the basic safety and security protocols that states have put in place. Basically, it will take all of the worst things that happened in last year’s election and cement them into federal law to never be undone.

It is all a plan. Executive Order after Executive Order. Blunder after blunder. They will be able to blame the senile old man for everything that goes wrong when they finally come around to have Kamala Harris take over. This is the person the Democratic Party wanted from the beginning. But she just wasn’t likeable. So they steal the election, put in a senile old man, invoke the 25th Amendment and change the voting rules to ensure her stay in power in 2024.

They are already making preparations. The White House recently made changes to its website and instead of simply stating the “Biden Administration,” it now lists the “Biden-Harris Administration.”

Even Las Vegas is aware of his declining mental state as the Las Vegas Odds Makers have it as a 125/1 odds that he will actually finish his term!

Kamala Harris is probably busy at work typing up a rough draft to invoke the 25th Amendment, that is if he does not manage to kill himself falling down the steps from Air Force One first.

Then again, she may just have to give him a “push”.

Video: Ted Cruz – Crisis at The Border

Many have seen Senator Ted Cruz speak out and stand up for what is morally right, constitutionally right and call out the overflowing hypocrisy of the Democrats. He has become a well-respected spokesperson and a leader among the GOP. He and other members of the US Senate went down to the border to witness firsthand at what is actually going on. It is truly a humanitarian crisis like no one has seen on American soil. Mind you that neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris has seen fit to go and check on this crisis firsthand. This is a political game that they are losing at the expense of innocent young children by dismembering any policy that is President Trump and trying to secure the future Democrat base.

Under President Trump, reporters were accustomed to ride-a long programs in order to view the border in an act of transparency. But last week when asked in his first Press Conference of when the Press can go and view the crisis at the border, Joe Biden said he will not allow access “until a plan is put in place” Excuse me? You allowed this crisis to happen without being prepared? No plan in place? Are you kidding me?

Of course, Joe Biden blames President Trump. In this video Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham are disgusted with the policies of Joe Biden. They went down to the border and witnessed a dead body floating in the Rio Grande among other things. They were both physically upset at the atrocities and urged the reporters to call upon the experts who were with them to tell reporters exactly who is to blame for this crisis, and it is NOT President Trump.

Later, Ted Cruz appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to share what he witnessed firsthand. This video is heartbreaking. Words cannot describe as you must see this video here, and learn some insight from Senator Cruz into why this is happening.

This is a crisis that the Mainstream Media will bury in order to protect their Anointed One and the catastrophe he is responsible for. That in itself is appalling.

Ignoring US Citizens

What a fiasco the first 60 days of the Biden era it has been. Constant Executive orders to undo “everything Trump” all the while stealing the credit for the vaccine. Joe Biden is a disgrace; all you have to do is watch about 3 minutes of his Press Conference held on Thursday to see him using flash cards for statistics and calling on reporters that submitted pre-screened questions. He could not even answer those questions coherently.

He is making “America Last” with his policies.

The United States is a country with a serious homelessness problem. We fail miserably when it comes to caring for those who cannot care for themselves. According to HUD there are about 553,000 homeless people in the U.S. in which case over 40,000 of the homeless are US Veterans.

With over 6,000 illegal immigrants coming in a day, thanks to Biden’s policy to make America last, we have to wonder: Where do these people go? How are they going to be taken care of?

Remember the COVID Relief bill that got passed? Yes, the one that gave a measly 9% of the 1.9 trillion dollars to actual US citizens to help in the form of stimulus checks. It also gives $86 million to the Texas nonprofit outfit Endeavors, to house 1,200 migrants in hotel rooms for 6 months. If my math is correct, that’s OVER 70k per migrant in just 6 months! But remember, Biden’s $1400 stimulus checks were ‘generous’.

Why not use that money to shelter Americans who are homeless and to our veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice and now have no place to live?

Maybe Biden would if he actually cared about the American people instead of the power he has in building the Leftist voter base by 6,000 illegal immigrants a day.

The Biden administration must do something, as now there are leaked photos emerging of how bad the living conditions are in the – dare I say cages?

