Democrat or Republican? Where Do Your Values Lie?

Quite often I see many people who think that they are a Democrat, but their values speak otherwise. What are your values and where do you fit in? Democrat? Republican? With the many changes going on regarding both Parties you might be surprised where your values lie.

Individual Liberty

Individual liberty has been the sore difference between Democrats and Republicans. Political correctness is on the rise and many people believe that people need to be protected against themselves. Democrats have tended toward favoring legislation that restricts some freedoms. Higher taxes and bigger government and most recently freedom of speech. Republicans favor personal responsibility, in that individuals should be able to choose for themselves what they do and what they do not do, if it doesn’t break existing laws. They believe that taxes are the biggest infringement on one’s personal liberty and favor lower taxes and a smaller Government. They believe that the Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.

Tax Policy

Taxes are the biggest infringement on ones’ freedom. Both parties favor tax cuts, but each party takes a different view on where those tax cuts should come from. The Democrats believe there should only be cuts for middle and low-income families but believe they should be higher on corporations and wealthy individuals. This way they can fund social programs such as Welfare, Food Stamps and Low-Income Housing. It is a means to re-distribute wealth by taking it away from those who have more and giving it to those who have less. The Republicans believe there should be tax cuts for everyone – both corporations and people of all income. They believe in Trickle Down Economics, which is based on the belief that if you cut corporate taxes, then more jobs are created, which in turn, increases employment and therefore increases spending and tax revenue thru sales tax. These newly created jobs help Social Programs in two ways, more funding for programs thru tax revenue and less demand of the Social Programs because people have jobs.

Social Issues

Democrats tend to be more progressive in their views, favoring late term abortion (20 -37 weeks) and in some states, infanticide which can be performed literally during birth. They support gay marriage. They are for stricter gun control laws that limit gun ownership. Their goal is to outlaw gun ownership altogether by abolishing the 2nd Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. They tend not to believe in God and would like the term “God” removed from schools as well as prayer in any form. They are inserting the “1619 Project” into our schools which states, “All Americans are systemically racist at birth” They oppose the Death Penalty but are in favor of rehabilitation programs. Most recently, with the riots we have witnessed this past summer, we are hearing the cry for defunding the police as well as the elimination of jails and prisons all together. The Republicans tend to be conservative on social issues. They tend to oppose gay marriage and promote marriage being between a man and a woman. They also oppose abortion, but some tend to be a bit more progressive by giving women a right to choose in the case of rape or incest. Republicans promote the right of gun ownership as decreed in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. They tend to believe in God and an “eye for an eye” when it comes to the Death Penalty. They have the strong belief that God “Created all men equal” They fully support and respect the Police and U.S. Servicemen.

Labor and Free Trade

Republicans and Democrats have very different ideas when it comes to the business environment. The Democrats favor increasing the minimum wage to a flat rate nationwide so that Americans have more money with which to purchase goods. They also favor higher corporate taxes resulting in businesses relocating overseas and having lower tariffs for these goods to be imported back into the country. Republicans tend to oppose increasing the minimum wage, citing the need for business to keep costs low so they can prosper and be able to employ more workers, offer better benefits and maintain competitive pricing for whatever product they sell. They believe in lower corporate taxes to encourage business growth within our country and favor higher tariffs to encourage buying products made in America.

Health Care

Democrats generally prefer a lot of government regulation and oversight of the health care system, including the passage of the Affordable Care Act, because it mandates that all citizens be enrolled in the health care system. When the Affordable Health Care was enacted it was said that it would lower health care rates by $2,500 annually. Republicans, who opposed the Affordable Care Act, believe that too much government involvement in the industry will drive up costs as insurance companies cannot meet the rates demanded by the government and therefore driving insurance companies out of business, causing a negative impact on the quality of care that consumers receive. Since the Affordable Health Care act was enacted, health care costs have increased $4685 annually.

Foreign Policy

When it comes to differences between Democrats and Republicans, the foreign policy cannot be missed. Each party has had different stances in relation to foreign policy over the years depending on the situation. Generally speaking, when military involvement may be required, the Democrats favor more targeted strikes and limited use of manpower, while Republicans favor a full military effort to displace regimes that are totalitarian and detrimental to their own people and who are threatening others. Both parties typically agree that sending aid to other countries is a good thing, but disagree on the nature of that aid and who should be receiving it. Democrats tend to cut military spending while as Republicans believe in a strong military presence as it is not to promote war, it’s to be prepared for peace.

Energy Issues and the Environment

There have always been clashes between the parties on the issues of energy and the environment. Democrats believe in heavily restricting drilling for oil or other avenues of fossil fuels to protect the environment. The Green New Deal that is currently being implemented is shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. Democrats support energy solutions such as wind and solar and subsidizing the cost of electric vehicles and solar panels through consumer tax breaks. Republicans believe that being self-reliant on energy production is a key to a strong economy and favor expanded drilling to produce more energy at a lower cost to consumers. They also believe in developing many of the same forms of clean energy but favor allowing the free market to decide which forms of energy are practical from a consumer and economical standpoint, not from government strong arm tactics to be paid for by taxpayers.


The parties have different views on the education system for the country, but both agree there needs to be changes. Democrats favor more progressive approaches to education, such as implementing the Common Core System, Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project. Democrats favor implementing new taxes to pay off student loan debt.  Republicans tend to favor more conservative changes such as School Choice so parents can decide which school fits their own child’s needs. They believe in the 1776 Report which teaches students the history and principles of the founding of the United States.  Republicans believe that student loans should not be paid by the taxpayer because not all people go to college. Instead, they favor promoting the private sector for giving loans and scholarships and not to be funded by the government through hard working taxpayers.

Unfortunately, we have seen the country divide because of their political views. It is time to educate oneself no matter what your views are and, most importantly to vote with the party that sincerely reflects upon your own personal views.

2 thoughts on “Democrat or Republican? Where Do Your Values Lie?”

  1. You made all good points in this article. My comments are on energy and environment. Yesterdays Fox program had discussions on these subject. I searched on lithium mining and first article I chose was,, NO NEWS CHANNELS ARE REPORTING ON HOW BAD LITHIUM MINING IS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! Almost any article you choose says both fracking and lithium are bad for the environment but you do not hear of how bad Lithium mining is? Most of the large lithium mines are in other countries and government chooses not to see or care about those countries.
    In May 2016, hundreds of protestors threw dead fish onto the streets of Tagong, a town on the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau. They had plucked them from the waters of the Liqi river, where a toxic chemical leak from the Ganzizhou Rongda Lithium mine had wreaked havoc with the local ecosystem.
    Not only is lithium mining bad for the environment it’s bad conditions for workers who, by the way are children and once again you don’t see that on TV or newspapers!

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