Tired of being told what to do by Political Hypocrites? We have Democrat Governors telling us what to do for Thanksgiving. We have the ultimate hypocrite here in California, Governor Gavin Newsom, as he tweets; “Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don’t forget to keep your mask on in between bites. Do your part to keep those around you healthy.” All the while he continues to lecture us about not mixing households for Thanksgiving. Maybe he would be more believable if he wasn’t caught breaking his own rules as he attended a birthday party at The French Laundry in Napa, Ca. to celebrate the 50th birthday of lobbyist and longtime adviser, Jason Kinney. It gets better though, California Medical Association officials were among the guests who were seated next to Governor Newsom. Masks were not being worn, mixed households were in attendance and it was not outside as they claimed.

It is apparent that his words were lies. The rich within the state can do their own thing. But the middle-class and hardworking Americans are left to suffer. They push rules and regulations on people and then turn around and ignore those same rules like they do not apply to them. The liberal elite believes that they live above the law and can do whatever they feel like. He is too ignorant to learn from the French Laundry debacle, as just a week later Newsom is off to Maui for the Thanksgiving Holiday for a “Legislature Conference” for him and his minions. Over 100 people will be attending along with their families all on the taxpayer’s dime!
We have witnessed other Democrat Governors use their Draconian demands on their citizens as well. On Friday, November 20th, Oregon Governor Kate Brown demanded that only 6 people be allowed to congregate in a household for Thanksgiving, all the while urging citizens to turn in their neighbors if they witness a violation. She states that violators could be fined and put in jail for 30 days. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is taking things even further. He is banning all forms of gatherings for 4 weeks with fines being $1000 and up to 90 days in jail for violations of its’ citizens and $3000 fines and up to 1 year in jail for supervisors/managers of businesses found to be in violation.
Another “gem” of a Governor is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo where ironically he states, “New York follows the science. We know indoor gatherings and parties are a major source of COVID spread” Apparently, Governor Cuomo did not follow the science when he deemed it mandatory for Nursing Homes to admit Covid 19 patients resulting in thousands of deaths back in March. He then turned around and blamed President Trump for the deaths instead of taking responsibility for his own incompetence.
We always here from Liberals that we need to “follow the science” We hear Dr. Anthony Fauci continually change his mind about wearing masks or not to wear masks only then to change his mind again. We had Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and others telling us to keep living our lives and to ignore President Trump when he called for closing all travel from China and Europe when Covid first broke out. They must have taken the same “Incompetence for Dummies 101” course as Andrew Cuomo.
But, if we are to truly “follow the science” then why is this study not being talked about?
In May of 2020 a study entitled CHARM, which stands for COVID-19 Health Action Response for Marines was conducted by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in cooperation with the Naval Medical Research Center. The study sought to test lockdowns along with testing and isolation. 3,143 new recruits to the Marines were given the option to participate in a study of frequent testing under extreme quarantine. Of the recruits asked, a total of 1,848 young people agreed to be guinea pigs in this experiment “which included weekly qPCR testing and blood sampling for IgG antibody assessment.” In addition, the CHARM study volunteers who did test positively “on the day of enrollment (day 0) or on day 7 or day 14 were separated from their roommates and were placed in isolation.”
The 1,554 non-participants would still follow the guidelines that everyone else follows; the social distancing rules, wearing a mask and washing their hands frequently. For the 1,848 participants, they would follow extremely strict guidelines and regiments that only the Marines could do as they were constantly watched and kept in line by their Drill Seargeants. The study was shocking. The non- participants had an infection rate of 1.7% while the participants had over a 1% higher infection rate at 2.8%. The study is fascinating and you can read more detail about it here.
The bottom line is this: Democrat Governors have a thirst for power. They do not care about what it does to the economy, your mental well-being and the stress that comes with losing a business or the fear of another lockdown resulting in the loss of your job (assuming you did not lose it during the first lockdown) Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has had her own citizens of Michigan sue her for abuse of power. Governor Newsom was found in a court of law to be abusing his power as well. Now we have Governor Brown and Governor Walz threatening fines and jail time even though jail inmates were released from jail for fear of catching and spreading Covid 19.
We are a free nation. We are smart and we have enough common sense to know the precautions we should be taking. Many states like California are imposing a 10:00 pm curfew on its’ citizens, which is laughable. Curfews won’t work – unless Covid decides to take a nap after 10:00pm. Lock downs won’t work as the CHARM study shows. So what do we do?
Don’t live your life in fear, live it cautiously and sensibly. We will get through this. The vaccine is showing great promise but don’t let Joe Biden talk us into the dire straits of “it’s going to be a long dark winter” I think what he meant to say was, it could be a long dark 4 years if he gets elected as he will be right in stride with those Draconian Governors.
For a location to go and sign a petition for recalling Governor Newsom please visit: https://recallgavin2020.com/location-locator/ and search for the county you reside in.
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