The Silent Majority

The 2020 election this November is the most important Presidential Election in American History. Who cares if you don’t’ like President Trump? Who cares if you get offended by his tweets? What matters is the choice between a Socialist Repressive Country or a Capitalist Free Country.

Joe Biden has bought into the hard-left agenda. He vows to shut down the oil and coal industries as part of his plagiarized “Green New Deal” and to raise taxes by 25%. He is supporting the Riots in Democrat Cities and defunding the Police. His policies will destroy our country, our safety and our freedom.

President Trump took a failing economy where we saw for the first time in American History a President unable to reach a GDP of 3.0. The Obama/Biden Presidency had 8 years to do it in. President Trump on the other hand made it happen before he was halfway done in his first term. If it was not for the Pandemic our economy would be extremely strong as we were breaking economic records left and right. President Trump honors and respects our Constitution. He has appointed judges at all levels that are known Constitutionalist. On the other hand, Obama /Biden instituted Executive Orders left and right to ram their agenda through at the expense of the Constitution. The Constitution is the one document that ensures our freedom as Americans. As far as I am concerned if you are going around the Constitution then you do not respect Our Freedom as a Nation or it’s citizens.

American Conservative Citizens are not stupid. We are the Silent Majority. As we watch American Cities being destroyed and Democrats defending Antifa, defending the riots and looting, all while ignoring the countless murders that have resulted from the riots. We are afraid to speak out publicly. According to a study by the Cato Institute, 77% of Republicans are afraid to speak out  for fear of backlash and 62%  of all Americans feel the  same way.

We are the ones being punished by our beliefs. One question from the Cato poll is most relevant to the lesson we’ve all had to learn:  “Would you support or oppose firing a business executive from their job if it became known that they privately donated money to Republican Donald Trump’s re-election campaign for president?”

42% of Democrats and 50% of liberals answered “Yes.”

And believe it or not there is a website that will help do that. It will allow you to look up every donor to President Trump, your name, address, how much you donated and how many times you donated. It is all are for anyone to see. It is appalling that we could have our homes vandalized or be fired by those having “Trump Derangement Syndrome”

The tide is turning, and people are fed up. There are many of us who support our local Police and witness Democrat Politicians telling Police Officers to stand down and let their cities be destroyed by rioting, looting and vandalism. If you dare defend the Police you are ridiculed by their own Mayors and/or Governors, it is sickening. As a result, Police Unions are now endorsing President Trump where in the past the Police Unions would mostly endorse Democrat Candidates and policies.

Recently, the largest police union in the state of Florida conducted an emergency vote to make clear where they stood in the upcoming presidential election by endorsing President Donald Trump. The President of the Florida Police Benevolent Association, John Kazanjian stated that, “It was time for the union to take a stand for cops across the country and endorse President Trump. We’re getting beat up. We’re being used like a punching bag, and we’re tired of it… President Donald Trump has been there for us. He supported us…This upcoming election for president isn’t simply about electing a Democrat or a Republican, it’s about a fundamental choice about the kind of society we choose to live in and the future we desire for our families for generations to come. Every man, woman, and child in America has a fundamental right to live in communities that are safe and where men and women in law enforcement are respected for the personal sacrifices, they make each and every day to keep the public safe. But sadly, you don’t have to look too far to see how quickly public safety across this country has eroded because of the increasing attacks on the men and women in blue.”

The vote was unanimous.

Presidential Joe Biden won’t say he supports defunding the Police but what he does say is he wants to re-direct the money that funds the police. Say what? What is the difference in that statement? We do know that Joe Biden is a puppet of the hard-left and he is towing the line with whatever the hard-left Democrats want. After the death of George Floyd, Democrats and the media relentlessly attacked all Police Officers. Democrats let peaceful protests turn into riots. They refused to let cops protect property and innocent lives. As a result, crime skyrocketed in Democrat run cities. So much so that the largest city in the United States, New York City, has seen nearly 5% of their Upper-class population flee the state of New York. Governor Cuomo is so worried about his tax revenue loss he is pleading with it’s citizens to come back. He is predicting that there will be a 30-billion-dollar deficit in the next two years and that is with the 1 billion dollars he is already planning to cut from the NYPD.

Is there any sane person that can imagine having no Police force to keep them safe? Think about it for a few moments. You are in a car accident who do you call? Someone breaks into your home – who do you call? A loved one is raped or beaten – who do you call? Most often you are hoping the police get there sooner than what they already do. Now you have BLM Protestors justifying looting  because they feel it is a form of Reparations.

All this chaos and turmoil is being stirred up by the Democrats and the Mainstream Media. We see the violent videos in their own broadcasts, and they tell you it is peaceful. We are not stupid. It is waking people up, and even though most of us are afraid to say anything we are ready to fight back. We have seen the emergence  of the #walkaway movement founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, Blexit co-founded by Conservative Black Woman, Candace Owens as well as Lexit founded by Jesse Holguin. These movement are real, and these represent the LGBT Communities, Black Communities and Latin Communities respectively.  All of them have something in common, they were started at a grassroots level to expose the lies and deception of the left and they are getting stronger. We are ALL tired that the Leftist Democrats desperately pushes the narrative that if you support Trump, you are a heartless, racist, sexist homophobe. We reject your depiction of Trump as a racist. We reject that he’s dangerous for America; the opposite is the case.