But Biden falsely blames President Trump because he failed to build facilities to house the illegal immigrants. Say what? Oh, that’s right President Trump was too busy fulfilling his promise to the American people – to build a wall, secure the border and put America FIRST! Not expand facilities for illegal immigrants!

Border Patrol agents on the front lines are getting so frustrated that they are now risking their livelihoods to reveal what is really going on at the holding areas.

The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant. There are up to 80 individuals that are squeezed into each 24- by 30-foot cell, and there are not enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms.

“Any diseases that are in there, it’s being kept in there, like a petri dish. The smell is overwhelming,” a Border Patrol agent said, describing the conditions in a facility in south Texas.

Shame on you Mr. Biden. The American people deserve so much better.

What Country Do We Live In?

The way the Democrats are acting it makes one wonder what country we are living in? They are acting like Conservatives should be taken to the gulags in some third world communist country as they try to go Orwellian on us as the “Thought Police”.

Two U.S. Congressmen, Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney, both of California, wrote letters that were addressed to AT&T, Verizon, Roku, Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Charter, Dish, Cox, Altice, Alphabet, and Hulu. The letters leveled numerous accusations against the news networks, including that their coverage helped the “radicalization of seditious individuals who committed acts of insurrection on January 6” at the U.S. Capitol. Not surprisingly, there was no mention of the looting and the riots and murders committed by Black lives Matter and Antifa, nor was there any mention of any mainstream media networks such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC.

This particular letter addressed to AT & T and others  (you can see the official letter here) are making demands that these stations show accountability for their “misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies” from “right-wing media outlets”  

This is truly scary that these elected officials can censor and make demands of anyone who dares to have a different opinion or view. This is not George Orwells’ “1984”

February 22, 2021

Mr. John T. Stankey, CEO AT&T, Inc.

208 South Akard Street

Dallas, Texas 75202

Dear Mr. Stankey,

Our country’s public discourse is plagued by misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies. These phenomena undergird the radicalization of seditious individuals who committed acts of insurrection on January 6th, and it contributes to a growing distrust of public health measures necessary to crush the pandemic. We are concerned about the role AT&T plays in disseminating misinformation to millions of its U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV subscribers, and we write to you today to request additional information about what actions AT&T is taking to address these issues.

Nearly half of Americans get their news primarily from TV. However, not all TV news sources are the same. Some purported news outlets have long been misinformation rumor mills and conspiracy theory hotbeds that produce content that leads to real harm. Misinformation on TV has led to our current polluted information environment that radicalizes individuals to commit seditious acts and rejects public health best practices, among other issues in our public discourse.

Experts have noted that the right-wing media ecosystem is “much more susceptible…to disinformation, lies, and half-truths.” Right-wing media outlets, like Newsmax, One America News Network (OANN), and Fox News all aired misinformation about the November 2020 elections. For example, both Newsmax and OANN “ran incendiary reports” of false information following the elections and continue to support “an angry and dangerous subculture[that]will continue to operate semi-openly.” As a violent mob was breaching the doors of the Capitol, Newsmax’s coverage called the scene a “sort of a romantic idea.” Fox News, meanwhile, has spent years spewing misinformation about American politics.

These same networks also have been key vectors of spreading misinformation related to the pandemic. A media watchdog found over 250 cases of COVID-19 misinformation on Fox News in just one five-day period, and economists demonstrated that Fox News had a demonstrable impact on non-compliance with public health guidelines. One online platform suspended and demonetized OANN’s channel online because it was spreading COVID-19 misinformation. Newsmax has amplified allegations that members of the Chinese Communist Party helped to develop the COVID-19vaccine.  

Sadly, these facts are not new. One popular television show aired a segment about OANN last April that included a dire warning: “the kind of misinformation [OANN] is spewing right now could end up getting people killed.”

Yet, to our knowledge, the cable, satellite, and over-the-top companies that disseminate these media outlets to American viewers have done nothing in response to the misinformation aired by these outlets. AT&T currently carries Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV. As a company that serves 17 million Americans, AT&T plays a major role in

the spread of dangerous misinformation that enabled the insurrection of January 6th and hinders our public health response to the current pandemic.

It is for these reasons we ask that you provide us with responses to the following questions about AT&T’s policies toward content carried on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV by March 8, 2021:

1. What moral or ethical principles (including those related to journalistic integrity, violence, medical information, and public health) do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a channel?

