Fighting Lies

Many people know who Jon Voight the actor is, but do you know who Jon Voight the Patriot is?

Jon Voight has been a critic of Hollywood. Over his career he has seen it go from patriotic actors like Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable who took a break from their Hollywood careers to fight in World War II, to actors that are so far left like Robert De Niro and Jane Fonda that have incoherent rants about how bad our country is.

The Academy Award -winning actor avoided all the hatred and propaganda that flows from the Hollywood elites. He managed to not be corrupted by Hollywood by doing something we should all do – He thinks for himself. With that independent thought he has become a very philosophical and intelligent person that understands the Constitution and all that it stands for.

Recently he put out a video that is immensely powerful and points out the terrifying way history appears to be repeating itself as Hollywood embraces Marxism where he states:

“Marxists don’t know how to govern. They’re just no good. If you look at what’s happening with Joe Biden today, he’s destroying our economy. We’re looking into inflation. Gas prices are going up. They’re not good at it. The only thing they’re good at is being destructive, as they showed themselves to be during President Trump’s four years. All they did was try to destroy this country and bring down a sitting president. Now you have Big Tech participating in it. Can you imagine this cancel culture canceling out the president of the United States?”

All of us as Americans need to look at history and understand the Constitution so that we know the difference between good and evil. We may not realize it, but we are staring that evil right in the face as we are fighting lies of the mainstream media.

Please go to Rumble so you can view John Voight’s video, it is superbly done and well worth watching.

No Border Crisis here…

Many progressive Democrats that won their midterm election bids, from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York, to Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar, campaigned to change radically immigration policy. One of their slogans was to “Abolish ICE”. We witnessed Joe Biden destroy our Border security and halt the construction of the wall. The immigration crisis – and I say yes to all the Democrats – IT IS A CRISIS!

But this past week we witnessed the hypocrisy that only proves that the Democrats in power do not give a rat’s ass about our country. Below is an excerpt from a bill that was passed to help middle eastern countries do what you might ask?

INCREASE BORDER SECURITY! SEC. 8148. Of the amounts appropriated in this Act under the heading ”Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide”, for the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, $370,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, shall be available to reimburse Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman under section 1226 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (22 U.S.C. 2151 note), for enhanced border security, of which not less than $150,000,000 shall be for Jordan …

… SEC. 8149. Up to $500,000,000 of funds appropriated by this Act for the Defense Security Cooperation Agency in “Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide” may be used to provide assistance to the Government of Jordan to support the armed forces of Jordan and to enhance security along its borders.

Democrats in Washington are rubber-stamping nearly a billion dollars for “enhanced border security” in foreign countries. Apparently, Democrats have no intention of directly addressing the immigration crisis and feel it is not necessary to invest in border wall construction at the U.S. southern border, even as unprecedented numbers of migrants continue to flood into the country with little resistance.

They must really hate the America that they supposedly represent.

What would Dr King think of Critical Race Theory?

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights legend and it is safe to say that he is the epitome of what true activism is about and how it should be conducted. He led the movement to end segregation and counter prejudice in the United States through the means of peaceful protest, not the so called “mostly peaceful protests” we see the Leftist Democrats defend today where  burning down and looting businesses or government buildings is encouraged. His speeches had a profound effect on the national consciousness. Through his leadership, the Civil Rights Movement opened doors to education and employment that had long been closed to black America.

His most famous speech – “I have a Dream” – given from the  steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th 1963, destroys the basis of this radical agenda being pushed into our schools in Critical Race Theory when he states:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of that character.”

Critical Race Theory is an evil way to influence our young children. It is being implemented as early as kindergarten to make children identify their so called white privilege. In effect, white children are made to feel guilty for being white, while other races of children are being encouraged to look down upon whites because of their so called “white privilege”. It is teaching kids to segregate and do exactly the opposite of Dr. King’s message – to judge someone by the color of their skin.

Throw in “Cancel Culture” and you realize exactly why the left is taking a page out of Joseph Stalin’s playbook in erasing history. They do not want our children to learn about the true history of racism and which party started the Klu Klux Klan. They do not want our children to learn about the rise in Socialism and Communism as we saw in Hitler’s rise to power and the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Prior to World War II, with his party in control of every aspect of German life, Hitler turned to the youth of the country to help propagate Nazi views throughout Germany and Austria. He did this by indoctrinating them through children’s organizations such as the Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) and the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel). By 1933 there were 100,000 members of Hitler Youth and more than 3.5 million by 1934!