We are getting ready and we will fight the way our Constitutional Republic intended us to.

We will vote.

We just need to keep our heads down while they try to burn down their own failed Democrat-run cities, and vote. We don’t need to constantly argue for funding our cops; we just need to elect representatives who are paid to make that argument for us. We don’t need to convince anyone about the dangers of a Biden administration populated by Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Ilhan Omar; we just need to re-elect Donald Trump, who is not afraid to make these arguments for us.

He is unafraid. He’s been there. They call demean him on a regular basis referring to him as “Hitler” or “Stalin” and he keeps fighting. Let him. Let him fight on your behalf as long as you are there for him in November.


I read many, many articles a day to try to keep up to speed with what is going on in Our Nation. Occasionally, I see an article that has me shaking my head in agreement, and this is one of them. I will share this article in its’ entirety from “FreedomWire”

Written by Sean Robertson | original post on Aug 11, 2020

Here’s the truth…

Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with saving actual black lives, but it has everything to do with pushing a Leftist political agenda—end of story.

Their explanation is that BLM is about police brutality, not about violence in black communities.

Well, if that’s the case, then they need to change the name of their movement—because if they’re going to run with what they’ve got now, they should probably be more specific about the black lives that matter to them.

It’s obvious that ALL black lives don’t matter to BLM…

If they did, the organization would be doing EVERYTHING it could to combat the increasing violence that’s been surging in Chicago, a city in which more young black men die every two weeks than are killed by police in a year.

Now, we get it…

Even one death is too many when it comes to the institution tasked with protecting our society – but life, like people, isn’t perfect. Accidents do happen, and yes, that includes the accident of hiring BAD people to do the job of community policing.

However, that does NOT excuse the movement’s utter disregard for the number of black lives lost to street violence in Chicago, including those of toddlers and children.

Which Black Lives Matter?

Last weekend, 40 people were shot in Chicago…


Four of them were fatal. But with all that violence going on, where was BLM? Nowhere to be seen…

That is, until the police were involved in a shooting with an armed suspect who fired his weapon at them first…

He was shot, sustaining non-fatal wounds, and was then arrested.

However, even though gun violence is running rampant through the city, BLM didn’t show up until this one JUSTIFIED incident of the police doing their job.

After the rumors spread of the police shooting a child instead of an armed suspect—rumors that were completely unfounded—Chicago exploded in riots and looting

That’s when BLM showed up—but they weren’t there to stop the violent and ILLEGAL protesting but rather to JUSTIFY the actions of the looters. All told, 13 police officers were injured and an estimated $65 million in property damage was committed.

How did BLM justify it?

By trying desperately to explain that looting was a form of “reparations” for slavery and systemic racism.

Don’t worry: if you’re scratching your head and trying to do the mental gymnastics see how that “logic” makes sense, you’re not alone. Nobody else seems to be able to make that connection either…

But again, don’t worry: BLM organizer Ariel Atkins is going to give it the old college try.

“Looting Is Reparations!”

She said, “I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats… that makes sure that person has clothes.”

In summary: Theft = reparations.

Well, on that, at least, we agree. The Left continues to push this ridiculous idea of reparations in order to secure (or BUY) the black vote, and the Right can FULLY agree that reparations are theft.

None of my family members owned slaves…

In fact, my family didn’t even get here till the 1900s—so why should MY tax dollars go to reparations when my bloodline didn’t even begin in America till the 1920s?

Atkins continued, “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”


The businesses have insurance, but each claim they have to make drives up the cost of that insurance. For some businesses, that price is unaffordable and could force them to shut their doors forever.

But we can go further…

Many homeowners have insurance too. Does that insurance mean that people can walk in and rob them with impunity?

Where does it stop?

I have life insurance…

Does that mean somebody can kill me because my family will be compensated monetarily?

It’s ridiculous and disgusting…

And goes to show that the protests aren’t about black lives at all, but rather about greed and opportunity.

But hey…

Chicago just voted to defund their police department and get rid of 100 law enforcement officers, so that should help tremendously, right?

By the way, to any Leftist or Liberal reading this, that’s called “sarcasm”… you probably wouldn’t get it.

Song of the Month – “America”

The Song of the Month for August is “America” by The KBC Band. This is important to soak in what America is all about. In the music video you will see pictures of tragedies, low points in our history and events that have made US resilient. You will see sad photos and heartwarming photos and photos that will bring back some fun, old memories. This what Our Country is all about. We will come back from where we are today, we just need vote out the politicians with their liberal agendas and elect the right people in their place.

Enjoy “America”

The Democrat “Myth”

You’ve heard of Jerry Nadler before. He’s the Democrat in charge of the House Judiciary Committee, and the Representative for New York’s 10th congressional district. Nadler. is by no means a new face in the Democratic Party, he claimed that Antifa/BLM riots, which have been raging in Portland for several weeks now, were just a “myth”. When Nadler was approached by journalist Austen Fletcher, he asked him if he would disavow the riots, which are being perpetrated by supporters of the Democratic Party.

“It is true, there’s violence across the whole country,” Fletcher asked Nadler. “Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now?”

“That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler responded.