2. Do you require, through contracts or otherwise, that the channels you carry abide by any content guidelines? If so, please provide a copy of the guidelines.

3. How many of your subscribers tuned in to Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV for each of the four weeks preceding the November 3, 2020 elections and the January 6, 2021 attacks on the Capitol? Please specify the number of subscribers that tuned in to each channel.

4. What steps did you take prior to, on, and following the November 3,2020 elections and the January 6, 2021 attacks to monitor, respond to, and reduce the spread of disinformation, including encouragement or incitement of violence by channels your company disseminates to millions of Americans? Please describe each step that you took and when it was taken.

5. Have you taken any adverse actions against a channel, including Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN, for using your platform to disseminate disinformation related directly or indirectly to the November 3, 2020 elections, the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, or COVID-19 misinformation? If yes, please describe each action, when it was taken, and the parties involved.  

6. Have you ever taken any actions against a channel for using your platform to disseminate any disinformation? If yes, please describe each action and when it was taken.

7. Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV both now and beyond any contract renewal date? If so, why?

Most gratefully,

Anna G. Eshoo Member of Congress

Jerry McNerney Member of Congress

Let us all remember, 2022 is not that far away and we need to vote people like this out of office.

This IS NOT About Silencing President Trump

What we have witnessed in the last few days after the breach of the Capitol Building is atrocious. It was made worse after learning that 4 people lost their lives in the mayhem. It was inexcusable.   

Some people have their own theories whether this was a set up by the Democrat Party or Trump Supporters protesting that let things get out of control.  But that is not what this article is about. This is about the scariest part of all, the results of this shameful incident.

Democrats are seizing this opportunity to silence President Trump and his supporters.

They say history repeats itself. The Nazis used the Reichstag Fire to silence their opposition.

On February 27, 1933 the Reichstag, the building where the German legislature met, was set ablaze by “someone,” and the government acted. Although it has never been definitively settled whether the fire was set by a communist saboteur or by a Nazi agent provocateur, it is beyond debate that the Nazis capitalized on the event with a vengeance. Insisting that the Reichstag fire prefigured a communist onslaught against the German state, Hitler persuaded President Hindenburg to sign an emergency decree “for the Protection of the People and the State,” suspending constitutional liberties and allowing the state to exercise extraordinary powers in the name of “public safety.”

Sound Familiar?

On Wednesday we witnessed mass confusion, and no one knows the truth as of this writing.  There is an article written by “The Millennium Report” that has a very interesting view that can be read here.  If it is indeed instigated by Antifa, the Mainstream Media will cover it up. Conservatives and those who seek to question the Mainstream Media would look to reliable sources to find their own truth. But as a result of Wednesdays’ debacle, we have seen Twitter and Facebook permanently ban President Trump. Soon following that announcement, Amazon, Google and Apple have all removed the Free Speech Social Media Platform “Parler” from its’ App Stores.

This is not about silencing President Trump.

Democrats realize that President Trump started a movement. His movement is bigger than the “Tea Party” ever dreamed of. This is a movement that will be a thorn in the side of Democrats for years to come. In their view, we must be silenced. We must have our ways of learning the truth be silenced. It will be just a matter of time before Biden tries to follow what Obama attempted to do when Obama tried to stifle Talk Radio. He tried to use the “Fairness Doctrine” to drastically decrease how many hours a radio station could broadcast Conservative Talk Shows and he vowed to censor Fox News.

This is scary. Even if you did not vote for President Trump you should be concerned as there has never been a free country ruled by a single party.

That is EXACTLY where we are headed if Democrats have their way.

Please follow The Californian Conservative on Parler – the Free Speech Social Network

Why In The Hell Would You Want Socialism?

What we are witnessing in today’s political world is the Democrat Party leaning so far to the Left in their ideology that their beliefs have borderline Socialist/Communist ideals. This is a scary thought as Socialism must exist before Communism can take hold in our society. The ill-informed would say that this will never happen in the United States, but the similarities are scary and the signs are right in front of us to see.