We also saw this in the Chinese Cultural Revolution and Mao Zedong. After his troops seized power, Mao saw his latest political campaign as a way of reinvigorating the communist revolution by strengthening ideology and weeding out opponents. He shut down the nation’s schools, calling for a massive youth mobilization to take current party leaders to task for their embrace of bourgeois values and lack of revolutionary spirit. The movement escalated quickly as the students formed paramilitary groups called the Red Guards (similar to Antifa) and attacked and harassed members of China’s elderly and intellectual population (similar to Conservatives) Soon after, factions of the movement claimed the true interpretation of Maoist thought. The population was urged to rid itself of the “Four Olds”: Old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas. (Democrats are trying endlessly to nullify the Constitution and our religious freedom)

We must stand up to Critical Race Theory like Xi Van Fleet, a mother who lived through the Chinese Cultural Revolution, who spoke out against a Virginia school board for its support of Critical Race Theory. Van Fleet was just 6 years old when Mao Zedong began his brutal reconstruction of Chinese culture. She said during the meeting that she has been “very alarmed” by what schools in the area are teaching. You can see her speech here where she states the following:

“You are now teaching, training our children to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history…. Growing up in Mao’s China, all this seems very familiar. The communist regime used the same critical theory to divide people. The only difference is they use class instead of race,” she continued. “During the Cultural Revolution I witnessed students and teachers turn against each other. We changed school names to be politically correct. We were taught to denounce our heritage… The Red Guard destroyed anything that isn’t communist. Statues, books and anything else.”

According to Van Fleet, the school board is emulating Mao’s China with programs like the “Student Equity Ambassador Program” and the “Bias Reporting System,” both of which the mother said are “just like” the Cultural Revolution’s call to “report on each other” if they do not be in to the teachings of CRT or identify their “white priviledge”

Another concerned mother, Keisha King (who just happens to be black) can be seen in this video as she spoke to her local school board:

 “Critical Race Theory is not teaching the truth, unless you believe that whites are better than blacks… I don’t know about you, but telling my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in America because they are black is racist… If this continues, we will look back and be responsible for the dismantling of the greatest country in the world by reverting to teaching hate and that race is a determining factor on where your destiny lies.”

We must wake up because Democrats are trying to transform us into Socialism by dismantling the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King through a sad and disgusting way; to gain power by corrupting our children’s minds. Just like Hitler and Mao Zedong.

For other ways to get involved please visit  No Left Turn in Education This newly formed group has taken a hard stance against Critical Race Theory and offer help and support on how to become involved.

What Is the Meaning of Flag Day?

Flag day is a glorious day to honor the adoption of the United States national flag. It is the day to respect the time, celebrate the flag’s origin, and the time to appreciate those who created the original flag. The flag is represented by the United States to remind us that we are united as one nation, and a nation under God. For this particular day, we are reminded of the heroes that fought to protect all of the citizens who live across the country.

Citizens are reminded of the Pledge of Allegiance by Francis Bellamy stating; I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The Meaning Behind The Flag
The American Flags fifty stars represent the fifty states, and the thirteen stripes (seven red and six white) represent the thirteen colonies. Each of the colors; red, white and blue have a significant meaning described by our founding fathers. The founding fathers had faith that these colors and their meaning are important as foundation and development of the U.S.

Red – means courage, bloodshed, and hardiness. It’s a color that honors the fallen armies who lost their lives for our freedom and our country.

White – means vigilance and purity. It’s a color that pertains to independence, and the need to be alert for the choices we make.

Blue – means perseverance and justice. It’s a color that boasts the strength of our country. Although our country is young, we will commit to standing strong against all opposition. Justice, on the other hand, is the basis of our nation.

The meaning behind the American flag stands for freedom, and all the aspects our country was built for the future.

The Flag Day is not just about displaying the national flag or the national colors. The day has quite the history as it started on June 14, 1777, when a Congress adopted a new national flag. Even after the claimed independence in 1776, the United States flag still had the symbols of Great Britain. By then, Congress had to adopt a new flag to replace everything British. The new flag was designed with thirteen red and white stripes, along with thirteen stars in a navy blue square. In 1949, President Truman took the first step in making Flag Day an annual holiday.