Fletcher pushed Nadler to be specific, asking if he means the Antifa violence in Portland is a myth, to which Nadler said “Yes.”

Earlier this week we had to witness the comical House Judiciary Committee in which Nadler and others tried to take down US Attorney Bill Barr with cries of yet another impeachment hearing. All because AG Barr believes that the violent protests in the poorly run Democrat cities are NOT peaceful protest as Democrats try to sell their talking point to American Citizens. What a shame that we have to spend taxpayer’s money to see these lies being spread during a House Judiciary Hearing so Democrats can sell their narrative to the uninformed citizens.

Democrats on the Committee were ruthless and extremely disrespectful by asking questions and not letting him answer. If AG Barr started to answer the question and they realized it was not an answer that fit their narrative, they would cut him off in mid-sentence stating “I am reclaiming my time.” Democrats did this almost 30 times as they could not allow him to answer honestly. It was a despicable thing to witness but AG Barr stood his ground during the Hearing and fought back pulling no punches when he was finally able to comment on the two-months-long riot at the Federal Courthouse in Portland.

“Peaceful protesters do not throw explosives into federal courthouses” AG Barr said, “Every night for the past two months, a mob of hundreds of rioters has laid siege to the federal courthouse and other nearby federal property. The rioters arrive equipped for a fight, armed with powerful slingshots, tasers, sledgehammers, saws, knives, rifles, and explosive devices. Inside the courthouse are a relatively small number of federal law enforcement personnel charged with a defensive mission: to protect the courthouse, home to Article III federal judges, from being overrun and destroyed….In recent nights, rioters have barricaded the front door of the courthouse, pried plywood off the windows with crowbars, and thrown commercial-grade fireworks into the building in an apparent attempt to burn it down with federal personnel inside. The rioters have started fires outside the building, and then systematically attacked federal law enforcement officers who attempt to put them out—for example, by pelting the officers with rocks, frozen water bottles, cans of food, and balloons filled with fecal matter. A recent video showed a mob enthusiastically beating a Deputy U.S. Marshal who was trying to protect the courthouse – a property of the United States government funded by this Congress – from further destruction. A number of federal officers have been injured, including one severely burned by a mortar-style firework and three who have suffered serious eye injuries and may be permanently blind… We should all be able to agree that there is no place in this country for armed mobs that seek to establish autonomous zones beyond government control, or tear down statues and monuments that law-abiding communities chose to erect, or to destroy the property and livelihoods of innocent business owners. The most basic responsibility of government is to ensure the rule of law, so that people can live their lives safely and without fear.”

Fortunately, the GOP has Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan on the House Judiciary Committee on the side of Justice. Jim Jordan is a Pit Bull that does not hold back in his line of questioning. He knows BS when he sees it and is not afraid to call people out for their lies. When it was his time slot to speak he began by playing a very incriminating video that shattered the narrative of “peaceful protests”. After watching this it made me sick to my stomach to see such destruction and mayhem that shows the worst of our society. But, what was worse were the Democratic Politicians at all levels -Mayors, Governors, Congressmen, Senators, Former President and Vice President – defend these actions and in the same breath try to demonize President Trump for his “Police State Tactics” as he tries to bring peace to these cities.  I am convinced that these so-called politicians think we are stupid to think we would believe them.

Does President Trump have authority to bring in Federal help in the form of special agents albeit agents from the FBI, ICE, or DHS or even the National Guard?  According to Democratic Politicians he doesn’t, but let’s look at the facts.

According to The Insurrection Act of 1807 which is a  United States Federal Law (10 U.S. Code 252) which states, “Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States, in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

Some say you must have Civil Disorder for the Insurrection Act to be employed. After all Democrat Politicians are arguing that there is no merit to this, after all these are “peaceful protests” So what is the definition of Civil Disorder? According to Wikipedia – Civil Disorder, also known as civil disturbance or civil unrest, is an activity arising from a mass act of civil disobedience (such as a demonstration, riot, or strike) in which the participants become hostile toward authority, and authorities incur difficulties in maintaining public safety and order, over the disorderly crowd. It is, in any form, prejudicial to public law and order.

I saw Jim Jordan’s video and I truly believe that all those actions in that one video qualifies this for the Insurrection Act especially since these actions have been going on for well over 2 months! This needs to stop and stop quickly; we cannot allow Democrat Politicians to destroy our cities one at a time. We have to stand up and vote these politicians out in November.

Martin Luther King Quote

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate…Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

The people who support the rioting and the looting of The Organization of Black Lives Matter and Antifa need to take a lesson from Martin Luther King. We will never achieve “Social Justice” in the way they are destroying our cities one by one.  

Finally! A Sports Athlete Speaks the Truth!

I have always admired retired Defensive Tackle Marcellus Wiley and NFL Pro Bowl player who was mostly known for his playing time with the Buffalo Bills and San Diego Chargers. He has just gained a ton of respect from me. He speaks the truth and he actually does his homework! He is a retired sports athlete that actually took the time to read about the Mission Statement of the Organization of Black Lives Matter, and – to put it lightly – he called their bluff. I have written about the same points he makes in an earlier post of mine, “The Misinformed Who Kneel On Our Flag”.

