It’s Only A Matter Of Time…

The left has always wanted Kamala Harris to be the President of the United states. In the Democrat Presidential Race, she dropped out before the Primaries took place as her support declined to just 3% of support in December 2019 and she was not projected to win any Delegates. She became one of the first candidates to drop out. The American voters saw right through her corruption and her over-zealous quest for power. She disenfranchised the Black vote when she gloated about how she locked up Blacks on the three strikes clause for smoking marijuana, a petty crime in which to earn life in prison. It was all about her and her conviction rate as a San Francisco District Attorney. The Black community fell victim to her, but as a Presidential hopeful she was claiming that she was all for the Black community. She proved that she would do anything to get to the top in her quest for power, just ask the former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, as he had an open affair with her as she used him to climb her way to the top when she was a San Francisco DA, earning her much deserved nick-name of #HeelsUpHarris on Twitter.

During the Kavanaugh Hearings Kamala Harris prided herself about being a spokeswoman for women and that all women deserve to be heard when it came to sexual harassment and abuse. She quickly threw that aside to become the Vice President Candidate under Joe Biden as they tried to hide the Tara Reid scandal in which Joe Biden was accused of sexually molesting her. The media was also helpful in covering up this scandal as it received no national coverage whatsoever during the elections. 60 Minutes did a piece on how Tara Reid was sexually molested while being pinned to a wall by Joe Biden. But this wasn’t 60 Minutes in the United States, to see her story you have to see what was broadcasted on 60 Minutes Australia. Harris has been silent about the dozen women who have come forward against Governor Andrew Cuomo. However, she did host a sit down with Bill Clinton of all people, for “empowering women and girls”. I am surprised she did not invite Matt Lauer, Bill Cosby, and Woody Allen while she was at it.

What we are seeing right now is very scary. It’s only a matter of time when they will enact the 25th Amendment to oust Joe Biden and insert Kamala Harris into the White House. It is quite obvious that Joe Biden is completely inept. He had to resort to using a cheat sheet with photos to identify a handful of reporters that submitted questions ahead of time. Printed next to their photos was a number written with a bold Sharpie so he would know which order to call upon them. His answers were rehearsed, but it did not help in the least as you only need to watch his video showing how lost he is. It is shameful and embarrassing.

Retired White House doctor, Ronny Jackson, is concerned about the mental status of Joe Biden. “I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right!”, Jackson said. Between falling up the stairs on Air Force One and then constantly losing his train of thought during an hour-long and heavily rehearsed “pseudo press conference” at the White House many Americans are thinking the same thing.

Kamala Harris had a reputation of being one of the most ultra-Leftist in the United States Senate. I believe that Kamala Harris has always been the Democrat Partys’ first choice but they knew there was no way that Americans would vote for her. Joe Biden is paving the road for her along with the Democrat evildoers.

He is being used as a scapegoat as he signs Executive Orders like they are going out of style in order to change the way our country has been constructed. They completely destroyed the voter rolls in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Georgia this past election in order to cheat their way to the top and get Joe Biden elected. Now we have HR 1 trying to get passed that would change the voting laws so that states will become federally run obliterating any of the states’ rights to hold their own voting laws. What it is intended to do is to destroy the security of the election process allowing them to remove the basic safety and security protocols that states have put in place. Basically, it will take all of the worst things that happened in last year’s election and cement them into federal law to never be undone.

It is all a plan. Executive Order after Executive Order. Blunder after blunder. They will be able to blame the senile old man for everything that goes wrong when they finally come around to have Kamala Harris take over. This is the person the Democratic Party wanted from the beginning. But she just wasn’t likeable. So they steal the election, put in a senile old man, invoke the 25th Amendment and change the voting rules to ensure her stay in power in 2024.

They are already making preparations. The White House recently made changes to its website and instead of simply stating the “Biden Administration,” it now lists the “Biden-Harris Administration.”