The Flag Day is celebrated representing the U.S. national flag on various occasions. Some citizens take an individual approach in wearing the flag’s colors with waving stripes and stars. Some organizations offer flag-raising ceremonies to celebrate the honor of the fallen and living armies across the country.

Aside from displaying and flying the American Flag, there are parades and other patriotic activities. In schools, students learn about their history and about the American Flag and its meaning and importance to the United States of America. And of course, we can hear the recitation of the glorious national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner.

This article was originally posted on the “Thin Blue Line Shop” website.

A Patriotic Actor: Chris Pratt

Occasionally, there is an article that I read that needs to be shared in its’ entirety.

On Memorial Day, actor Chris Pratt posted a touching Instagram post honoring slain military men and women, captioning photographs of family members and fellow service members grieving those who gave the ultimate cost for freedom.

He went on to add, “never forget your right to free expression is paid for in blood… And if you use the comments section on posts like this to b**** and moan about America, please understand there are countries in the world where criticizing your government will get you killed or imprisoned,” he emphasized. “My faith is important to me, but no church defines me or my life… My values define who I am. We need less hate in this world, not more… Hate has no place in my or this world.”

Please take the time to read this article in its’ entirety.

Quote of the Month – Donald Trump

“The worst things in history have happened when people stop thinking for themselves, especially when they allow themselves to be influenced by negative people. That’s what gives rise to dictators. Avoid that at all costs. Stop it first on a personal level, and you will have contributed to world sanity as well as your own.” – Donald Trump

Propaganda or “Fake News” as President Trump referred to it is so pervasive in our culture; we have trouble discerning what information is real and what is not. It has become increasingly difficult to tell the truth from the lies.

Why is that?

Psychologist Tom Stafford wrote about the “illusion of truth” A method by which propagandists can get people to believe in lies. He explains a “typical experiment” that tests this theory. It involves telling participants true and untrue things in one session and repeating it an hour or even weeks later. It found that participants were more likely to believe what they have been told the second time. Repetition is a shortcut people use in order to quickly process information and evaluate it. However, if someone has absolute knowledge that something is a fact or fiction, repetition will not necessarily work to make that person believe the lie.

We need to stand up a question the things we hear, do our research, and think for ourselves.

Universal Basic Income and Social Loafing

I saw a disturbing poll the other day. It was a poll performed by VOCA that was taken among Californians regarding Universal Basic Income. The following definition was given as part of VOCA’s poll:

Universal basic income (UBI) is a form of government assistance where recipients get money directly from the government each month with no rules about how they spend it. Last week Gov. Newsom proposed $35 million that would fund a 5-year initiative to pilot local UBI programs across CA. If approved, selected low-income Californians would receive monthly checks (usually $500-$1000) from their participating city or county government. The State would then study the impacts of UBI on health, employment and other elements of well-being and societal impact to determine if UBI programs should be modified, expanded, or discontinued.

The question in the poll was asked as such:

What is your opinion of a Universal Basic Income pilot program for low-income Californians?

At the time of this post there were 9,454 responses that were broken down as follows:

53,434 strongly support (36.3%)

41,331 support (14.1%)

3654 neutral (6.9%)

2737 oppose (7.8%)

13,298 strongly oppose (34.9%)

This is disturbing that more people support UBI rather than oppose it. We have already seen the impact of the higher unemployment numbers we have had on our workforce. People want to stay home rather than work as we have a 6.1% unemployment rate and over 8 million job openings. The government is instigating a mass form of the psychological term known as “Social Loafing” which is a tendency of one to put in less effort to be in a mindset of thinking, “Why should I put in all my energy when I can manage with lesser?”

This follows the Democrat plan to further divide our country. They want to take away from those who are willing to work hard and to work with integrity and give to those who wish to not put in the effort and while falling into the entitlement trap. This is a typical socialist tactic, make one envious of what others have to instigate hatred.

Matthew McConaughey said it best in one of his motivational speeches “Why Don’t They Teach This In Every School”

Life is not easy. It is not. Don’t try to make it that way. Life is not fair. It never was. It isn’t now and it won’t ever be… Don’t fall into the entitlement trap of feeling like you are a victim. You are not. Get over it. Get on with it… There is a responsibility to freedom and there is freedom in responsibility and to earn your way there. We remember what we learn rather than what we get for free.”

