What Is the Meaning of Flag Day?

Flag day is a glorious day to honor the adoption of the United States national flag. It is the day to respect the time, celebrate the flag’s origin, and the time to appreciate those who created the original flag. The flag is represented by the United States to remind us that we are united as one nation, and a nation under God. For this particular day, we are reminded of the heroes that fought to protect all of the citizens who live across the country.

Citizens are reminded of the Pledge of Allegiance by Francis Bellamy stating; I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The Meaning Behind The Flag
The American Flags fifty stars represent the fifty states, and the thirteen stripes (seven red and six white) represent the thirteen colonies. Each of the colors; red, white and blue have a significant meaning described by our founding fathers. The founding fathers had faith that these colors and their meaning are important as foundation and development of the U.S.

Red – means courage, bloodshed, and hardiness. It’s a color that honors the fallen armies who lost their lives for our freedom and our country.

White – means vigilance and purity. It’s a color that pertains to independence, and the need to be alert for the choices we make.

Blue – means perseverance and justice. It’s a color that boasts the strength of our country. Although our country is young, we will commit to standing strong against all opposition. Justice, on the other hand, is the basis of our nation.

The meaning behind the American flag stands for freedom, and all the aspects our country was built for the future.

The Flag Day is not just about displaying the national flag or the national colors. The day has quite the history as it started on June 14, 1777, when a Congress adopted a new national flag. Even after the claimed independence in 1776, the United States flag still had the symbols of Great Britain. By then, Congress had to adopt a new flag to replace everything British. The new flag was designed with thirteen red and white stripes, along with thirteen stars in a navy blue square. In 1949, President Truman took the first step in making Flag Day an annual holiday.

The Flag Day is celebrated representing the U.S. national flag on various occasions. Some citizens take an individual approach in wearing the flag’s colors with waving stripes and stars. Some organizations offer flag-raising ceremonies to celebrate the honor of the fallen and living armies across the country.

Aside from displaying and flying the American Flag, there are parades and other patriotic activities. In schools, students learn about their history and about the American Flag and its meaning and importance to the United States of America. And of course, we can hear the recitation of the glorious national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner.

This article was originally posted on the “Thin Blue Line Shop” website.

A Patriotic Actor: Chris Pratt

Occasionally, there is an article that I read that needs to be shared in its’ entirety.

On Memorial Day, actor Chris Pratt posted a touching Instagram post honoring slain military men and women, captioning photographs of family members and fellow service members grieving those who gave the ultimate cost for freedom.

He went on to add, “never forget your right to free expression is paid for in blood… And if you use the comments section on posts like this to b**** and moan about America, please understand there are countries in the world where criticizing your government will get you killed or imprisoned,” he emphasized. “My faith is important to me, but no church defines me or my life… My values define who I am. We need less hate in this world, not more… Hate has no place in my or this world.”

Please take the time to read this article in its’ entirety.

Shared Article: “Build Back Bitter”

Occasionally I will read an article that I have to share in its’ entirety. This is the Case of “Build Back Bitter”, written by Tyler Black from Sovereignman.com. I love the Irony and sarcasm that he brings up with his examples of hypocrisy and ludicrous stupidity. Do these people listen to themselves speak or are they just truly demented ideologs that their words should be so revered that no one dare question them?

Enjoy Build Back Bitter!

It’s over everyone, you can sleep easy again – the party of peace, tolerance, and reconciliation is back in power. Amen. And Awomen.

They claim they want to heal and unify the nation.

But clearly the only way to do so is to create enemies lists and silence anyone with dissenting opinions.

For example, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?”

Robert Reich, Labor Secretary under Clinton, and adviser to Obama, Tweeted, “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission [to] name every official, politician, executive and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

Chris Hayes, an MSNBC host agreed saying, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

And Dick Costolo, the former CEO of Twitter, said, “Me-first capitalists … are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I’ll happily provide video commentary.”

Clearly social media companies like Twitter are a big part of the efforts to unify the nation. Twitter deleted 70,000 accounts using the trespassing of the Capitol as an excuse.