Even Las Vegas is aware of his declining mental state as the Las Vegas Odds Makers have it as a 125/1 odds that he will actually finish his term!

Kamala Harris is probably busy at work typing up a rough draft to invoke the 25th Amendment, that is if he does not manage to kill himself falling down the steps from Air Force One first.

Then again, she may just have to give him a “push”.

Video: Ted Cruz – Crisis at The Border

Many have seen Senator Ted Cruz speak out and stand up for what is morally right, constitutionally right and call out the overflowing hypocrisy of the Democrats. He has become a well-respected spokesperson and a leader among the GOP. He and other members of the US Senate went down to the border to witness firsthand at what is actually going on. It is truly a humanitarian crisis like no one has seen on American soil. Mind you that neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris has seen fit to go and check on this crisis firsthand. This is a political game that they are losing at the expense of innocent young children by dismembering any policy that is President Trump and trying to secure the future Democrat base.

Under President Trump, reporters were accustomed to ride-a long programs in order to view the border in an act of transparency. But last week when asked in his first Press Conference of when the Press can go and view the crisis at the border, Joe Biden said he will not allow access “until a plan is put in place” Excuse me? You allowed this crisis to happen without being prepared? No plan in place? Are you kidding me?

Of course, Joe Biden blames President Trump. In this video Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham are disgusted with the policies of Joe Biden. They went down to the border and witnessed a dead body floating in the Rio Grande among other things. They were both physically upset at the atrocities and urged the reporters to call upon the experts who were with them to tell reporters exactly who is to blame for this crisis, and it is NOT President Trump.

Later, Ted Cruz appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to share what he witnessed firsthand. This video is heartbreaking. Words cannot describe as you must see this video here, and learn some insight from Senator Cruz into why this is happening.

This is a crisis that the Mainstream Media will bury in order to protect their Anointed One and the catastrophe he is responsible for. That in itself is appalling.

Ignoring US Citizens

What a fiasco the first 60 days of the Biden era it has been. Constant Executive orders to undo “everything Trump” all the while stealing the credit for the vaccine. Joe Biden is a disgrace; all you have to do is watch about 3 minutes of his Press Conference held on Thursday to see him using flash cards for statistics and calling on reporters that submitted pre-screened questions. He could not even answer those questions coherently.

He is making “America Last” with his policies.

The United States is a country with a serious homelessness problem. We fail miserably when it comes to caring for those who cannot care for themselves. According to HUD there are about 553,000 homeless people in the U.S. in which case over 40,000 of the homeless are US Veterans.

With over 6,000 illegal immigrants coming in a day, thanks to Biden’s policy to make America last, we have to wonder: Where do these people go? How are they going to be taken care of?

Remember the COVID Relief bill that got passed? Yes, the one that gave a measly 9% of the 1.9 trillion dollars to actual US citizens to help in the form of stimulus checks. It also gives $86 million to the Texas nonprofit outfit Endeavors, to house 1,200 migrants in hotel rooms for 6 months. If my math is correct, that’s OVER 70k per migrant in just 6 months! But remember, Biden’s $1400 stimulus checks were ‘generous’.

Why not use that money to shelter Americans who are homeless and to our veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice and now have no place to live?

Maybe Biden would if he actually cared about the American people instead of the power he has in building the Leftist voter base by 6,000 illegal immigrants a day.

The Biden administration must do something, as now there are leaked photos emerging of how bad the living conditions are in the – dare I say cages?

But Biden falsely blames President Trump because he failed to build facilities to house the illegal immigrants. Say what? Oh, that’s right President Trump was too busy fulfilling his promise to the American people – to build a wall, secure the border and put America FIRST! Not expand facilities for illegal immigrants!

Border Patrol agents on the front lines are getting so frustrated that they are now risking their livelihoods to reveal what is really going on at the holding areas.

The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant. There are up to 80 individuals that are squeezed into each 24- by 30-foot cell, and there are not enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms.