We must always remember; we are the land of equal opportunity not equal outcome. 

The Vaccine Carrot

Many people have their own reasons why they choose to have the vaccine or not to have the vaccine. But the key word is to be able to choose to have it.

I saw a video the other day which of Dr. Leana Wen in an interview on CNN saying some shocking things regarding the politicization of the vaccine.

“We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status because if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be… How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine… So that’s why I think the CDC and the Biden Admin need to come out a lot bolder and say “if you’re vaccinated, you can do all these things…here are all the freedoms that you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway.”

Excuse me? People are going to enjoy these freedoms anyway. So basically, our freedoms are being held hostage unless we get the vaccine? The Democrats in their Socialist agenda are terrified that these free states such as Florida and Texas are opening with minimal restrictions before everyone is vaccinated. How are they going to control everyone if you do not get your vaccine and the passport to go along with it?

I am fearful to be coerced to take the vaccine because in our ultra -liberal state of California could strip away our freedoms of everyday life. In the near future it may be that in order to go to the grocery store or any public venue one would be required to show a Vaccine Passport. For this possibility alone I will hold out as long as I can and not get the vaccine. Am I being stubborn? Yes. It is my freedom of choice to be stubborn. Am I being reckless? No. I have never had the virus, nor have I infected anyone. With each passing day the odds are going higher and higher that I will never catch the virus.  As Liberals like to say, “My body. My Choice” It is my choice and mine alone. After all our freedom is guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence as it states:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends.”

I will not let the Government be destructive to my freedom.

USA – The United Socialists of America?

The Biden Administration’s latest failure has made history. After economists predicted there would be one million new jobs added to the economy, the actual numbers came in at a dismal 266,000. That makes it the worst miss in history and a pathetic showing for Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” strategy. Not only did we not add anywhere near the number of jobs expected, but the unemployment rate actually went up to 6.1% despite there being over 8.1 million job openings according to the  US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The reason this is happening can be directly linked to Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s insistence on showering people with higher “unemployment” benefits for an extended amount of time and multiple stimulus checks. Right now, you can make more money sitting at home than you can by doing many service jobs that need filling, and even if you cannot, some people have decided that making less money to do nothing is better than making more money to actually work. Why bother when you can sit on your butt and make $2400 a month along with a stimulus check or 2 or 3?

This is a failure of leadership from the top down, starting with Joe Biden, who is utterly incapable of doing his job as president.

Or is it?

What I see is the Democrats’ path to Socialism.

Saul Alinsky helped paved that path. He was a “Community Activist” that studied socialism in order to provoke change.  He started making waves in the late 1960’s and later published his book “Rules for Radicals” in 1971. Liberal politicians like Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reserved praise for Alinsky, noting that his writings influenced “those in political control of our nation today” Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis on Saul Alinsky and Obama followed Alinsky’s tactics to teach his own followers the ins and outs of community activism.

According to Saul Alinsky, “The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are to be displace by new patterns…. All change means disorganization of old and organization of the new. An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent… He must create a mechanism that can drain off the underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. Out of this mechanism, a new community organization arises….”

In  Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals”, 8 levels of control are needed to achieve a Socialist State.

1) Healthcare: Control the people’s health and you control the people. We saw that with Obama Care and the so called “Affordable Health Care Act” that saw our healthcare rates skyrocket and the quality-of-care plummet. President Trump tried to repeal Obama Care while in office but ran into too many Democrat roadblocks to repeal it and put the healthcare back in charge of the free market.

2) Poverty: Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you give them what they need to live. We have a homeless problem that is the worst in American history and now we are opening the borders to allow more people in that will have nowhere to go. Illegals will either become homeless themselves or take away much needed resources from our current homeless US citizens.

3) Debt: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you can increase taxes, which in turn will generate even more poverty. Remember in 2008 when Obama said this about President Bush?

“The problem is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years, is to take out a credit card from the bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion in the first 42 presidents. Number 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome. So, we now have over $9 trillion in debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man woman and child. It’s irresponsible! It’s unpatriotic!”

Joe Biden has added $7.7 trillion in his first 100 days alone with plans to add another $3 trillion in spending! Currently we have a national debt of $28.1 trillion or $84,895 for every citizen to pay back. If George Bush was unpatriotic then what do we call Joe Biden?