Amazon Web Services removed the alternative social media site Parler from its servers, while Apple and Google deleted Parler from their app stores.

Facebook and Reddit joined the purge, feverishly removing content that they don’t want their users to see.

Stripe, PayPal, and Visa announced they would stop processing payments to certain politicians and non-profits guilty of thought crimes.

Yesterday I read in the completely fair and objective media that simply acknowledging this tech purge makes one a conspiracy theorist. Axios news wrote a segment titled, Right wing’s new conspiracy: “The silencing”. They went on to say that only crazy conspiracy theorists believe that there are efforts to silence conservative voices.

In other words, if you believe what you can see with your own eyes, you’re a conspiracy theorist.

Most recently, for example, Harvard has purged Congresswoman Elise Stefanik from its advisory board. Stefanik’s crime? She publicly questioned voting irregularities in the 2020 election. Now, some people may think that she’s a terrible person because of her beliefs. And in fairness it’s Harvard’s right to choose whoever they want for their board. But now there’s a petition from the woke Harvard mob to revoke her degree, effectively erasing her existence from the institution. They want to cancel her. Yet even merely acknowledging that this is happening now makes you a conspiracy theorist according to the media.

The left’s cries of “de-fund the police” have turned to “fund the secret police,” as lawmakers reintroduce “domestic terror” bills to create new units under the Department of Homeland Security to monitor American “extremism”.

But the #assassinatetrump and #killtrump hashtags that Twitter has allowed since 2016— that’s totally fine free speech!

During the summer BLM riots, looting Target stores and burning down police stations were acts of courage. They even literally declared an independent autonomous zone and took over government buildings. Yet no one in the media ever used the words insurrection, sedition, or treason. AOC praised these mostly peaceful protests and said the entire point of them is “to make people feel uncomfortable.”But if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable that 25,000 troops are in the nation’s capital, along with tanks and attack helicopters, then you’re a (you guessed it!) conspiracy theorist.

Remember, though, ignorance is strength, so we should probably just obey the experts.

Trust in Social Security to provide retirement. Trust the Federal Reserve to improve the economy. Trust the media to tell the truth. Trust that the tech companies will continue to allow your free speech.

Or… as an alternative… make your own Plan B.

A Call For Unity?

Seriously? 4 years of abuse. 4 years of being called a Racist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and an Islamophobe simply because I, like 74 million other voters supported President Trump.

January 6th led to a tragic event where we saw people storm the Capital Building because they are fed up of all the abuse. All the lies and all the hypocrisy we have had to endure from Democrat leaders and the mainstream media who do nothing but promote their hatred. All we saw was hatred in the last 4 years and for some, unfortunately, it boiled over into anarchy with the realization that we just lost our “Free Country” Sadly, someone lost their life during this protest.

And now we are subject to hypocrisy of the Left. Again. A call for unity. Seriously? After witnessing our summer of looting, burning down businesses and rioting that many times resulted in shootings, stabbings and multiple murders? The same things that these hypocritical Democrats called “mostly peaceful protests”? They defended their cause and now they condemn a group of people who do not support their narrative. I have news for you – All rioting is to be condemned! It is wrong and it should be punished to the highest extent of the law. PERIOD. I often refer to Democrats as Hypocrats for a reason and that is on full display once again.

We will unite though. We will unite as Republicans, Conservatives and Independents as it is us against them. Democrats drew the line in the sand, and they kept moving it in their favor because they are the spoiled little kids who have to cheat to get their way. They are on a mission to rip up our Constitution, rip away our freedom and introduce their Socialist Agenda. We have to unite or they will succeed.

There is an article which I would like to share in its’ entirety entitled “Don’t Fall for Joe Biden’s Promised “Unity and Healing” Trap” published by the American Liberty Report. You can read below or read it here

The day after the media falsely declared Joe Biden to be the winner of the 2020 presidential election (a contest that still hasn’t been sorted out as of this writing), more than two dozen newspapers in America ran the same headline: “Time for Healing.”