In 1959 the Leader of Russia, Nikita Khrushchev, all but bragged with his prediction that the United States would become a Communist Country where he stated that:  “Your children’s children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands... The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

In his theory of history, Karl Marx predicted that capitalism would collapse and bring about socialism, which would then, in turn eventually lead to communism and as Vladimir Lenin later explained: “The goal of socialism is communism.”

But what are some of the steps of Socialism/Communism and how does it relate to what we are experiencing currently in our political spectrum? There are 8 levels of control in order to reach a Socialist State and as I will explain some of these already have borderline Communist traits and all of these are taking place right now.

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people. We have all been effected by the catastrophe known as Obama Care and what is known as Barrack Obama’s two biggest lies; “If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan” and “With Obamacare we will reduce your insurance premiums by $2,500, per family per year” Most of us lost our health care and premiums skyrocketed into the realms of being unaffordable. Currently, President Trump is trying to repeal and replace Obama Care and leave it up to the free market to competitively work towards a product that caters to our individual needs, rather than a blanket policy which has people paying for things that they do not need. Why should a 70-year-old male be putting money into the pot for someone to have a hysterectomy? Or why should a 20-year-old pay for someone’s prostate exam?  Unfortunately, this will be back in place under Joe Biden.

2) Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them. Just take a walk through your city and you will see the ever-increasing homeless problem. This is poverty to its fullest, but it will get worse. God forbid, if Joe Biden becomes President, he will open the borders again. We currently have over 30 million unemployed people because of COVID Restrictions and now we are about to let in about 12-16 million more illegal immigrants to add to that poverty level. We witnessed where the American People stand in the eyes of the Leftists when the Democrats tried to push their version of the Stimulus Bill giving $600 to American Citizens and $1,800 to Illegal immigrants. Thank you, President Trump for trying to put a stop to this.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. As I mentioned there are over 30 million people who lost their jobs due to COVID restrictions. Joe Biden has vowed to raise corporate taxes as well as eliminate the Trump Tax Cuts that bolstered our economy and continue to support the economy from crashing during the COVID lockdowns. With all of the “Free Money” being given out with the Stimulus checks, it has to come from somewhere. It will come from higher taxes on the people who are still working, and driving out industry with the raising of corporate taxes. Obama never understood the economy, he claimed that you needed a magic wand to bring the corporate jobs back into the United States. No -when you lower taxes it bolsters the economy, when you raise taxes it chokes the economy.  It’s called Economics 101.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state. We have already witnessed the Left use gun violence as a talking point to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. According to Biden’s website, he claims gun violence is an “epidemic” where 39,770 people are killed from “gun violence” on a yearly average. Almost as many people are killed in car accidents at an average of 38,800 per year, but there is no outrage about those statistics. While most car accidents are from carelessness and stupidity, gun crimes are usually premeditated, especially when you take in the fact that of those 39,770 cases of “gun violence” 23,854 of those cases were suicide and not an act of violence aimed at hurting another. It is all about smoke and mirrors to reach the end game. With the control of the US Senate up in the air with the special elections in Georgia, there is no way Biden can get rid of the 2nd Amendment, but what he can do is raise taxes on guns and magazines. His proposal will tax each item that the Leftists deem “unfit” to the tune of $200 each annually. There is an interesting video from Jon Patton from the “The Gun Collective” that breaks down exactly what is on Biden’s website.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government. We already have Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing, Welfare and Unemployment Benefits which all have one thing in common, to “temporarily” give financial help to those in need. It is meant to help people get back on their feet and in no way is it meant to be a lifestyle. Although the plans are helpful to those in need, there is no plan to wean these people off of said plans. It promotes dependency. Now we are in the middle of a Pandemic where millions of additional citizens lost their jobs, where the highest unemployment resides in Democrat run states where Leftists Governors like Cuomo, Whitmer and Newsom have all been taken to court for Abuse of Power. They have killed thousands of businesses along the way, businesses that will never come back and forcing hardworking, proud citizens to take the Stimulus handouts in order to pay their bills and be dependent on the government. What better way to promote Socialism? As Jane Fonda stated,“COVID is God’s Gift to the Left”

