Upholding the Constitution?

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

With that said I would like to bring up the proposed bill H.R. 1 which is being introduced in the House of Representatives. This Bill, also known as, “For the People Act of 2021”,  which would basically strip away the election clause of Article II, Section 1, where it states, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof…”

Congress is attempting to mandate how elections will be run along with the rules to be followed at a federal level by nullifying the power of each State Legislature to run their own elections. Here are a few examples of what is in this proposed Bill:

Banning voter ID:  You no longer have to prove who you are in order to vote.

Prohibiting attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents: People that do not live in your district/city/state any more could vote on your local measures/propositions or elected officials. With mail in voting one could essentially vote twice in federal elections if they re-register in their new district and still received one from their old district.

Murderers and rapists can vote: Felons lose the right to vote when found guilty of a crime. That right needs to be earned back.

Legalizes ballot harvesting: Voters that may need to have assistance filling out their ballot, such as senior citizens, could be coerced into voting a certain way. This can also lead to bribery.

Early voting: This allows you to mail in your vote weeks in advance. Often times if you vote too early, you may not have all the facts.

Universal mail-voting: Everyone will receive a ballot in the mail, whether you are registered to vote by mail or not. This can lead to a higher possibility of your ballot being stolen.

Repeal of signature matching laws: Anyone can vote in your place as there is now no way to prove who you are. If your ballot is stolen anyone can fill it in for you and the Registrars Office would never know the difference.

Motor Voter’ registration: When you obtain a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote. Some people and religions do not believe in voting, yet they will be automatically registered to vote and obtain a ballot in the mail. This can lead to ballots being thrown away and stolen.

H.R. 1 also implements rules where election observers would not be able to challenge the legitimacy of ballots without written documentation. Essentially this removes the honest observer from the polling process. Who will give this written documentation, and can they be trusted?

Is this what America wants? No Signature matching? No Voter ID? Not being able to challenge the legitimacy of ballots? An election run by rules that not only allow cheating, but to make it easier to cheat as it promotes fraud at so many levels? Please, someone tell me what part of “…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States…” does H.R. 1 represent?

Better yet please call your local Congressman and ask them to “Please explain what part of H.R. 1 upholds the Constitution?” and what part of this is “for the people?”

For Sonoma County, CA you can call:

Jared Huffman Petaluma 707-991-8967

Mike Thompson Santa Rosa 707-542-7182

Or go to https://ziplook.house.gov/htbin/findrep_house and simply enter in your zip code for your local congressman.

Democrat or Republican? Where Do Your Values Lie?

Quite often I see many people who think that they are a Democrat, but their values speak otherwise. What are your values and where do you fit in? Democrat? Republican? With the many changes going on regarding both Parties you might be surprised where your values lie.

Individual Liberty

Individual liberty has been the sore difference between Democrats and Republicans. Political correctness is on the rise and many people believe that people need to be protected against themselves. Democrats have tended toward favoring legislation that restricts some freedoms. Higher taxes and bigger government and most recently freedom of speech. Republicans favor personal responsibility, in that individuals should be able to choose for themselves what they do and what they do not do, if it doesn’t break existing laws. They believe that taxes are the biggest infringement on one’s personal liberty and favor lower taxes and a smaller Government. They believe that the Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.

Tax Policy

Taxes are the biggest infringement on ones’ freedom. Both parties favor tax cuts, but each party takes a different view on where those tax cuts should come from. The Democrats believe there should only be cuts for middle and low-income families but believe they should be higher on corporations and wealthy individuals. This way they can fund social programs such as Welfare, Food Stamps and Low-Income Housing. It is a means to re-distribute wealth by taking it away from those who have more and giving it to those who have less. The Republicans believe there should be tax cuts for everyone – both corporations and people of all income. They believe in Trickle Down Economics, which is based on the belief that if you cut corporate taxes, then more jobs are created, which in turn, increases employment and therefore increases spending and tax revenue thru sales tax. These newly created jobs help Social Programs in two ways, more funding for programs thru tax revenue and less demand of the Social Programs because people have jobs.