Healing from what? Four years of peace, prosperity, new wars that didn’t start and the best economy ever?

Joe Biden and the Democrats are now claiming that it’s time for unity and a unified America filled with unification. Sorry, guys. It can’t work that way, because here is what we remember from the last four years:

The day after Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2016, you guys blocked city streets and held the “Women’s March” in DC. Remember those stupid pink hats you all wore? Ashley Judd screeched an insane poem about her private parts and Madonna said she wanted to dynamite the White House.

Mad Maxine Waters told Democrats to “get in their faces” if they see any Trump supporter at a gas station or a restaurant. And they did! Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to have dinner at a restaurant with her family and you guys screamed at them and chased them out. You did the same thing to Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary as well.

Hundreds of Trump supporters were violently attacked on an almost daily basis for four years. You punched little old ladies for wearing MAGA hats and tipped over the wheelchairs of disabled veterans. And that was all before the insanity of the 2020 Biden riots and looting got under way.

You guys ruined comedy because you couldn’t get Donald Trump out of your heads. Remember that “comedienne” who held up a severed Trump head? Yeah – not funny and not unifying. From Alec Baldwin’s retarded Trump impersonation on Saturday Night Live to Jimmy Kimmel crying about Obamacare, you guys were so filled with hatred of an American president that you tore your own houses down, brick by brick.

Same goes for Hollywood. You idiots gave Robert DeNiro a standing ovation for yelling “F Trump” on television. Shakespeare in the Park replaced Julius Caesar with a Trump lookalike, just so you could pretend you’re stabbing him to death. A high-as-a-kite Johnny Depp mumbled about “the last time an actor assassinated a president” and you all cheered him.

Oh, and two words: Steve Scalise.

You guys literally lied to the FISA court and held up the Russian potty dossier – which you knew was fake along – as evidence that Trump had “colluded with Putin.” You spied on the Trump campaign, ruined the lives of people who supported him and never apologized – even after proof came out that it was all a Hillary Clinton plot hatched with Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the room.

You wasted years of work on behalf of the American people and spent millions of dollars on a pointless Russian collusion investigation that you knew was fake. You damaged American foreign policy with Russia, rather than stop clinging to the completely fake and seditious Russian collusion hoax.

Nancy Pelosi let the middle class and poor Americans starve in 2020, refusing to pass another coronavirus relief package. Pelosi withheld aid from the American people for the sole purpose of damaging the economy, so they could use that to try to beat Trump in the election. Gee, that’s funny. When Donald Trump withheld weapons aid from Ukraine for two months, didn’t you guys impeach him and try to remove him from office for that, because withholding aid for political advantage was like the worst possible crime ever?

Do you still have those handmaid costumes, Democrats? You know, the ones you wore to the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh? And how you lied and described him as a teenage Catholic rape gang leader? Have your fingernails healed from the day when you literally tried to claw the doors of the US Supreme Court open while howling about Brett Kavanaugh?

There was also the time when you lied about a teenage boy in a MAGA hat and called him a member of the Klan because of his awkward smile on a school trip.

This crap went on for four years. Within the past month, Democrats have been calling for Trump supporters to be placed in concentration camps to be “reeducated.” How’s that for unity?

Needless to say, Joe Biden won’t be getting much in the way of unity from us, even if he should prevail in this attempt to steal the 2020 election. The Democrats will not get nothing but civil disobedience from the right – and they’ve earned every bit of it.

California Comes Up with An Illogical Reparations Bill

There is no surprise here that our “great” Governor of California is at it again. Wasting taxpayer’s money for an asinine cause, Reparations. State Assembly Bill 3121 was signed on October 2, 2020 that assigned a “Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans”. I have many comments here but I thought I would use this for my “Shared Article” as Victor Davis Hanson’s article should be shared in it’s entirety as he has many valid points in his article that points out just how ridiculous this bill is.  You can read his article here.