Thank you, Mr. Wiley if only people had the cojones to educate themselves, make up their own minds for themselves and speak their mind without fear of retribution. Check out Marcellus when did a segment on this on his show “Speak For Yourself” And speak for himself he did!

A History of Racism

Here we are in the “Woke” era of “Cancel Culture” where Confederate Statues, Statues of Columbus and others are being taken down and even an NFL Team being forced to re-name itself. I do not agree with any of this as there is a saying that “History Repeats Itself” we need to honor History – good and bad – and always be reminded of our past in order to make a better future and not make the same mistakes.

If Democrats want to remove Our History with anything even remotely hinting at Racism, then why are they not owning up to their own part in History?  I don’t agree with removing ANYTHING. But, I thought it was ironic that Democrats were called out on it last week when Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution  and it was all but ignored to keep it out of the Mainstream Media. The resolution, if passed, would ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party. Gohmert went on to say, “A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,”

Before Rep Gohmert submitted his resolution, I had often ask myself how did it come about that Republicans are always being proclaimed to be Racists when it is an historical fact that the Democrats have been against racial equality since the Democratic Party was founded in 1828?  Then, during the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement the party suddenly switched and now Republicans are deemed to be Racists and Democrats are the epitome for Civil Rights.  Then it dawned on me:  This is why Democrats are trying to erase history so as not to show their true colors. How are they doing this?

  1. Attempt to remove National Monuments.
  2. Demean the Constitution by arguing it was written by Racists.
  3. The “1619 Project” put forth by the New York Times that we are a nation built on Slavery and that Slavery is in the DNA of all Americans.

 Since the Democratic Party was founded in 1828, Democrats have fought against almost every major Civil Rights initiative. The Party has a long and documented history of discrimination. On the other hand, the Republican Party was founded in 1854 for the sole purpose of stopping slavery and stopping the spread of slavery into the newly expanding Western United States.

In March 1857, the Supreme Court issued a decision in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case that ruled against Dred Scott who was at one time a slave. The Court ruled that black people are not included and were not intended to be included under the word “citizens” in the Constitution and therefore cannot claim any of the rights and privileges as citizens of the United States. The decision was made by 7 Democrat Justices versus 2 Republican Justices, essentially slaves would continue to be recognized as property and not a citizen.

This was one of many events that led to the Civil War (1861 – 1865) with our first Republican President Abraham Lincoln leading the fight for freedom.  In September 1862 Lincoln used an Executive Order to enact the Emancipation Proclamation that immediately changed the legal status under federal law of more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the Confederate States from being slaves to becoming free.  This Executive Order basically overruled the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision and slaves would finally be viewed as a citizen.

In the beginning of 1865, the first of three Reconstruction Amendments were drafted in anticipation of the North winning the Civil War.  The 13th Amendment was drafted in January of 1865.  Its purpose was to abolish slavery and involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime.  The amendment was ratified by the required number of states on December 6, 1865.  On December 18, 1865 Secretary of State William H. Seward proclaimed its adoption since Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated on April 15, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth.

In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed as the second of the Reconstruction Amendments.  Arguably one of the most consequential amendments to this day, the 14th Amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law for former slaves.  The Amendment was bitterly contested by Democrats and especially by the states of the defeated Confederacy which were forced to ratify the amendment in order to regain any form of representation in the United States Congress.

The 15th Amendment gave voting rights to Blacks and “prohibited the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen’s race, color or previous condition of servitude.”  It was ratified in 1870 as the third and last of the Reconstruction Amendments.

During the era of Reconstruction (1865 – 1877) federal troops were posted around the southern states to help secure the rights for newly freed slaves.  Hundreds of Black men were elected to the Southern State Legislatures as Republicans and 22 Black Republicans had served in the United States Congress by 1900.  Democrats did not elect a Black representative until 1935. The United States Senate had two Black Senators before 1900.

When federal troops left the South, Democrats quickly stepped in to set up measures to infringe upon the rights of Black citizens.  Democrats terrorized the Black community with actions and laws based on the code of white supremacy.  In 1865, the Klu Klux Klan was founded and by 1867 Nathan Bedford Forest, a Democrat, became the first Grand Wizard and helped organize the newly formed KKK.  Before Forest took over the Klan

it was a loose collection of local factions throughout the former Confederacy that used violence and the threat of violence to maintain white control over newly enfranchised slaves.  The Klan, with Forest at the lead, suppressed voting rights of Black citizens in the South through violence and intimidation during the elections of 1868.  Forest viewed the Klan as a military force serving the interest of the Democratic Party. Of course, this intimidation extended to Republicans in the South as well.

There have been many Klu Klux Klan leaders serving in politics but the most famous was Robert Byrd of West Virginia.  Byrd had a long-standing history with the KKK.  He started in 1942 recruiting 150 people for a new chapter of the KKK in Sophia, West Virginia.  He wrote later that a Klan official inspired him to get into politics when he was told: “You have a talent for leadership, Bob…the country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”  Soon after that Byrd started to get involved in politics.  In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to the Grand Wizard of the KKK stating: “The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.” Byrd became one of the longest standing members of the United States Senate serving from 1959 until 2010.  He served as the Democratic Majority Leader of the Senate towards the end of his tenure. 