Social Issues

Democrats tend to be more progressive in their views, favoring late term abortion (20 -37 weeks) and in some states, infanticide which can be performed literally during birth. They support gay marriage. They are for stricter gun control laws that limit gun ownership. Their goal is to outlaw gun ownership altogether by abolishing the 2nd Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. They tend not to believe in God and would like the term “God” removed from schools as well as prayer in any form. They are inserting the “1619 Project” into our schools which states, “All Americans are systemically racist at birth” They oppose the Death Penalty but are in favor of rehabilitation programs. Most recently, with the riots we have witnessed this past summer, we are hearing the cry for defunding the police as well as the elimination of jails and prisons all together. The Republicans tend to be conservative on social issues. They tend to oppose gay marriage and promote marriage being between a man and a woman. They also oppose abortion, but some tend to be a bit more progressive by giving women a right to choose in the case of rape or incest. Republicans promote the right of gun ownership as decreed in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. They tend to believe in God and an “eye for an eye” when it comes to the Death Penalty. They have the strong belief that God “Created all men equal” They fully support and respect the Police and U.S. Servicemen.

Labor and Free Trade

Republicans and Democrats have very different ideas when it comes to the business environment. The Democrats favor increasing the minimum wage to a flat rate nationwide so that Americans have more money with which to purchase goods. They also favor higher corporate taxes resulting in businesses relocating overseas and having lower tariffs for these goods to be imported back into the country. Republicans tend to oppose increasing the minimum wage, citing the need for business to keep costs low so they can prosper and be able to employ more workers, offer better benefits and maintain competitive pricing for whatever product they sell. They believe in lower corporate taxes to encourage business growth within our country and favor higher tariffs to encourage buying products made in America.

Health Care

Democrats generally prefer a lot of government regulation and oversight of the health care system, including the passage of the Affordable Care Act, because it mandates that all citizens be enrolled in the health care system. When the Affordable Health Care was enacted it was said that it would lower health care rates by $2,500 annually. Republicans, who opposed the Affordable Care Act, believe that too much government involvement in the industry will drive up costs as insurance companies cannot meet the rates demanded by the government and therefore driving insurance companies out of business, causing a negative impact on the quality of care that consumers receive. Since the Affordable Health Care act was enacted, health care costs have increased $4685 annually.

Foreign Policy

When it comes to differences between Democrats and Republicans, the foreign policy cannot be missed. Each party has had different stances in relation to foreign policy over the years depending on the situation. Generally speaking, when military involvement may be required, the Democrats favor more targeted strikes and limited use of manpower, while Republicans favor a full military effort to displace regimes that are totalitarian and detrimental to their own people and who are threatening others. Both parties typically agree that sending aid to other countries is a good thing, but disagree on the nature of that aid and who should be receiving it. Democrats tend to cut military spending while as Republicans believe in a strong military presence as it is not to promote war, it’s to be prepared for peace.

Energy Issues and the Environment

There have always been clashes between the parties on the issues of energy and the environment. Democrats believe in heavily restricting drilling for oil or other avenues of fossil fuels to protect the environment. The Green New Deal that is currently being implemented is shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. Democrats support energy solutions such as wind and solar and subsidizing the cost of electric vehicles and solar panels through consumer tax breaks. Republicans believe that being self-reliant on energy production is a key to a strong economy and favor expanded drilling to produce more energy at a lower cost to consumers. They also believe in developing many of the same forms of clean energy but favor allowing the free market to decide which forms of energy are practical from a consumer and economical standpoint, not from government strong arm tactics to be paid for by taxpayers.


The parties have different views on the education system for the country, but both agree there needs to be changes. Democrats favor more progressive approaches to education, such as implementing the Common Core System, Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project. Democrats favor implementing new taxes to pay off student loan debt.  Republicans tend to favor more conservative changes such as School Choice so parents can decide which school fits their own child’s needs. They believe in the 1776 Report which teaches students the history and principles of the founding of the United States.  Republicans believe that student loans should not be paid by the taxpayer because not all people go to college. Instead, they favor promoting the private sector for giving loans and scholarships and not to be funded by the government through hard working taxpayers.

Unfortunately, we have seen the country divide because of their political views. It is time to educate oneself no matter what your views are and, most importantly to vote with the party that sincerely reflects upon your own personal views.

An Open Letter to Biden…

I have always admired Ted Nugent as an iconic Rock Star, and as a someone that certainly knows how to speak his mind. He is a Trump Supporter and a hardcore Conservative. He played the “National Anthem” at a Trump Rally in his home state of Michigan, calling President Trump “The greatest President of our lifetime.”

He, like so many others were devastated by the fraud that took place in the Presidential Election.