4) Gun Control: Remove the ability of people to defend themselves from the Government. That way you can create a police state. The Biden administration is  working hard at taking away our guns and has proposed the 1934 NFA Act, it imposes an annual $200 federal tax stamp mandate for every high-capacity magazine that American gun owners currently own. This is also a conniving way to track who owns what type of guns so they can be confiscated later.

5) Welfare: Take control of every aspect of a person’s life (Food, Housing, Jobs and Income) To quote liberal actress Jane Fonda, “COVID is God’s Gift to the Left” It gave the Democrat controlled government the ability to shut down the economy with many small businesses being the victims of their tyrannical control. This gave them the prime opportunity to appear sympathetic while disguising the stimulus checks and increasing unemployment benefits for what it really was – a dependency on the government and further expanding the welfare state.

6) Education: Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children study in school. The “1619 Project” is a disgusting school curriculum which is part of “Critical Race Theory” that is being forced into our schools’ grades K-12. It is a divisive way to throw away our history and claim that every white person is born a racist. Many schools are forcing students to put in writing to list their ways of “White Privilege” and to apologize to fellow non-white students. This is remarkably similar to the way the Nazis brainwashed children against their own parents and to cultivate a strong hatred of the Jews resulting in the loss of about two thirds of the Jewish population in Europe between 1940-1945 or about 7 million people. It is no wonder the left wishes to erase history.

7) Religion: Remove the belief in God from Government and schools. According to Karl Marx. Religion is the “opium of the people,” It teaches them hope and forgiveness, but communism and socialism operates under an engine of hate, envy, and rage. We have seen this rage full on as we witness daily the lack of morals in our society that is BLM and Antifa.

8) Class Warfare: Divide the people into wealthy and poor. This will cause discontent and make it easier to increase taxes across the board without losing the support of the poor by making everyone think you will only tax the rich!  I already mentioned the “Critical Race Theory” that teaches hate and division starting in kindergarten. But to implement class warfare you must create jealousy and envy to garner the hatred that will tear apart our nation. “Tax the Rich!”, they say. Why? Because they have more than other people do. It does not matter that the people who have more often work harder and sacrifice more. That the ones crying for equality are the same one’s dependent on the welfare state that was created to keep them down and not lift them up. It is key to a Socialist State – redistribute wealth – not to bring the lower class up, but to bring the middle class down. In a Socialist State there exists the ruling class with the money and power and then there is everyone else.

For those that think this may not be true and that the left wants to re-write history in their quest for power all one has to do is look to Florida and Governor Ron DeSantis. Why are the Democrats and the mainstream media out to destroy him? He handled COVID better than anyone else. He was the first to actually follow the science and he opened up his state faster than any other state and with better results. He saved Florida’s’ economy despite it being heavily dependent on tourism. Schools are open. Small businesses are open. But the thing that is a thorn in the Democrats side is that he is countering the Democrats moves on many of the 8 Socialist Agenda items that I just went over.

He is outspoken against illegal immigration in which case he stated, The Biden administration’s abdication of responsibility to enforce America’s immigration laws reflects your disregard for public safety and the rule of law, which our state cannot endorse.” 

Regarding gun control Governor DeSantis passed a bill that bans local and federal governments from imposing their own gun regulations, basically ensuring that Gun Control is implemented like it is supposed to be – at a state level.

In the case of “Critical Race Theory” Governor DeSantis was the first to ban it from being implemented into schools in Florida stating, “Critical Race Theory” would no longer be permitted in the state’s public schools. He denounced the curriculum as divisive, racist, and anti-American. “There’s no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory,” he said. “Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”

Governor DeSantis also took on the expansion of the Democrats welfare state and has since re-instated unemployment guidelines by not allowing COVID to be used as an excuse to not look for a job. “Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment,” DeSantis said at a news conference. “It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.” As a result, the Florida unemployment rate is below the national average.

We are at a crossroads. The Democrats used COVID as an excuse to ram Socialism down our throats and to shred our Constitution in the process. But there is hope as long as we open our eyes and ears and see what is happening and listen to those that fight for our God given freedoms like Governor Ron DeSantis and look for many other leaders like him.