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school. Every day you hear of a new book being banned because it is deemed racist. The classic novels “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” are some of the latest casualties. While we see the New York Times “1619 Project” being forced into our schools’ curriculum. The “1619 Project” basically portrays every Caucasian citizen of being born a racist, we are racist at our core and we must pay for our sins. What better way for our education system to erode the confidence and self-esteem of our young children by brainwashing them into feeling guilty for being white? We are seeing our history being erased little by little. Ronald Reagan once said, “If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.” Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it and right now there is a mad rush to erase history.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe that ONLY the government knows what is best for the people. God, grace, charity, liberty, individualism and self-governance, opportunity over guarantee, and free will are all the things that America was built on and it is highlighted in our Constitution. These views are the counterpoints to everything communist. We have seen prayer being removed from schools and teachers being fired as Washington State did to Coach Joe Kennedy for saying a 15 second silent prayer at mid-field after every game.  This soon caught on throughout the season and players on both sides of the ball soon joined him in prayer. Religion is scary to the Left. According to Karl Marx. Religion is the “opium of the people,” It teaches them hope and forgiveness, but communism operates under an engine of hate, envy, and rage. We have seen this rage full on as we witness daily the lack of morals in our society that is BLM and ANTIFA.

Which brings us to my last point.

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor. Obama duped us back in 2008 promising “Hope and Change’ saying that he would “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” He did that by dividing the country with Trevon Martin and Michael Brown. Instead of being a leader to pull the nation together in a time of crisis, he chose to be an activist and fan the flames of racial division. Most recently it continued on with George Floyd in form of riots like we have never seen before. We had Democrat Politicians declaring to defund the police and allowing whole neighborhoods to be looted and burned down to the ground. In addition to businesses being looted and burned, the middle class took another huge hit with the amount of businesses being lost because of mandated lockdowns. As of Aug. 31, some 163,735 businesses have indicated on Yelp that they have permanently closed, a 23% increase since mid-July. Due to this pandemic and our massive response, we now have a national debt far larger than our entire economy for the first time since World War II. We have a massive amount of debt that can only be gained back from – you guessed it – raising taxes.

We see Democrat leaders in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proclaiming in her “Green New Deal” that she wants to have “equal pay for those unwilling to work” It seems she stole that from Khrushchevs’ speech. Taking away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not? Talk about class warfare.

And what about political warfare? You see people being tormented or beat up in the street, anyone from a 7-year-old boy to an elderly old man simply for wearing a MAGA Hat. We saw an election that we still don’t know who won, in which case 54% of the people polled who voted for Biden did so because of their hatred for President Trump.

America is a free country and the one thing that imposes its’ will on freedom is stifling us with taxes. Socialism cannot survive without heavily taxing all citizens. It is a myth to think that “taxing the rich” will solve the problem. After all, after taxing the rich for so long the money will eventually run out. Then the bar is lowered and the term “rich” is re-defined to where eventually it is you and I who are being heavily taxed. We do not want to become a prisoner or slave in the cog of the Socialist Machine. We need to take note when Ronald Reagan said, “Socialists ignore the side of man that is the spirit. They can provide you shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you’re ill, all the things guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. They don’t understand that we also dream.”  

Don’t take away our freedom and our ability to dream of our own goals, our own life, our own destiny and what makes America the Land of Opportunity.

Please follow The Californian Conservative on Parler – the Free Speech Social Network

A Black Eye on Free Elections

Those of us who pay attention to the news are seeing the Democrat Party being suspiciously quiet about voter fraud in our 2020 Election. The only thing they talk about is that President Trump should concede because “there is no evidence” of voter fraud.

Say again?

This coming from a Party that uses a friend of a friends’ anonymous testimony in their impeachment hearing against President Trump. This coming from a Party that rallied around The Steel Dossier which was a report to impeach President Trump that was bought and paid for by the Clinton Foundation before during and after the 2016 Presidential Election. This is coming from a Party, that quite frankly, will cheat at all costs to keep and maintain their power.

Now in the case of voter fraud, there have been thousands of witnesses who have sworn affidavits and have testified in some of the hearings going on in Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

There were dozens and dozens of people in the Michigan State Senate Election Hearings. This video clip is over 7 hours of testimony where they limit each witness to 3 minutes. It is worth skimming through the video and see witnesses tell their stories of trucks being unloaded in the middle of the night with hundreds of boxes of ballots. One man who works for the US Post Office was instructed to transport numerous boxes of ballots across state lines from New York to Pennsylvania to be counted. There are testimonials of Republican poll watchers being harassed or kicked out of the polling areas because they were trying to observe the ballot counting or were questioning wrongdoing. When they were kicked out, cheering and derogatory comments were made.