He, like so many others will never accept Biden as President, but to look upon him as a fraud and a puppet of the Deep State.

He wrote an open letter to Biden, and I could not agree with him more! Keep speaking your mind Mr. Nugent!

Dear Vice President Biden,

Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.

I remember four years ago my President Trump also called for unity.

I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration.

I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on my President Trumps campaign.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump.

I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trumps beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed my President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump.

I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump.

This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party.

This Trump supporter will be giving you the same respect you gave my President Trump.

Your abject criminal dishonesty is treasonous.

So F@*% off!!!

Denzel Washington – “The Truth About Race”

In this day and age of Hollywood elitism where the majority of the celebrities are hardcore leftists, it is quite refreshing to see none other than Denzel Washington set the record straight with brutal honesty. He is a class act and somehow, he is able to share his views in such a manner that there is no way to dispute his views. He manages to shoot down Black Lives Matters’ belief in dismantling the nuclear family without ever mentioning their name.

The following video is by Larry Elder who is a conservative talk show host. He put together a video clip entitled the “Truth About Race” which features Denzel Washington doing many interviews and giving an inspiring Commencement Speech. This video is not necessarily about race even though in the featured interviews that is the main topic. This is a video about life, and it transcends all races and all ages. I encourage all to view “The Truth About Race” and to share it as well.

Please see my previous articles “The Misinformed Who Kneel On Our Flag” to see what truly inspires The Organization of BLM, as well as another article  “Finally! A Sports Athlete Speaks The Truth!”

Shared Article: “Build Back Bitter”

Occasionally I will read an article that I have to share in its’ entirety. This is the Case of “Build Back Bitter”, written by Tyler Black from Sovereignman.com. I love the Irony and sarcasm that he brings up with his examples of hypocrisy and ludicrous stupidity. Do these people listen to themselves speak or are they just truly demented ideologs that their words should be so revered that no one dare question them?

Enjoy Build Back Bitter!

It’s over everyone, you can sleep easy again – the party of peace, tolerance, and reconciliation is back in power. Amen. And Awomen.

They claim they want to heal and unify the nation.

But clearly the only way to do so is to create enemies lists and silence anyone with dissenting opinions.

For example, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?”

Robert Reich, Labor Secretary under Clinton, and adviser to Obama, Tweeted, “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission [to] name every official, politician, executive and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

Chris Hayes, an MSNBC host agreed saying, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

And Dick Costolo, the former CEO of Twitter, said, “Me-first capitalists … are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I’ll happily provide video commentary.”

Clearly social media companies like Twitter are a big part of the efforts to unify the nation. Twitter deleted 70,000 accounts using the trespassing of the Capitol as an excuse.

Amazon Web Services removed the alternative social media site Parler from its servers, while Apple and Google deleted Parler from their app stores.

Facebook and Reddit joined the purge, feverishly removing content that they don’t want their users to see.

Stripe, PayPal, and Visa announced they would stop processing payments to certain politicians and non-profits guilty of thought crimes.

Yesterday I read in the completely fair and objective media that simply acknowledging this tech purge makes one a conspiracy theorist. Axios news wrote a segment titled, Right wing’s new conspiracy: “The silencing”. They went on to say that only crazy conspiracy theorists believe that there are efforts to silence conservative voices.

In other words, if you believe what you can see with your own eyes, you’re a conspiracy theorist.

Most recently, for example, Harvard has purged Congresswoman Elise Stefanik from its advisory board. Stefanik’s crime? She publicly questioned voting irregularities in the 2020 election. Now, some people may think that she’s a terrible person because of her beliefs. And in fairness it’s Harvard’s right to choose whoever they want for their board. But now there’s a petition from the woke Harvard mob to revoke her degree, effectively erasing her existence from the institution. They want to cancel her. Yet even merely acknowledging that this is happening now makes you a conspiracy theorist according to the media.

The left’s cries of “de-fund the police” have turned to “fund the secret police,” as lawmakers reintroduce “domestic terror” bills to create new units under the Department of Homeland Security to monitor American “extremism”.

But the #assassinatetrump and #killtrump hashtags that Twitter has allowed since 2016— that’s totally fine free speech!

During the summer BLM riots, looting Target stores and burning down police stations were acts of courage. They even literally declared an independent autonomous zone and took over government buildings. Yet no one in the media ever used the words insurrection, sedition, or treason. AOC praised these mostly peaceful protests and said the entire point of them is “to make people feel uncomfortable.”But if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable that 25,000 troops are in the nation’s capital, along with tanks and attack helicopters, then you’re a (you guessed it!) conspiracy theorist.