When Robert Byrd died in June of 2010 Hillary Clinton, then a United States Senator announced: “Our country has lost a true American original, my friend and mentor Robert Byrd.  Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility.”  She went on to say.  “It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not just its longest serving member.  He was its heart and soul.  From my first day in the Senate, I sought out his guidance and he was always generous with his time and his wisdom.” It was less than 6 years later after honoring a man with absolute ties to the KKK that she would proclaim during her presidential campaign that Donald Trump and his supporters were all racists when she made her infamous “Basket of Deplorables” comment.

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy pushed for passage of the Civil Rights Act but it was defeated by a Democrat controlled filibuster in order to stop the Civil Rights Act from happening. Committed to the filibuster effort were powerful Democratic Senators Richard Russell, Strom Thurmond, Robert Byrd, William Fulbright and Sam Ervin. Russell started the filibuster in late March of 1964, and it would last for 60 working days in the Senate. In November of 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated and then the Senate managed to finally pass the bill.

The next President, Democrat Lyndon Johnson (1963 – 1969) was credited with passing the Civil Rights Act, despite his holding extremely strong racist views. 80% of Republicans supported this bill as compared to 70% of Democrats opposing it.  Once Democrats learned that they could no longer be able to control Blacks and keep them segregated and could no longer keep them from voting they decided to change their strategy.  Suddenly, they came up with programs to “help” the Black community.  President Johnson proclaimed that the Civil Rights Act would “Have Ni***s voting Democrat for 200 years.”  Basically, the Civil Rights Act was a way for Democrats to prosper on the votes of Blacks after giving up on trying to repress their freedom and votes.  They were now going to embrace it and scream that the Republican Party are the ones being the Oppressors.  Remember the old saying: “If you can’t beat them join them.”  This seems to be the mantra of hypocrisy of the Democratic Party.

Democrats of late are notoriously claiming that the Republican Party is the villain when in reality it is the failed policies of the Democratic Party that have kept Blacks down.  In the early 1920’s Black churches would not allow members to be helped financially through the Church.  They preached that hard work would pay off. They created their own schools that were quickly closing the educational gaps. Their hard work was making their community thrive and prosper with virtually no government help.  But enter in massive government welfare.  It has decimated Black families and created a persona that whites are to blame for the Black community’s shortfalls and points a finger at blaming someone rather than looking at self-accountability that the Black churches preached.  Now we have various massive welfare programs that on the surface do help the Black community.  However, they are now trapped by dependency on those programs as there are no available programs set up to wean a person off of these programs.  Democrat policies oppose School Choice and that keeps Black students trapped in failing schools.  Politically correct policing has left Black neighborhoods defenseless against violent crime in drug ridden communities and increased single parent homes in an already low-income environment. 

During the Obama era we witnessed the most racist turn of events in my lifetime.  We saw encouragement for violence coming out of the White House.  Obama’s comments about Trayvon Martin were not helpful.  “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” implying that the Not Guilty ruling of George Zimmerman was wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense.  The blowback was unrelenting.  Obama was accused of race-baiting.  From that moment on his responses to police brutality were couched in language of universalism.

The mainstream media put “Black Lives Matter” and Antifa on a pedestal as they saw it as an active response to police brutality against Black communities.  However, that was the guise behind it because it was a ruse to invoke violence as seen in Ferguson, Dallas and Baltimore where parts of those cities were destroyed.

In Dallas, Micah Johnson, the murderer of five Dallas Police officer told a hostage negotiator that he was angry on behalf of Black Lives Matter and “wanted to kill white people, especially police officers.”  Johnson’s Facebook page revealed an affinity for Black Nationalism, and he followed a Facebook group called the “African American Defense League” which encourages followers to ‘ATTACK EVERYTHING IN BLUE EXCEPT THE MAIL MAN” and “sprinkle Pigs Blood.”

All of this led to an NFL player who views himself as a “so called” expert on American History and Social Justice to start kneeling during the National Anthem and disrespecting the American Flag before NFL games.  After his first notable protest against what he called the “systematic oppression” of minorities in the United States and saying he wanted “freedom for all people,” this now ex-NFL player put on a T-shirt that featured a supportive image of one of the 20th century’s most enduring oppressors – Fidel Castro. It is reported that the Castro regime’s death toll ran to a total of 73,000 dead and 18,000 political prisoners.  Political prisoners disagreed with Castro policies.  Talk about being misinformed.

We saw even more results of Obama’s rhetoric in the Democratic primaries where Democrat candidates Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren among others promised Reparations for all Blacks because “we are a nation built on Slavery.” Another ploy to secure the Black vote is to promise money to the Black community. Democrat candidates also touted what is called “White Privilege” or the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies.

Current Democrat Politicians call all Republicans racists – if they support Donald Trump. They deem African Americans as “Uncle Toms” and demean them publicly if they do not vote Democrat.  Just ask Kanye West and the criticism he received for saying “They try to tell me because of my color who I’m supposed to pick as the President.  You’re Black, so you can’t like Trump.  I ain’t never made a decision only based on my color.  That’s a form of slavery, mental slavery… Both my parents were freedom fighters and they used to drink from fountains they were told they couldn’t drink from and they used to sit in restaurants where they were told they couldn’t eat from,” he said.  They didn’t fight for me to be told by white people which white person I can vote on.”