“Any diseases that are in there, it’s being kept in there, like a petri dish. The smell is overwhelming,” a Border Patrol agent said, describing the conditions in a facility in south Texas.

Shame on you Mr. Biden. The American people deserve so much better.

“Why I quit my job as a Leftist Organizer.”

This is an inspiring video from a very bright and insightful 20-year-old young woman by the name of Amala Ekpunobi. Her father was a Nigerian immigrant, and her mother was Caucasian. She was mainly raised by her mother as her Father was not a strong presence in her life. Her mother worked as a fundraiser for a leftist organization and taught Amala her leftist ideologies. It was all she knew. Her first job was a youth organizer at her Mother’s organization. She was stunned by how blatantly racist of an atmosphere it was.

She was torn – does she have to hate half of herself and that side of her family? She did what most of the younger generation should be doing, look for your own answers. She found it in the writings of Thomas Sowell, a renowned writer, economist and a social theorist.

She talks about victimhood and how dangerous that narrative is. It teaches you to blame rather than to take accountability for your own actions all while holding you back from creating your own success. “Positive Segregation” is being introduced as part of Victimhood and it is being used to strip away the freedoms that this country was built on.

You can see her 8 minute video through Prager U entitled “Stories of US: Amala Ekpunobi” here.

Quote of the Month – Albert Einstein

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein

This past week New York Mayor Bill de Blasio came out condemning New York Governor Andrew Cuomo after seven women have come out with sexual misconduct allegations as well as the infamous COVID 19 Death Cover Up where his policies sent infected patients into Senior Centers to be housed. Thousands died because of his policies.

What took you so long Mayor de Blasio?

Were you reveling in the fact that Governor Cuomo received an Emmy for the way he handled the Pandemic? Were you relishing in the myth that the media pushed upon us that Governor Cuomo was handling everything perfectly and President Trump was screwing everything up? Or maybe you were reading Cuomo’s self-congratulatory New York Times best seller book “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID 19 Pandemic”?

What took the media so long?

The news came out on March 25th 2020 about Governor Cuomo ordering people with COVID 19 into rest homes. The webpage that once contained the March orders from the governor’s office about nursing homes being required to take in recent COVID patients has mysteriously vanished.! On March 30, as COVID-19 cases and deaths piled up across the Empire State, and the USS Comfort sat in the New York Harbor with less than 20 % capacity. This is old news if you were actually paying attention and not listening to the Mainstream Media.

This was almost one year ago.

It is simple, the Democrats and Mainstream Media were willing to do anything to say they were right, and President Trump was wrong. Even partaking in covering up the actual numbers of COVID 19 deaths in order to make Governor Cuomo look good. It makes me wonder of the thousands of people that he sent to the senior home and how it proportionally increased the spread of the virus from person to person to person – How many deaths is he responsible for? Now almost a year later he is being criticized.

This is shameful. Mayor de Blasio is gunning for his job and nothing more. He is not trying to do the morally right thing, otherwise he would have been criticizing him a year ago. He looks at it as an opportunity for self-promotion and the media is right there with him.

These are truly evil people.

Cancel Culture Strikes Again

Remember when “Cancel Culture” started? It was quite a few years ago when we were being shamed into not being able to say “Merry Christmas” in order to not offend someone. And now here we are, years later, being told that such iconic cartoons and books are racist and that they need to be taken off the shelf of bookstores and libraries. The Muppets? Seriously? Maybe it was Statler and Waldorf the cantankerous “Old White Men” from the balcony who are considered to be “racist”?  Curious George? Are you kidding me? What kid did not have a fantasy of having a pet monkey? Just because they are trying to draw a correlation between taking a monkey from the jungle and into captivity to abducting a black person into slavery. Pepe le Pew? Come on! His unwanted “sexual advances” to Penelope the Cat are causing him to be cancelled when at the same time Andrew Cuomo is still in office and Joe Biden’s sexual assault on Tare Reade was swept under the rug? Now, the latest falls on to Dr. Seuss. The man who was known for the children’s books with wild and wacky characters of all different shapes, sizes, and colors is somehow racist? This is not up to “Big Brother”. This is not “1984.”