Remember, though, ignorance is strength, so we should probably just obey the experts.

Trust in Social Security to provide retirement. Trust the Federal Reserve to improve the economy. Trust the media to tell the truth. Trust that the tech companies will continue to allow your free speech.

Or… as an alternative… make your own Plan B.

Quote of the Month – President Trump

In President Trump’s heartfelt Farewell Speech, he stated, “A Nation is only as strong as it’s Spirit.”

We need to remember that as we are all feeling dejected and somewhat hopeless in the way that our nation was stolen from us: it was calculated, well planned and unfortunately, successful. Now we are having our hands tied behind our back, as our free speech is being stripped away for simply disagreeing with the leftist mentality.

We need to remember our Spirit and remember how 75 million people came together to “Make America Great Again” We need to keep working to take back our freedom.

“The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance”, John Philpot Curran

Recalling an Inept Governor

The Democrat machine is going back to their old and tiresome socialist playbook by using their mantras “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” and “If you tell a lie over and over again it will eventually be perceived as the truth.”

The Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom has been going on for some time now, but this past week Rusty Hicks, chairman of the California Democratic Party, decided to use the Capitol Building Crisis to try and demean the Newsom recall effort as he stated. “This recall effort, which really ought to be called the California coup, is being led by right-wing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers in groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions… Today we’re here to say enough is enough is enough.”

Excuse me? This is about recalling an inept Governor because we care about our state we live in.

This past November, a judge ruled that Newsom was guilty of abuse of power for trying to change California State Constitution Laws without going through the proper procedures. The COVID Pandemic has only increased his public policies to be even more draconian in measure. His arrogance and hypocrisy are showing up more and more as he makes up rules for us to abide by as he thumbs his nose at us by continually breaking these same rules. (Please see my previously written article: “A Draconian Thanksgiving”)

In the past few years California has been hit hard by the wildfires. This is the fault of environmentalist policies that make zero sense. Clearing of dead trees and underbrush are forbidden. Funding has been cut to maintain the forestry roads; the same roads fire fighters can use to get to a fire quickly. Decisions should have been made to institute programs to maintain the land around electrical lines in order to keep the fires from starting in the first place.

Instead, his decision is to shut down power to millions of residents to stop forest fires. Newsom is also pushing to shut down more power plants in the state because he wants to cripple cities and our economy further. The state already suffers from rolling brownouts. He should instead be looking for ways to invest in new energy sources instead of blaming PG and E. But that is the mark of a “good” Democrat Politician – point the finger of blame at someone else.

People are tired of the insane decisions that Newsom has been making for the past several years. The lockdowns that cripple our state economy are just another example of his ineptness. Admit it Mr. Newsom, you are the worst governor to ever sit in power in California. Your decision-making skills, arrogance, and your reluctance to serve the people, is driving the push to remove you from office. If you want proof just look at the thousands of people leaving California, not to mention businesses.

Contrary to the propaganda, this recall is NOT being led by right-wing conspiracy theorists or white nationalists. It is being led by concerned citizens and patriots. Yes, it is a GOP led movement, but the signatures being collected cross all-party lines.

In order for the people to be able to recall the governor, the recall must gather 1.5 million signatures by March 10, 2021. For a location to go and sign a petition for recalling Governor Newsom please visit: https://recallgavin2020.com/location-locator/ and search for the county you reside in.

Let’s Take Back California!

Please follow The Californian Conservative on Parler – the Free Speech Social Network (but only if Amazon Web Services decides to allow free speech and re-instates their servers!)

This IS NOT About Silencing President Trump

What we have witnessed in the last few days after the breach of the Capitol Building is atrocious. It was made worse after learning that 4 people lost their lives in the mayhem. It was inexcusable.   

Some people have their own theories whether this was a set up by the Democrat Party or Trump Supporters protesting that let things get out of control.  But that is not what this article is about. This is about the scariest part of all, the results of this shameful incident.

Democrats are seizing this opportunity to silence President Trump and his supporters.

They say history repeats itself. The Nazis used the Reichstag Fire to silence their opposition.

