“I Fought for You”

We all know someone that has served in our Armed Services in some way. It may have been in a battle overseas, or it may have been serving domestically. Regardless, please take some time on November 11th to honor them in some way. Reach out to a Veteran that you know or share a memory of a Veteran that is no longer with us. Thank them for their service and remember those that have given the ultimate sacrifice. Fly the Stars and Stripes proudly and please support our Troops!

This week’s featured Video of the Week is in honor of Veteran’s Day. It was produced by Sermonspice.com entitled “I Fought for You”

Please enjoy the video for “I Fought for You”

2 thoughts on ““I Fought for You””

  1. Great video! Everyone needs to be reminded that they fought for OUR freedom.

    Thanks for posting

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