Another witness said she saw “military ballots … looked like they were all exactly the same Xerox copies of the ballot. They were all for Biden across the board; there wasn’t a single Trump vote … None of the voters were registered,” and election workers “had to manually enter the names and address and a birth date of 1/1/1900, which would override the system and allow them to enter non-registered voters, of which I saw several … throughout the day”

The most compelling witness was Melissa Carone, a freelance IT contractor who worked at the TCF Center for Dominion Voting Systems. Ms. Carone has become an icon for being a major whistleblower in the Michigan Hearings as she has testified multiple times. She witnessed “countless workers re-scanning the batches without discarding them first” saying that she saw workers re-scanning stacks of ballots up to “8 to 10 times.” In her 27 hours of working at the Polling Station she did not witness one vote being cast for President Trump. You can view Melissa Carones’ testimony here.

But the Fraud does not end there.

The Trump campaign unveiled a plethora of information that it presented to a Nevada state court that suggests there were thousands of fraudulent votes cast, possibly enough to overturn Joe Biden’s win there by 33,569 votes.

Officials said that among the evidence and expert testimony to be presented in Carson City are indications that over 1,500 ballots were cast by dead voters, that 42,248 people voted “multiple times,” and data had a huge spike in incomplete voter registrations, and home addresses in temporary RV camps and casinos. They also presented polling that 1% of Nevada voters that were shown to have voted, never did and 2% of those shown to have voted by mail never received a ballot.

Then there is Georgia where a damning video came out showing ballots that were stored in suitcases were hidden under tables that were being taken out and counted in the middle of the night by 4 Democrat Ballot Processors. Republican Poll Watchers and reporters were told to go home earlier in the evening so there would be no witnesses in order to process the votes in secret. Based on the average of ballots per hour that can be counted (while being observed properly) at 3,000 ballots per hour and multiplied by 4 people over a 2-1/2 hour span as shown in the video, that comes out to approximately 30,000 illegal votes. That is enough votes to swing the state of Georgia into President Trumps’ favor.

Attorney Sidney Powell stated earlier this week that someone had removed a Dominion Voting Systems server from a recount center in Fulton County, Georgia. The removal of the server took place while her legal team was seeking a temporary restraining order against the resetting, wiping or altering of any of the Dominion machines. A district court judge subsequently granted the temporary restraining order as part of her lawsuit claiming that the software is vulnerable to manipulation by hackers and was used to alter to vote totals in the presidential election.

Powell told “Lou Dobbs Tonight” in an interview that “Someone went down to the Fulton center where the votes and Dominion machines were, claimed there was a software glitch and they had to replace the software, and it seems that they removed the server,” Powell added that her team does not know where the server is.

Dominion Voting Systems were designed to be hacked. So much so that it even concerned Democrats in 2018 during the mid-term elections. The Ultra Liberal MSNBC actually did a news piece on How Easy It Is To Hack A Dominion Voting Machine. MSNBC is now strangely silent about their own reporting in 2019 as we are now witnessing firsthand how easy it is to hack and cheat the system. In fact, Dominion Executive Eric Coomer was found to have had a very strong hatred for President Trump and stated that, “Trump will not win. I made F***ing sure of that.” as you see in the news clip from OAN.

This leads us to Pennsylvania.

More damning evidence was presented in Pennsylvania to the State Senate Majority Policy Committee. Navy veteran and computer scientist, Gregory Stenstrom, described what he and Democrat poll watchers witnessed at Delaware County’s vote-tabulation center on election night. He saw an unidentified man walk in — who was not part of the tabulation process — carrying a bag full of USB cards. He proceeded to upload the flash drives into the electronic voting machines. Stenstrom stated in his affidavit “I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple occasions. I saw this personally. I brought it to the attention of the deputy sheriff who was there stationed, who was a senior law enforcement officer, and I brought it to the attention of the clerk of elections.”

The supervisor continued to work.

