This Song of the Month for September is a very fitting 911 Tribute by Toby Keith of the “ Red, White and Blue”
I would like everyone to take a moment and remember what they were doing when we learned of this horrible, terrorist act. Myself, I was getting ready to go to work. My daughter was up early as she was 1 day shy of 6 months old. I walked into the room and I noticed the morning news was on as went to kiss her goodbye before heading off to work. I saw an airplane crashing into a high-rise building and I thought “I wonder what movie this is from?” Sadly, it was not a movie clip and it was real, much to real. It wasn’t 15 minute later that the first tower collapsed.
Last year, I had the privilege to go to the 9/11 Memorial in New York, and in 2015 I went to the Pentagon Memorial. It is a surreal feeling to be there, but it makes me proud of being an American and knowing that we as Americans can overcome anything. We Are Strong and We Are Proud. God Bless.
You can see Toby Keith’s video here.
Thanks for posting that song and video. Love the words to Toby’s song Red, White and Blue. My son plays that song a lot. In fact, when the 911 happened he was almost 2 years old . I stayed home from work that day. I can understand you thinking it was a movie when you saw the plane hit one of the towers. So surreal. I remember watching when the first tower was coming down and I said “but there are people inside; dear God help them”. So devastating!!