We have seen movements emerge like the one started by Candace Owens who heads the movement named BLEXIT.  She describes the BLEXIT movement as an awakening of Black Americans and as an exit from the Left who for too long held us hostage to their policies and agendas – judging us by the color of our skin and making empty promises before each election.  She sees The Cry of Racism as a flippant ploy to oppose the views you have a disagreement with that has demeaned the meaning of Racism.  As Candace Owens has stated: “The Left doesn’t want Black people to think for themselves.”  To Owens, the left’s espousal of permanent victim hood is one of its most insidious lies.  “It’s because of racism, because of some imaginary white boogeyman that you’re never gonna be successful.”  That mentality, she says, leads to excuses rather than action.  We call it the Oppression Olympics.  I’m black, you’re white, so I’m more oppressed than you.”

Not all Political Parties are innocent when it comes to Racism. Racism still exists and it is an ugly scar in the history of our nation. It needs to be acknowledged by all for the simple idea of having a constant reminder to always do our best to make matters better. I believe that Racism will always exist as long as politicians keep stoking the embers and race baiting in an effort to keep division.  Racism cannot exist without division and hate.  If you make one group envious and jealous of the other, you create division and hatred.  Once that has been established their own hate fuels victim hood. Once victim hood gets a stranglehold, you are crippled by blame.  Consequently, you are unable to take advantage of the opportunities our Great Country has. 

We are the Greatest Nation in the world because of our freedom and opportunities we provide.  Our Constitution guarantees our freedom.  We are the only nation to have an Emancipation Proclamation and we are the only country that fought a war to end slavery.  There are countless successful businessmen and women who are not Caucasian.  This county will heal when we stop pointing the finger and flippantly using the race card.  Shame on the Democrat politicians screaming racism.  Many of them are of other races and should be touting their own success story as a positive beacon for others to follow.  They should not be pointing the finger of blame as that makes them the “True Racists” as they are the ones instilling hatred.  When that false rhetoric ends that will be the day when Racism begins to disappear. 

The Misinformed Who Kneel On Our Flag

Editor’s Note: I wish to make a distinction that is in this article. I believe in the ideal that Black Lives Matter “Too”. We are all the same in Gods’ eyes and we all matter and should all treat each other accordingly. However, I DO NOT agree with Black Lives Matter the “Organization” as they are not what they claim to be as you  will learn from reading this  article and therefore I will be distinct in referring to this group as The Organization of Black Lives Matter.       

With the mess that is going on in Our Nation right now it upsets me that people are expressing such hate and violence all while being defended in the name of Social Justice by our mainstream media. This is wrong and needs to stop at all levels. Personally, I have always displayed the American Flag and the Thin Blue Line Flag that honors our fallen Police Officers. Three times I have had my flags taken down, most notably this past Memorial Day when they were taken down and thrown in the mud. Unfortunately, we are stuck in a nation right now where if you disagree you deserve the violence and hate that is directed to you from the left. You must conform or you will be ostracized from your community, sometimes by your co-workers and sadly sometimes by family and friends.

Earlier this month I read what NFL Quarterback Drew Brees said in an interview and I was so happy to see someone stand up and express his feelings. He said “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country, when the anthem is played, I think about the risks both of my grandfather’s took while serving in the military during World War II. I think about all that has been sacrificed, not just those in the military, but for that matter, those throughout the Civil Rights Movement of the ’60s and all that has been endured by so many people until this point. Is everything right with our country right now? No, it’s not. We still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart, is it shows unity. It shows that we are all in this together, we can all do better, and we are all part of the solution.” 

It was well spoken, and I was glad he said it because it is how I feel. Sadly, his teammates, fellow NFL Players and the leftist populace pressured him into recanting and apologize for his feelings. Apologize for your own feelings? I have always believed that feelings are sacred to a person and are unique and are not be questioned as those deep thought feelings are based on our own personal experiences and how we perceive things.  Drew Brees is a class act on and off the field, he was sharing how the National Anthem makes him feel and the respect he has for those who fought for it, which happened to be people that were close to him. Somehow that was wrong? Maybe in a world where everyone must conform and not be able to think for themselves or maybe in today’s Social Justice Society of seeing things from the ultra-lefts’ point of view or no way at all.

Colin Kaepernick started this whole movement of kneeling on and disrespecting Our Flag claiming it was for Police Brutality. That is completely and utterly false, either that or he is completely and utterly ignorant and here is why.

Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of The Organization of Black Lives Matter proudly admitted during one of her blogs on 6/19/20 that she is a radical, anti-white Marxist. She Said “We actually do have an ideological frame, myself and Alicia Garza (Co-founders of Black Lives Matter) are particularly trained organizers — we are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories…”

On the Organization of Black Lives Matters’ website, they have a goal to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement” Say Again? A family that has a stable Father and Mother as its core nucleus is something they wish to disrupt? It is a fact that children do better when they have not only a Father figure but have a sense of family.  Even MSNBC Host – Ultra- liberal Don Lemon was quoted in 2013 that, “Black people, if you really want to fix the problem of violence within the black community … More than 72 percent of children in the African American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues.” The BLM Organization treats it as if Black Fathers Don’t Matter.

