Quote of the Month – Albert Einstein

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein

This past week New York Mayor Bill de Blasio came out condemning New York Governor Andrew Cuomo after seven women have come out with sexual misconduct allegations as well as the infamous COVID 19 Death Cover Up where his policies sent infected patients into Senior Centers to be housed. Thousands died because of his policies.

What took you so long Mayor de Blasio?

Were you reveling in the fact that Governor Cuomo received an Emmy for the way he handled the Pandemic? Were you relishing in the myth that the media pushed upon us that Governor Cuomo was handling everything perfectly and President Trump was screwing everything up? Or maybe you were reading Cuomo’s self-congratulatory New York Times best seller book “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID 19 Pandemic”?

What took the media so long?

The news came out on March 25th 2020 about Governor Cuomo ordering people with COVID 19 into rest homes. The webpage that once contained the March orders from the governor’s office about nursing homes being required to take in recent COVID patients has mysteriously vanished.! On March 30, as COVID-19 cases and deaths piled up across the Empire State, and the USS Comfort sat in the New York Harbor with less than 20 % capacity. This is old news if you were actually paying attention and not listening to the Mainstream Media.

This was almost one year ago.

It is simple, the Democrats and Mainstream Media were willing to do anything to say they were right, and President Trump was wrong. Even partaking in covering up the actual numbers of COVID 19 deaths in order to make Governor Cuomo look good. It makes me wonder of the thousands of people that he sent to the senior home and how it proportionally increased the spread of the virus from person to person to person – How many deaths is he responsible for? Now almost a year later he is being criticized.

This is shameful. Mayor de Blasio is gunning for his job and nothing more. He is not trying to do the morally right thing, otherwise he would have been criticizing him a year ago. He looks at it as an opportunity for self-promotion and the media is right there with him.

These are truly evil people.