On February 27, 1933 the Reichstag, the building where the German legislature met, was set ablaze by “someone,” and the government acted. Although it has never been definitively settled whether the fire was set by a communist saboteur or by a Nazi agent provocateur, it is beyond debate that the Nazis capitalized on the event with a vengeance. Insisting that the Reichstag fire prefigured a communist onslaught against the German state, Hitler persuaded President Hindenburg to sign an emergency decree “for the Protection of the People and the State,” suspending constitutional liberties and allowing the state to exercise extraordinary powers in the name of “public safety.”

Sound Familiar?

On Wednesday we witnessed mass confusion, and no one knows the truth as of this writing.  There is an article written by “The Millennium Report” that has a very interesting view that can be read here.  If it is indeed instigated by Antifa, the Mainstream Media will cover it up. Conservatives and those who seek to question the Mainstream Media would look to reliable sources to find their own truth. But as a result of Wednesdays’ debacle, we have seen Twitter and Facebook permanently ban President Trump. Soon following that announcement, Amazon, Google and Apple have all removed the Free Speech Social Media Platform “Parler” from its’ App Stores.

This is not about silencing President Trump.

Democrats realize that President Trump started a movement. His movement is bigger than the “Tea Party” ever dreamed of. This is a movement that will be a thorn in the side of Democrats for years to come. In their view, we must be silenced. We must have our ways of learning the truth be silenced. It will be just a matter of time before Biden tries to follow what Obama attempted to do when Obama tried to stifle Talk Radio. He tried to use the “Fairness Doctrine” to drastically decrease how many hours a radio station could broadcast Conservative Talk Shows and he vowed to censor Fox News.

This is scary. Even if you did not vote for President Trump you should be concerned as there has never been a free country ruled by a single party.

That is EXACTLY where we are headed if Democrats have their way.

Please follow The Californian Conservative on Parler – the Free Speech Social Network

You’ve Got to Stand for Something

Our biggest threat is not Joe Biden but our neighbors who have bought into this scheme. Joe Biden has no supporters, his rallies of 10-20 people have proven that. You see there are Trump supporters and then the people who hate Trump. They were caught up in the Mainstream Media’s hatred for this man. The same man that was adored by Oprah, a successful TV personality with a Star on the “Walk of Fame” and a man that people wrote songs about. They loved him until the hated him. Why? Because he screwed up Obama’s plans to pass the torch to Hillary to turn this into a Socialist country. 

There will be a rude awakening for all these hate filled people wondering why their taxes skyrocketed just as fast as their 401K plan plummeted. They will wonder why they lost their job due to another round of lockdowns with illegal immigrants flooding into the tune of 15 million more people. But of course, they will muster up their hatred and ignorance once again and blame Trump for Biden’s’ failures.

Hate. Ignorance. The lack of ability to stand on principles and do what is right.

That’s how we ended up with Biden.

I keep having some verses of a song rolling through my head by John Mellencamp that reminds me of those lack of principles and the unfortunate shock that those haters will be wondering in the  near future.

You’ve gotta stand right up for somethin’
Or you’re gonna fall….for anything

I know the American people
Paid a high price for justice
And I don’t know why

We’ve got to start respectin’ this world
Or it’s gonna turn around and bite off our face.

Well that is exactly what we need to do – Stand for Something. Fight for the four corners of the Constitution. We may be in a state of shock now on how blatantly the Democrats schemed and cheated to steal this election. But we will be strong. Republicans are proud. We love Our Country. We pray for Our Country and we will come together. Support those who are fighting for this country, physically and politically.

“Whoever belittles his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding remains silent.” Proverbs 11:12

Please follow The Californian Conservative on Parler – the Free Speech Social Network

A Call For Unity?

Seriously? 4 years of abuse. 4 years of being called a Racist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and an Islamophobe simply because I, like 74 million other voters supported President Trump.

January 6th led to a tragic event where we saw people storm the Capital Building because they are fed up of all the abuse. All the lies and all the hypocrisy we have had to endure from Democrat leaders and the mainstream media who do nothing but promote their hatred. All we saw was hatred in the last 4 years and for some, unfortunately, it boiled over into anarchy with the realization that we just lost our “Free Country” Sadly, someone lost their life during this protest.