A Dangerous Path

The Constitution is key to upholding the values of our Country. Some people do not realize that our Country is a Republic, nor do they understand what the difference between a Democracy and a Republic truly is. To confuse matters, one only needs to tune in to CNN or MSNBC to hear the commentators refer to our country as a Democracy, but that is the narrative to coerce people to believe we are a Democracy. We are not – We are a Republic- Just like it states in our “Pledge of Allegiance”.

But what is the difference between a Democracy and a Republic? 

In a Democratic or Republican system, there is a form of majority rule. By definition, a Democracy provides arbitrary power to governments, giving them the prerogative to do anything as long as “it’s what the people want”. The 51% rules over the 49% and has total control. In a Democracy there are no structures or laws that are in place to protect individual rights and the freedoms of their citizens. For instance, if you have 10 people who decide to have a vote on whether to take someone’s car, you only have to have 6 of 10 people agree to take it. It does not matter that this is stealing because Democracies are based on majority or “Mob Rule”. Despite that this is morally wrong to steal this car, it is what the majority wanted. This behavior will eventually lead to chaos. In a free society, this is unacceptable because there is no law that is followed to designate what is right from wrong.

Republican governments operate by electing officers who represent the interests of the people who are supposed to have more knowledge about politics than the average person. For example, when we hire an Attorney or an Accountant, we do so because they have experience in their fields, and we are trusting that they are looking out for us. The ‘intent’ is that politicians are trustees of the citizenry and looking out for our best interest as well.

Unfortunately, we are witnessing our country being run like a Democracy with the stream of Executive Orders from Joe Biden along with the Senate being split 50/50. Put simply, an Executive Order is a type of written instruction that presidents use to work their will through the Executive Branch of government. It essentially has the same effect as federal laws, but with the ability of bypassing Congress. Its’ original purpose was to assert Presidential War Powers and uphold laws and the Constitution, not to undo policies already put in place by previous Presidents like we are seeing it being abused today. A great example for how it is supposed to be used is when President George W. Bush issued an Executive Order combining over 40 federal law enforcement agencies and creating the Department of Homeland Security soon after the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Joe Biden is not doing what he promised to do during his election. He claimed to be a moderate, but he lied to the American People. His actions within 60 days of being in office were the direct opposite of his promises that he made during his campaign. He is abusing his power to undo many of the policies that gave us financial independence, lower taxes, free trade, and a secure border in order to implement and fund his own radical policies. For example, his Executive Order that halted the work on the Keystone Pipeline has caused gasoline prices to increase 18% and rising . This is key to further the agenda of the Left with the “Green New Deal” in order to force Americans into using electric cars.

There is a way around the Executive Order with the use of checks and balances that were implemented into the Constitution. Congress cannot challenge an Executive Order, but it can pass a new law to override any Executive Order. Another option is that they can push through legislation that would deny any funding necessary to implement an Executive Order being that Congress has the “power of the purse”. Unfortunately, that will not happen as our current make up of Congress has a slim Democrat majority. We are stuck with Joe Biden abusing his constant use of Executive Orders until the mid-term elections in 2022.

The only tool that Republicans can use given the slim margins in both the Congress and the Senate is the Filibuster. The Filibuster is a tactic used in the US Senate to block or delay action on a bill or other measure. Once the Filibuster is enacted Senator(s) may endlessly debate an issue and essentially force conversation about the issue at hand. The key is that it also forces Cloture which requires a three fifths vote (60 of 100) of the Senate in order to end the Filibuster.

As one can only imagine the Democrats are using racism to try and eliminate the Filibuster calling it “racist” and a “Jim Crow Relic”. The mainstream media shows no shame as they parrot what the Democrats are pushing instead of stating the fact that Democrats used the Filibuster 327 times in 2020 alone in comparison to the one time it was used by Republicans last year.

With the Senate being an even split at 50/50 the Filibuster is key to stopping the Democrat agenda of forcing their will onto the people and forcing us into being a Democracy. Currently Democrats are trying to pass the infamous HR1 Bill. If passed, HR1 will throw away the States Right to control their own elections and basically wipe out Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which guarantees a Republican form of government in each state that is individually controlled by their own governments.  

We need to pay attention to what is going on in our country today. We need to heed the words of our founders like John Adams, as he once said “A Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes itself, exhaust, and murders itself, because there never was a Democracy that didn’t commit suicide.”

This is a dangerous path that Democrats are determined to lead us down.