Their goals are also to defund the police which is exactly what you must do to put the anti-white Marxist system in place. I find that the words that Cullors said in her blog is an antithesis of what is written on the BLM Organizations website where it states “We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people. We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.”

Action speaks louder than words and that is not what the Organization of Black Lives Matter is about as they have joined forces with Antifa. We have all seen the news. The violence, the burning of businesses, the throwing of bricks the looting and even cold-blooded murder of cops and innocent bystanders. But that is what The Organization of Black Lives Matter embraces. According to Cullors as seen in her YouTube Video telling her audience that they do a chant at the end of “all of their meetings…. Being it shutting down a mall or closing a freeway…. This is from our Beloved Assata Shakur who is #1 on the FBI’s America’s Most Wanted List, who is a powerful leader that has inspired us.”

Who is their Beloved Assata Shakur? She was once part of the Black Panther movement in the 1970’s and later joined the Black Liberation Army. In May 1973, Shakur was arrested after being wounded in a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike as a suspect to an armed robbery of a bank. During the shootout she murdered New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster age 34. She was found guilty for First Degree murder, but in 1979 The BLA helped her escape from prison. She then fled to Cuba where Fidel Castro granted her asylum and now, we have the Organization of Black Lives Matter idolizing a cop killer at every meeting they have.

Don’t be fooled -The Organization of Black Live Matter IS NOT a peaceful movement. But it is a very political if not an anarchist movement.

On June 19th, 2020, Cullors appeared on CNN and admitted to Jake Tapper that “Trump needs to be out of office. He is not fit for office. And so, what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out. While we’re also going to continue to push and pressure Vice President Joe Biden around his policies and relationship to policing and criminalization. That’s going to be important. But our goal is to get Trump out.

If you don’t believe that the Organization of Black Lives Matter is political all you have to do is go to their website and click on the “Donate” button and you will be directed to ActBlue. ActBlue is a 501c Charity that is “managing” the expenditures of the Black Lives Matter Organization. However, the largest part of their funds goes toward Democratic Presidential campaigns and the DNC specifically, in essence they are illegally laundering money internationally to fund the DNC and Democrats to the tune of three quarters of a billion dollars to the past Democratic Primary hopeful candidates with Bernie Sanders receiving 186 million and Joe Biden nearly 120 million dollars.

Chaziel Sunz also has input of the money being exchanged in the Black Lives Matters Organization. Chaziel Sunz was a former member of the Organization of Black Lives Matter who was involved in organizing the Ferguson protests of 2014. In 2017, Sunz posted a video explaining how he discovered that his movement was infiltrated by people who sought to push the Organization of OBLM  members towards a specific, extremist ideology. He states “If you have any kind of brain you know that OBLM has been endorsed by the Soros and the Clinton family. If you have any kind of brain you know that those same people don’t give a damn about you, don’t give a damn about black people. They are exploiting the black plight to make money off you. They’re using your emotions and based off what has happened to you and they’re using that against you so you can join these evil demonic people to help fight people on the far Right… I want to make this simple. The Left is going against the Right. It’s a huge civil war that is being planned out. I want to make this simple. It’s happening right now and what they want is for everybody to choose a side, consciously or subconsciously.

Chaziel Sunz cannot be taken lightly because Patrisse Cullors, was trained by her personal mentor, Eric Mann. Some may recall that Eric Mann was a member of radical-left militant groups: Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground, which bombed government buildings and Police Stations in the 1960s and 1970s with the goal of overthrowing the government. She spent years training in political organizing and absorbing the radical Marxist-Leninist ideology which shaped her worldview and helped her grow as a leader.

And now back to Colin Kaepernick and kneeling on the flag. It is not about Social Justice. It is about the same violence the Organization of Black Lives Matter is preaching. After 5 Police were brutally murdered in Dallas by Micah Johnson in July 2016, rioters in the area were heard chanting “Pigs in a blanket! Fry-em’ like bacon!” Not much compassion was shown by Kaepernick either as a few days later he chose to wear Pig Socks during football practice that depicted a cartoon pig wearing a police hat which ESPN did a whole segment on. The NFL Commissioner was also just as classless as the Dallas Cowboys were denied the right to honor the fallen Police Officers and Kaepernick was not reprimanded for act of callous behavior.  Later that week in a press conference trying to explain what he called the “systematic oppression” of minorities in the United States and saying he wanted “freedom for all people,” this now ex-NFL player put on a T-shirt that featured a supportive image of one of the 20th century’s most enduring oppressors – Fidel Castro, a the dictator of Cuba who has committed more human rights violations in his life than any other living person in North or South America. A man responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people of all races and the one that also gave political asylum to the “beloved” Assata Shakur.

The Organization of Black Lives Matter is a sham. They are telling you one thing but acting another way. If they really cared about their own race as they claim, then where is the outrage in Chicago or other Democrat controlled Cities? This past Father’s Day Weekend the shooting totals in Chicago eclipsed the century mark at 102 shootings, including 14 fatalities, five children were among the dead—the youngest victim was 3. The Mainstream Media chose not to cover this exceptional high rate of violence nor do they seem to cover the high rate of Black on Black murders that occur. In 2019 there were over 7,400 Black on Black Murders and 19 killings of unarmed white men by cops versus 9 unarmed Black men killed by cops. What about the exceptional amount of money that people, and major corporations are donating for “Social Justice” when it is going to the Democrat Party? If they truly cared, then it should be going to help Black Families.