Stenstrom said he took pictures while the mystery man uploaded USB cards no less than 24 times. He included the photographic evidence in his affidavit, submitted under penalty of perjury. “As an expert in this, I think it’s impossible to verify the validity of about 100,000 to 120,000 votes. Delaware County’s got 425,000 registered voters. Approximately 300,000 of them voted. I don’t know what the exact number is … but of that number, over 100,000 are in question in my mind,” he added.

What we are witnessing is the biggest election fraud in world history. The United states is a World Leader. We are a beacon of hope to many, many countries all over the world. It is why people immigrate to our great nation. Instead being a leader in the free world we are setting an example of what not to do. We are witnessing a level of corruption in the Democrat Party that I didn’t think could happen in a modern country.

They proved me wrong.

We must have honest elections if we are to survive as a free country. I pray that God will help us through this mess and let justice prevail as I keep saying in my mind “In God We Trust”

Please follow The Californian Conservative on Parler – the Free Speech Social Network

A Draconian Thanksgiving

Tired of being told what to do by Political Hypocrites? We have Democrat Governors telling us what to do for Thanksgiving. We have the ultimate hypocrite here in California, Governor Gavin Newsom, as he tweets; “Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don’t forget to keep your mask on in between bites. Do your part to keep those around you healthy.” All the while he continues to lecture us about not mixing households for Thanksgiving. Maybe he would be more believable if he wasn’t caught breaking his own rules as he attended a birthday party at The French Laundry in Napa, Ca. to celebrate the 50th birthday of lobbyist and longtime adviser, Jason Kinney. It gets better though, California Medical Association officials were among the guests who were seated next to Governor Newsom. Masks were not being worn, mixed households were in attendance and it was not outside as they claimed.

Sitting “outside” at the French Laundry Restaurant in Napa, Ca. – How does that chandelier levitate outside?

It is apparent that his words were lies. The rich within the state can do their own thing. But the middle-class and hardworking Americans are left to suffer. They push rules and regulations on people and then turn around and ignore those same rules like they do not apply to them. The liberal elite believes that they live above the law and can do whatever they feel like. He is too ignorant to learn from the French Laundry debacle, as just a week later Newsom is off to Maui for the Thanksgiving Holiday for a “Legislature Conference” for him and his minions. Over 100 people will be attending along with their families all on the taxpayer’s dime!

We have witnessed other Democrat Governors use their Draconian demands on their citizens as well. On Friday, November 20th, Oregon Governor Kate Brown demanded that only 6 people be allowed to congregate in a household for Thanksgiving, all the while urging citizens to turn in their neighbors if they witness a violation. She states that violators could be fined and put in jail for 30 days. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is taking things even further. He is banning all forms of gatherings for 4 weeks with fines being $1000 and up to 90 days in jail for violations of its’ citizens and $3000 fines and up to 1 year in jail for supervisors/managers of businesses found to be in violation.

Another “gem” of a Governor is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo where ironically he states, “New York follows the science. We know indoor gatherings and parties are a major source of COVID spread” Apparently, Governor Cuomo did not follow the science when he deemed it mandatory for Nursing Homes to admit Covid 19 patients resulting in thousands of deaths back in March. He then turned around and blamed President Trump for the deaths instead of taking responsibility for his own incompetence.  

We always here from Liberals that we need to “follow the science” We hear Dr. Anthony Fauci continually change his mind about wearing masks or not to wear masks only then to change his mind again. We had Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and others telling us to keep living our lives and to ignore President Trump when he called for closing all travel from China and Europe when Covid first broke out. They must have taken the same “Incompetence for Dummies 101” course as Andrew Cuomo.

But, if we are to truly “follow the science” then why is this study not being talked about?

In May of 2020 a study entitled CHARM, which stands for COVID-19 Health Action Response for Marines was conducted by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in cooperation with the Naval Medical Research Center. The study sought to test lockdowns along with testing and isolation. 3,143 new recruits to the Marines were given the option to participate in a study of frequent testing under extreme quarantine. Of the recruits asked, a total of 1,848 young people agreed to be guinea pigs in this experiment “which included weekly qPCR testing and blood sampling for IgG antibody assessment.” In addition, the CHARM study volunteers who did test positively “on the day of enrollment (day 0) or on day 7 or day 14 were separated from their roommates and were placed in isolation.”