And now we are subject to hypocrisy of the Left. Again. A call for unity. Seriously? After witnessing our summer of looting, burning down businesses and rioting that many times resulted in shootings, stabbings and multiple murders? The same things that these hypocritical Democrats called “mostly peaceful protests”? They defended their cause and now they condemn a group of people who do not support their narrative. I have news for you – All rioting is to be condemned! It is wrong and it should be punished to the highest extent of the law. PERIOD. I often refer to Democrats as Hypocrats for a reason and that is on full display once again.

We will unite though. We will unite as Republicans, Conservatives and Independents as it is us against them. Democrats drew the line in the sand, and they kept moving it in their favor because they are the spoiled little kids who have to cheat to get their way. They are on a mission to rip up our Constitution, rip away our freedom and introduce their Socialist Agenda. We have to unite or they will succeed.

There is an article which I would like to share in its’ entirety entitled “Don’t Fall for Joe Biden’s Promised “Unity and Healing” Trap” published by the American Liberty Report. You can read below or read it here

The day after the media falsely declared Joe Biden to be the winner of the 2020 presidential election (a contest that still hasn’t been sorted out as of this writing), more than two dozen newspapers in America ran the same headline: “Time for Healing.”

Healing from what? Four years of peace, prosperity, new wars that didn’t start and the best economy ever?

Joe Biden and the Democrats are now claiming that it’s time for unity and a unified America filled with unification. Sorry, guys. It can’t work that way, because here is what we remember from the last four years:

The day after Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2016, you guys blocked city streets and held the “Women’s March” in DC. Remember those stupid pink hats you all wore? Ashley Judd screeched an insane poem about her private parts and Madonna said she wanted to dynamite the White House.

Mad Maxine Waters told Democrats to “get in their faces” if they see any Trump supporter at a gas station or a restaurant. And they did! Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to have dinner at a restaurant with her family and you guys screamed at them and chased them out. You did the same thing to Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary as well.

Hundreds of Trump supporters were violently attacked on an almost daily basis for four years. You punched little old ladies for wearing MAGA hats and tipped over the wheelchairs of disabled veterans. And that was all before the insanity of the 2020 Biden riots and looting got under way.

You guys ruined comedy because you couldn’t get Donald Trump out of your heads. Remember that “comedienne” who held up a severed Trump head? Yeah – not funny and not unifying. From Alec Baldwin’s retarded Trump impersonation on Saturday Night Live to Jimmy Kimmel crying about Obamacare, you guys were so filled with hatred of an American president that you tore your own houses down, brick by brick.

Same goes for Hollywood. You idiots gave Robert DeNiro a standing ovation for yelling “F Trump” on television. Shakespeare in the Park replaced Julius Caesar with a Trump lookalike, just so you could pretend you’re stabbing him to death. A high-as-a-kite Johnny Depp mumbled about “the last time an actor assassinated a president” and you all cheered him.

Oh, and two words: Steve Scalise.

You guys literally lied to the FISA court and held up the Russian potty dossier – which you knew was fake along – as evidence that Trump had “colluded with Putin.” You spied on the Trump campaign, ruined the lives of people who supported him and never apologized – even after proof came out that it was all a Hillary Clinton plot hatched with Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the room.

You wasted years of work on behalf of the American people and spent millions of dollars on a pointless Russian collusion investigation that you knew was fake. You damaged American foreign policy with Russia, rather than stop clinging to the completely fake and seditious Russian collusion hoax.

Nancy Pelosi let the middle class and poor Americans starve in 2020, refusing to pass another coronavirus relief package. Pelosi withheld aid from the American people for the sole purpose of damaging the economy, so they could use that to try to beat Trump in the election. Gee, that’s funny. When Donald Trump withheld weapons aid from Ukraine for two months, didn’t you guys impeach him and try to remove him from office for that, because withholding aid for political advantage was like the worst possible crime ever?

Do you still have those handmaid costumes, Democrats? You know, the ones you wore to the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh? And how you lied and described him as a teenage Catholic rape gang leader? Have your fingernails healed from the day when you literally tried to claw the doors of the US Supreme Court open while howling about Brett Kavanaugh?

There was also the time when you lied about a teenage boy in a MAGA hat and called him a member of the Klan because of his awkward smile on a school trip.

This crap went on for four years. Within the past month, Democrats have been calling for Trump supporters to be placed in concentration camps to be “reeducated.” How’s that for unity?

Needless to say, Joe Biden won’t be getting much in the way of unity from us, even if he should prevail in this attempt to steal the 2020 election. The Democrats will not get nothing but civil disobedience from the right – and they’ve earned every bit of it.