The Dangers of “Packing The Court”

What does it mean to “Pack the Court”? If anyone has watched any of the debates you have  seen the refusal of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to answer President Trump’s and Vice President Biden’s question of are they are going to “Pack the Court” First off this is a question that needs to be asked and answered because this will fundamentally change the way the United States writes and interpret their laws for generations to come. This will completely undermine the US Constitution as a governing document.

Packing the Court for the Democrats does not just mean having the majority of the Supreme Court Justices being Liberal. It means expanding the Supreme Court to ensure that the Democrat Leftist Ideals will always be in favor of the Left by expanding it by 2, 4 or 6 more justices. This is extremely dangerous, and I will tell you why.

According to the writing of the United States Constitution our government is divided into branches, each with separate, independent powers and responsibilities so that the powers of one branch are not in conflict with those of the other branches. The typical division is into three branches: A Legislature, an Executive, and a Judiciary Branch. The intention behind the system of separated powers is to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch by providing Checks and Balances.

The role of the Supreme Court is ultimately to uphold the law. As the highest court in the nation, the Supreme Court is responsible for the interpretation of laws and the interpretation of the Constitution, not re-writing laws and interpretation of said laws. We had a taste of this in 2015 when Justice John Roberts help re-write the wording for Obama Care that was going to impose penalties on citizens who chose not to have Obama Care. He construed this penalty imposed on those without health insurance as a tax, which permitted him to sustain the statute as a valid exercise of the taxing power.  Had he treated the payment as the statute did — as a penalty — he would have had to invalidate the statute as lying beyond Congress’s commerce power which would view Obama Care as unconstitutional. This is prohibited by the Separation of Powers and undermines our Checks and Balances and how the United States writes and interpret their laws. A Supreme Court Justice is supposed to judge a case on merit and not their ideology. His re-writing made it mandatory to have health care whether one could afford it or not or face a fine courtesy of the IRS. President Trump has since removed this mandate from Obama Care in an attempt to give us more freedom of choice when it comes to our own health care.

But how would you go about Packing the Court? Congress has the power to change the number of seats on the Supreme Court. It would just require passing a piece of legislation through both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, which the President would then sign. From a mathematical standpoint, Democrats would only need simple majorities in the House and Senate — and a Democratic president — in order to adjust the number of justices. In order to do so it is imperative to have a full majority in the Democratic Party. During the Vice- Presidential Debate, VP Mike Pence stated that, “This is a classic case of if you can’t win by the rules, you’re going to change the rules.”  What he is referring to is not that Congress has the power to change the number of Supreme Court Justices but how they will go about getting their own way. 

The vast majority of House Democrats are promoting statehood for Washington, D.C., by backing  House Resolution 51, which “provides for admission into the United States of the state of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth, composed of most of the territory of the District of Columbia. The commonwealth shall be admitted to the Union on an equal footing with the other states.” This a sneaky way of gaining seats in the Senate as well as Congress as the There are 365,700 registered Democrats versus 29,500 Republican in Washington DC  ,essentially guaranteeing them 2  Senate seats and a handful of Representatives.

Making matters even more complicated, many Democrats have said they support Puerto Rico’s bid for statehood. The speaker of the U.S. territory’s Congress, Carlos Mendez, recently called on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to allow legislation to be introduced that could make Puerto Rico a State. According to Mendez, there has been “unprecedented support” among U.S. Congress members in recent years for Puerto Rico to become a state.

Can you imagine what would happen if Democrats Pack the Court and gain more Senate and Congressional seats in this underhanded way? Currently we are even. We have 4 Conservatives, 3 Liberals and one that seems to ride the fence in John Roberts, We currently have an opening with the passing of ultra-Liberal Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, in which case President Trump has nominated Amy Cohen-Barrett to take her place. If Democrats got their way and were to increase the Supreme Court by 4 or 6 seats, Democrats would have a stranglehold of power that would not be relinquished for generations. Our Constitution would be the leftist ideal of a “Living Constitution” that can be changed and interpreted on a whim because ultra-liberal Justices would be appointed.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are trying to deflect what they are going to do because they know this will lose votes for them. Unfortunately, Joe Biden does not think Americans deserve to know what his intentions are about Packing the Court as seen here on his interview with News Anchor Ross DiMatttei.   In 2019, Senator Kamala Harris tells the New York Times that “I am open to that discussion” on packing the Supreme Court during an interview as seen here. In his town hall this past week he did a half-assed attempt at deflecting/answering the question by stating he “… is not a fan of Packing the Court” and your answer is…. what? That you are not a fan of it? I am not a fan of a lot of things that I do but I do it anyways. We all know that Joe Biden is a puppet of the left and he will do anything his Party tells him to.

The American people are fair, we don’t want to see our freedom in jeopardy because a few Ideological Democrats think they know what is in our best interests and want to change the rules like a 7 year old throwing a tantrum because they don’t get their way. They are crying out their hypocrisy loud and clear. In 2016 Democrats were in a similar situation with then President Obama was pushing for Anthony Scalia’s replacement. I am surprised that 2020 Democrats have not learned that everything they say is now on the internet. This Video shows their Hypocrisy in full swing as Democrats are crying that President Trump has no right to Appoint a Supreme Court Justice this close to the election. 2020 Democrats should listen to the 2016 Democrat version of themselves in this video.

This November is an extremely important crossroads in American History and quite frankly life as we know it. A vote for Joe Biden will send us straight down the road of extreme leftism, The Green New Deal, eliminating of all of fossil fuels, higher taxes, higher corporate regulations resulting in businesses leaving the United States again, defunding the police, and equal pay for those not willing to work. Socialism to its core. A vote for President Trump will allow our country to get back on track after Covid put a hit on the economy. Let’s get back to the fastest growing economy we have ever experienced, higher wages for all minority groups, support for our law enforcement, record breaking stock market gains which increases our 401k’s, but most importantly protecting our individual rights, private property and freedom.

Socialism to it core versus Freedom = Biden versus Trump. It is time to choose come November 3rd and I love my freedom.