The 1,554 non-participants would still follow the guidelines that everyone else follows; the social distancing rules, wearing a mask and washing their hands frequently. For the 1,848 participants, they would follow extremely strict guidelines and regiments that only the Marines could do as they were constantly watched and kept in line by their Drill Seargeants. The study was shocking. The non- participants had an infection rate of 1.7% while the participants had over a 1% higher infection rate at 2.8%. The study is fascinating and you can read more detail about it here.

The bottom line is this: Democrat Governors have a thirst for power. They do not care about what it does to the economy, your mental well-being and the stress that comes with losing a business or the fear of another lockdown resulting in the loss of your job (assuming you did not lose it during the first lockdown) Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has had her own citizens of Michigan sue her for abuse of power. Governor Newsom was found in a court of law to be abusing his power as well. Now we have Governor Brown and Governor Walz threatening fines and jail time even though jail inmates were released from jail for fear of catching and spreading Covid 19.

We are a free nation. We are smart and we have enough common sense to know the precautions we should be taking. Many states like California are imposing a 10:00 pm curfew on its’ citizens, which is laughable. Curfews won’t work – unless Covid decides to take a nap after 10:00pm. Lock downs won’t work as the CHARM study shows. So what do we do?

Don’t live your life in fear, live it cautiously and sensibly. We will get through this. The vaccine is showing great promise but don’t let Joe Biden talk us into the dire straits of “it’s going to be a long dark winter” I think what he meant to say was, it could be a long dark 4 years if he gets elected as he will be right in stride with those Draconian Governors.

For a location to go and sign a petition for recalling Governor Newsom please visit: https://recallgavin2020.com/location-locator/ and search for the county you reside in.

Let’s Take Back California!

Please follow The Californian Conservative on Parler – the Free Speech Social Network

Our Corrupt Election

The investigation into the 2020 Election is about to become very interesting. Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani are some of the attorneys heading up President Trump’s Legal Team to get to the bottom of the election fraud. Now some say there is not enough proof to overturn the election, but here is the simple truth; the American people need to know behind a shadow of a doubt who are the winners of this election. Democrats over the past few months have done everything in their power to diminish the integrity of the vote by weakening the security of the voting procedures as you can learn more about in my previous article “Stealing Our Nation”

Sidney Powell along with Rudy Giuliani are in the process of looking into Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic Software. According to Powell, the Trump campaign has enough evidence to launch a serious criminal investigation as she stated in her interview on Fox’s Show “Sunday Morning Futures” which you can view here.

In her interview she states “We’re fixing to overturn the election results in multiple states where President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose,” Powell explained. “We have sworn witness testimony about why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.” She goes on to say that the software’s user manual talks about how “votes can be wiped away.”

On election night we all went to bed seeing that President Trump had some decisive leads only to wake up with those leads now being even larger for Biden. How did this happen? When states “shut down” and stopped counting the votes during the night they were actually going through the process of resetting the voting machine software and manipulating the votes.

Dominion makes it almost impossible to see the miscalculations with the naked eye. It registers votes in bar codes that the human eye cannot decipher. Voters could end up with printouts that accurately spell out the names of the candidates they picked, but, because of a hack, the bar codes do not reflect those choices. Because the bar codes are what’s tabulated, voters would never know that their ballots benefited another candidate. Election officials would have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters’ signatures or the down ballot and there is also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden.

Dominion has a terrible history of having fixed elections in Argentina and Venezuela. It was founded by two Venezuelans and Cesar Chavez. It is still run by these two Venezuelans who are close to Nicolas Maduro, the illegitimate President of Venezuela after helping rig his election. Democrats have employed this system in the key battleground states and it is no surprise of learning of some of the key players involved with Dominion. Nancy Pelosi’s longtime Chief of Staff, Nadeam Elshami, is a key executive of Dominion Voting Systems and Richard Blum, Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband is a significant shareholder of this company. Dominion has also been heavy Contributors to the Clinton Foundation and has given 96% of its Donations to Democrats.

It smells of bias and corruption. The question is: How Much? How many more Congressional seats would Republicans have gained? How many more Senate seats? This Election is corrupt beyond comprehension and it will forever change our nation regardless of the outcome.

I pray that justice will prevail.