The Organization of Black Lives Matter is seeking to transform America by defunding the police, dismantling capitalism, destroying the patriarchy, breaking down the nuclear family unit, emptying prisons, redistributing wealth in the form of reparations among other far left objectives. The Organization of Black Lives Matter has joined efforts with Antifa rioters and have destroyed small businesses, targeted churches and burned buildings to the ground. Their goal is to bring chaos where there is order, fan the flames of class warfare and demonize Christians and Conservatives. They are trying to do what Eric Mann could not do with the Weather Underground and overthrow the government and now his Protégé is leading the charge.

I agree with Vice President Mike Pence when on June 19th he said, “And in this nation, especially on Juneteenth, we celebrate the fact that from the founding of this nation we’ve cherished the ideal that all, all of us are created equal, and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. And so, all lives matter in a very real sense.”

For all those people and now various Sport leagues who wish to kneel on and dis-respect Our Flag, Shame on you. You have not looked at the facts but have fallen in line with the hype of the mainstream media and what Democratic leaders are pushing for their narrative. You are not only kneeling on this flag, but you are supporting the anarchy, the riots and the goal of The Organization of Black Lives Matter to destroy our freedoms and turn this into a Marxist country all in the ruse of “equality”.

A True American sees 3 colors – Red, White and Blue. ALL LIVES MATTER! Blacks, Whites, Asians and Hispanics have all fought for our country and defended Our Flag over the centuries. We need to keep fighting for it and not to destroy it.

In closing I will repeat what Drew Brees said earlier “We still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart, is it shows unity. It shows that we are all in this together, we can all do better, and we are all part of the solution.”

Unity = Freedom

Proposition 15 – Split-Roll Tax

This coming November, Californians have several Propositions to vote for. Often times these are quite confusing so I thought I would explain this in layman’s terms.  For what it is worth I will also give my own reasoning on why I support or oppose these Propositions. To see the Propositions in their entirety you can go to

Proposition 15  Increase funding for Public Schools, Community Colleges, and Local Government Services by Changing Tax Assessment of Commercial and Industrial Property

The ballot initiative would amend the California State Constitution to require commercial and industrial properties, except those zoned as commercial agriculture to be taxed based on their current market value. This would “Split” it into two ways that Property Taxes are collected. This would raise taxes on most commercial properties while leaving residential property taxes alone. Hence the term “Split-Roll” The new way Commercial Properties would be taxed would be based on current market value. This would overturn what was established in 1978 with Proposition 13 which locked in all property taxes to the sell price with annual increases equal to the rate of inflation or 2 percent, whichever is lower.

A Yes Vote supports overturning this State Constitutional Amendment to require commercial and industrial properties, except those zoned as commercial agriculture, to be taxed based on their market value, rather than their purchase price.

A No Vote opposes this constitutional amendment, thus continuing what Proposition 13 established and continue to tax commercial and industrial properties based on a property’s purchase price, with annual increases equal to the rate of inflation or 2 percent, whichever is lower.

My Opinion: A No Vote – Why? This is sneakiness at its best and in multiple ways. First, they claim it is for local School Districts and Community Colleges, but the truth is only 40% will go to that. Also, this is cracking the door open to abolish Proposition 13 altogether. They will start with Commercial Property Taxes and next up will be the Residential Property Taxes. Once we give them an inch, they will try to take a mile. Some may say “So what? Tax big businesses.” But who will ultimately pay the price? The Consumer of course. Businesses will raise prices to offset their higher property taxes. This is a bad Proposition any way you look at it. It would be catastrophic for California’s economy and for consumers if property taxes were raised on every business in California at the same time, over and over again as real estate values rise year after year without limitations.

Proposition 14 – Stem Cell Research Funding

This coming November, Californians have several Propositions to vote for. Often times these are quite confusing so I thought I would explain this in laymen’s terms.  For what it is worth I will also give my own reasoning on why I support or oppose these Propositions. To see the Propositions in their entirety you can go to

Proposition 14 Authorizes Bonds to Continue Funding Stem Cell and Other Medical Research.

The ballot initiative would issue $5.5 billion in general obligation bonds for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), which was created to fund stem cell research. In 2004, voters approved Proposition 71. As of October 2019, CIRM had $132 million in funds remaining. On July 1, 2019, CIRM suspended applications for new projects due to depleted funds and is now trying to obtain more State funded Bonds Some of the bond funds would be dedicated, including $1.5 billion for research on therapies and treatments for brain and nervous system diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.

A Yes Vote will support issuing $5.5 billion general obligation bonds for the state’s stem cell research institute.

A No Vote opposes issuing $5.5 billion general obligation bonds for the state’s stem cell research institute.

My Opinion: A No Vote – Why? This is passing the buck to our kids to pay off even more debt in California. Although, I do agree with the good intentions and the studies that they are performing, but this is the country of Capitalism. Big Pharma has the ability to perform their own studies and there are plenty of Philanthropists to contribute to this cause. Also, I believe that the program would be run much more efficiently in the private sector instead of having an open check at the taxpayer’s expense. California already pays too much in taxes and the people who run our State Government have a knack for wasting it.