To quote author Judy Blume, “Let children read whatever they want and then talk about it with them. If parents and kids can talk together, we won’t have as much censorship because we won’t have as much fear.”

But this is not about fear, it is about censorship and controlling what we think and what we say. Cancel Culture is about denying people to speak freely and actually debate a topic and come to their own conclusions. Cancel Culture is about erasing history because, God help us, if everyone learned our country’s history, they would learn that the Democratic Party was built on slavery and gave birth to the KKK and Jim Crow Laws. Democrats have to use Cancel Culture to hide these facts or they might lose some votes. Afterall, it was the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, that went to war to free the slaves. Remember when we used to be able to “Agree to disagree”?  That seems to have been canceled too.

To quote another Author, George R.R. Martin, “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

We are now being told, and it is being taught in schools, about the “1619 Project” where all White people are born a racist. It is sickening to hear but it is more sickening that it is being taught in schools. It made me wonder about when Obama said “Pretty much all you need to know is in Dr. Seuss” when speaking to a bunch of school kids about how to treat people equally. If you think about that statement with the same twisted logic as a Liberal, then wouldn’t that make Obama a racist? Afterall, he supports a “racist” in Dr. Seuss?

Enough is enough. Cancel Culture needs to be canceled. We cannot follow blindly like sheep to the slaughter. As Albert Einstein said, “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

What Country Do We Live In?

The way the Democrats are acting it makes one wonder what country we are living in? They are acting like Conservatives should be taken to the gulags in some third world communist country as they try to go Orwellian on us as the “Thought Police”.

Two U.S. Congressmen, Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney, both of California, wrote letters that were addressed to AT&T, Verizon, Roku, Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Charter, Dish, Cox, Altice, Alphabet, and Hulu. The letters leveled numerous accusations against the news networks, including that their coverage helped the “radicalization of seditious individuals who committed acts of insurrection on January 6” at the U.S. Capitol. Not surprisingly, there was no mention of the looting and the riots and murders committed by Black lives Matter and Antifa, nor was there any mention of any mainstream media networks such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC.

This particular letter addressed to AT & T and others  (you can see the official letter here) are making demands that these stations show accountability for their “misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies” from “right-wing media outlets”  

This is truly scary that these elected officials can censor and make demands of anyone who dares to have a different opinion or view. This is not George Orwells’ “1984”

February 22, 2021

Mr. John T. Stankey, CEO AT&T, Inc.

208 South Akard Street

Dallas, Texas 75202

Dear Mr. Stankey,

Our country’s public discourse is plagued by misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies. These phenomena undergird the radicalization of seditious individuals who committed acts of insurrection on January 6th, and it contributes to a growing distrust of public health measures necessary to crush the pandemic. We are concerned about the role AT&T plays in disseminating misinformation to millions of its U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV subscribers, and we write to you today to request additional information about what actions AT&T is taking to address these issues.

Nearly half of Americans get their news primarily from TV. However, not all TV news sources are the same. Some purported news outlets have long been misinformation rumor mills and conspiracy theory hotbeds that produce content that leads to real harm. Misinformation on TV has led to our current polluted information environment that radicalizes individuals to commit seditious acts and rejects public health best practices, among other issues in our public discourse.

Experts have noted that the right-wing media ecosystem is “much more susceptible…to disinformation, lies, and half-truths.” Right-wing media outlets, like Newsmax, One America News Network (OANN), and Fox News all aired misinformation about the November 2020 elections. For example, both Newsmax and OANN “ran incendiary reports” of false information following the elections and continue to support “an angry and dangerous subculture[that]will continue to operate semi-openly.” As a violent mob was breaching the doors of the Capitol, Newsmax’s coverage called the scene a “sort of a romantic idea.” Fox News, meanwhile, has spent years spewing misinformation about American politics.