Rioters Attack Residential Homes…

The article I am sharing comes from Portland, OR where BLM Protestors and Antifa are wreaking havoc, not on businesses, not on protesting the Police but going after personal homes. Private citizens in their own peaceful neighborhoods are having these terrorist making threats on their front doorstep. If this can happen in Portland, you have to ask where is the next neighborhood to come under attack? Remember, California is an extremely liberal state in which some cities have already taken steps to defund the Police or are threatening to defund the Police. I have written in one of my previous articles, “The Misinformed That Kneel on Our Flag” what The Organization of Black Lives Matter is truly about. If you have not already read it, please look it up in my Article of the Month section.

In the meantime, here is the article from “Freedom Bulldog” that is quite the eye opener.


I read many, many articles a day to try to keep up to speed with what is going on in Our Nation. Occasionally, I see an article that has me shaking my head in agreement, and this is one of them. I will share this article in its’ entirety from “FreedomWire”

Written by Sean Robertson | original post on Aug 11, 2020

Here’s the truth…

Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with saving actual black lives, but it has everything to do with pushing a Leftist political agenda—end of story.

Their explanation is that BLM is about police brutality, not about violence in black communities.

Well, if that’s the case, then they need to change the name of their movement—because if they’re going to run with what they’ve got now, they should probably be more specific about the black lives that matter to them.

It’s obvious that ALL black lives don’t matter to BLM…

If they did, the organization would be doing EVERYTHING it could to combat the increasing violence that’s been surging in Chicago, a city in which more young black men die every two weeks than are killed by police in a year.

Now, we get it…

Even one death is too many when it comes to the institution tasked with protecting our society – but life, like people, isn’t perfect. Accidents do happen, and yes, that includes the accident of hiring BAD people to do the job of community policing.

However, that does NOT excuse the movement’s utter disregard for the number of black lives lost to street violence in Chicago, including those of toddlers and children.

Which Black Lives Matter?

Last weekend, 40 people were shot in Chicago…


Four of them were fatal. But with all that violence going on, where was BLM? Nowhere to be seen…

That is, until the police were involved in a shooting with an armed suspect who fired his weapon at them first…

He was shot, sustaining non-fatal wounds, and was then arrested.

However, even though gun violence is running rampant through the city, BLM didn’t show up until this one JUSTIFIED incident of the police doing their job.

After the rumors spread of the police shooting a child instead of an armed suspect—rumors that were completely unfounded—Chicago exploded in riots and looting

That’s when BLM showed up—but they weren’t there to stop the violent and ILLEGAL protesting but rather to JUSTIFY the actions of the looters. All told, 13 police officers were injured and an estimated $65 million in property damage was committed.

How did BLM justify it?

By trying desperately to explain that looting was a form of “reparations” for slavery and systemic racism.

Don’t worry: if you’re scratching your head and trying to do the mental gymnastics see how that “logic” makes sense, you’re not alone. Nobody else seems to be able to make that connection either…

But again, don’t worry: BLM organizer Ariel Atkins is going to give it the old college try.

“Looting Is Reparations!”

She said, “I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats… that makes sure that person has clothes.”

In summary: Theft = reparations.

Well, on that, at least, we agree. The Left continues to push this ridiculous idea of reparations in order to secure (or BUY) the black vote, and the Right can FULLY agree that reparations are theft.

None of my family members owned slaves…

In fact, my family didn’t even get here till the 1900s—so why should MY tax dollars go to reparations when my bloodline didn’t even begin in America till the 1920s?

Atkins continued, “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”


The businesses have insurance, but each claim they have to make drives up the cost of that insurance. For some businesses, that price is unaffordable and could force them to shut their doors forever.

But we can go further…

Many homeowners have insurance too. Does that insurance mean that people can walk in and rob them with impunity?

Where does it stop?

I have life insurance…

Does that mean somebody can kill me because my family will be compensated monetarily?

It’s ridiculous and disgusting…

And goes to show that the protests aren’t about black lives at all, but rather about greed and opportunity.

But hey…

Chicago just voted to defund their police department and get rid of 100 law enforcement officers, so that should help tremendously, right?

By the way, to any Leftist or Liberal reading this, that’s called “sarcasm”… you probably wouldn’t get it.