These same networks also have been key vectors of spreading misinformation related to the pandemic. A media watchdog found over 250 cases of COVID-19 misinformation on Fox News in just one five-day period, and economists demonstrated that Fox News had a demonstrable impact on non-compliance with public health guidelines. One online platform suspended and demonetized OANN’s channel online because it was spreading COVID-19 misinformation. Newsmax has amplified allegations that members of the Chinese Communist Party helped to develop the COVID-19vaccine.  

Sadly, these facts are not new. One popular television show aired a segment about OANN last April that included a dire warning: “the kind of misinformation [OANN] is spewing right now could end up getting people killed.”

Yet, to our knowledge, the cable, satellite, and over-the-top companies that disseminate these media outlets to American viewers have done nothing in response to the misinformation aired by these outlets. AT&T currently carries Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV. As a company that serves 17 million Americans, AT&T plays a major role in

the spread of dangerous misinformation that enabled the insurrection of January 6th and hinders our public health response to the current pandemic.

It is for these reasons we ask that you provide us with responses to the following questions about AT&T’s policies toward content carried on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV by March 8, 2021:

1. What moral or ethical principles (including those related to journalistic integrity, violence, medical information, and public health) do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a channel?

2. Do you require, through contracts or otherwise, that the channels you carry abide by any content guidelines? If so, please provide a copy of the guidelines.

3. How many of your subscribers tuned in to Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV for each of the four weeks preceding the November 3, 2020 elections and the January 6, 2021 attacks on the Capitol? Please specify the number of subscribers that tuned in to each channel.

4. What steps did you take prior to, on, and following the November 3,2020 elections and the January 6, 2021 attacks to monitor, respond to, and reduce the spread of disinformation, including encouragement or incitement of violence by channels your company disseminates to millions of Americans? Please describe each step that you took and when it was taken.

5. Have you taken any adverse actions against a channel, including Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN, for using your platform to disseminate disinformation related directly or indirectly to the November 3, 2020 elections, the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, or COVID-19 misinformation? If yes, please describe each action, when it was taken, and the parties involved.  

6. Have you ever taken any actions against a channel for using your platform to disseminate any disinformation? If yes, please describe each action and when it was taken.

7. Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV both now and beyond any contract renewal date? If so, why?

Most gratefully,

Anna G. Eshoo Member of Congress

Jerry McNerney Member of Congress

Let us all remember, 2022 is not that far away and we need to vote people like this out of office.

In the words of Rush Limbaugh – “Who Are Conservatives?”

Yesterday we saw the passing of Rush Limbaugh and I wanted to share a bit of what he stood for and what he believed – as do I – what this great country is and should continue to be. Despite what the Left is trying to tear down, despite what the Left is trying to brainwash us into believing, this is what TRUE Patriotic Americans are. This is what Conservatives are.

From his speech from CPAC in 2009 :

“Who are conservatives? We love people. When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don’t see groups. We don’t see victims. We don’t see people we want to exploit. What we see — what we see is potential. We do not look out across the country and see the average American, the person that makes this country work. We do not see that person with contempt. We don’t think that person doesn’t have what it takes. We believe that person can be the best he or she wants to be if certain things are just removed from their path like onerous taxes, regulations and too much government. We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,” he continued. “We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, Freedom and the pursuit of happiness.”

El Rushbo couldn’t have said it better.

“Why Don’t They Teach This In Every School?”

We have all heard lately about Joe Biden wanting to “help” pay off student debt to the tune of anywhere from $10,000 – $50,000 per student. It is a blatant attempt to buy future Democrat votes. This is wrong on so many levels and it is why I am sharing one of Matthew McConaughey’s videos that was produced by MotivationalHub entitled “Why Don’t They Teach This In Every School”. He delivers one of the best motivational speeches you will ever hear.

People have wondered if Matthew McConaughey is a Republican or Democrat. Just the fact that he avoids answering the question outright but gives an intellectual viewpoint that encompasses all but shuns none, it is safe to say: He definitely leans towards the Right.

He speaks of life and the problem with entitlement.

Life is not easy. It is not. Don’t try to make it that way. Life is not fair. It never was. It isn’t now and it won’t ever be… Don’t fall into the entitlement trap of feeling like you are a victim. You are not. Get over it. Get on with it…”

He speaks of responsibility and freedom.

“Taking risks gives a sense of accomplishments. Failure gives motivation to get better. Give your obstacles credit… There is a responsibility to freedom and there is freedom in responsibility and to earn your way there. We remember what we learn rather than what we get for free.”

I am a firm believer that one of the problems in our country today is the idea of self-entitlement. Our children are being taught in school to expect handouts and not to earn what they want in life. By earning what you want in life one learns to respect the process of hard work and the people who helped you along the way.

Please share this video with anyone who have children, especially those who are being home schooled due to COVID.

Another Impeachment Hoax is Over!

Once again, the Democrats tried to impeach President Trump and once again, they failed miserably. All Trump Supporters knew this was another Russian Collusion Hoax. An Impeachment Trial with no facts, just hypocrisy, drama and lies attempting to be presented as facts. During the impeachment hearing Democrats seemed to base all of their facts on “reportedly” this and “reportedly” that. In a court of law “reportedly” is not evidence, it is speculation, and it would be thrown out by any judge with half a brain. Which makes one wonder: Did the nine Impeachment Managers collectively equal half a brain? Or are they just plain stupid to think that the American people would fall for their lies? How many times did Democrats condone violence? Elijah Schaffer posted a video showing a few examples in his twitter video showing the Democrat’s hypocrisy. In contrast, the lawyers representing President Trump presented a video showing that  while the Democrats condoned the violence this past summer President Trump was calling for law and order.

Democrats did not want it to go to the point where witnesses would be called as it would only cause more embarrassment to the Democrats. Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund wrote a February 1 letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi outlining what he knew about the run up to the riot as well as what happened that day. Sund’s letter obliterated Pelosi and the Democrats’ argument that Donald Trump incited the riot by making it clear that the riot was a pre-planned attack. In his letter, Sund described the rioters as a violent mob unlike anything he had ever seen before.

“When the group arrived at the perimeter, they did not act like any group of protestors I had ever seen. Unlike other heated protests, these protesters did not simply congregate to angrily voice their grievances. As soon as this group arrived at our perimeter, they immediately began to fight violently with the officers and to tear apart the steel crowd control barriers, using them to assault the officers.”

Sund described a well-coordinated attack carried out with military precision, tactics, and equipment.

“It was immediately clear that their primary goal was to defeat our perimeter as quickly as possible and to get past the police line. This mob was like nothing I have seen in my law enforcement career. The group consisted of thousands of well-coordinated, well-equipped violent criminals. They had weapons, chemical munitions, protective equipment, explosives, and climbing gear. A number of them were wearing radio earpieces indicating a high level of coordination”

But now that is over and millions of dollars wasted again, we finally got to hear from President Trump in a letter that he wrote. Once again, President Trump calls for law and order as he gives thanks to his 75 million voters. He touches on the great deal of work we all have ahead of us in his inspiring letter:

I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth.

My deepest thanks as well to all of the United States Senators and Members of Congress who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country.

Our cherished Constitutional Republic was founded on the impartial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights and our freedoms.

It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree. I always have, and always will, be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate.

This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago.

I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-Country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times.

Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!

We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future.

Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

We remain one People, one family, and one glorious nation under God, and it’s our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come.

May God bless all of you, and may God forever bless the United States of America.